New Hunter Common Spell: Hunter's Pack

It’s a good card. At a minimum, it’s a tech card for control matchups. I’m not sure that it makes the cut in a Cyclone Mage meta, since you’re effectively on a clock before they combo you out.

It’s not a fantastic Arena card since it’s slow, but it’s a solid value generator that will see play.

Seems good in secret hunter. Deck cant play masters call and too often i find myself in topdecking mode with not much to do until zuljin or subject 9

People aren’t getting that the purpose of hunter “draw” is to get more threats. The most common nonface hunter wins by playing more threats in succession than the enemy has answers.

Master’s call gets you 3 threats. If you built your deck right, you should draw at least 2 threats that are still relevant.

Ursatron plays a threat and draws you one. So you are likely to have 2 relevant threats.

Hunter’s Pack gives you at best 2 threats, a beast and a weapon. The secret isn’t a threat. And as it is RNG, there is a good chance the beast isn’t a threat.

The strengths of wen spinner and jeweled macaw was that they are turn 1. So from turn 2, you can plan around whatever they got you. If you got a 2 drop, you can play it here. A 5 drop, well you have those turns full.

What happens when you hunters Pack on 3 and get a 1 drop, a Misdirection, and Gladiators longbow? You lose. Turn 5 with a ping? You lose. Turn 8 with a rhino, okay you don’t lose but it’s turn 8 and you might have needed a steady shot.

This might see play in secret Hunter as isn’t has no real draw outside S9. So there, it doesn’t hurt.

Realistically, this was made for an eventual Highlander Hunter (or Reno Hunter in Wild);

In Standard it has some hand refilling synergy with Zul’Jin in Highlander Hunter; however, outside of that, Hunter has so many 3 Mana Spells with impact on the board that I don’t see this seeing more play than 1 copy of as it’s a 3 Mana get 3 Random things.

Basically, yeah.

People just like to freak out over any hunter card draw/generation.

Its merely okay in a deck starved for decent options. And given how many good cards exist for hunter…highlander is the only possible way to have such a hunter.

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