New Hunter Common Spell: Hunter's Pack

I’m fine now.

This is not the first time it happened.

The power of this card is being overhyped.

It’s a good card. However it’s a lot of loss in quality.

Team 5 Logic in a nutshell:

Makes a 3 Mana Spell for Rogue that draws 2 minions and a weapon.

Gets nerfed hard!

Next Expansion.

Lets do a 3 Mana Spell for Hunter that gives him a random minion, secret and weapon

Party also belonged to a different class, could be (and often was) played for 0 mana, and drew specific minions/weapons. That isn’t to say this isn’t powerful either, but the two cards are definitely different.

I think that’s where I’m at on it currently. Certainly if highlander hunter is a thing, then it goes in there for sure. But a lot of people are acting like it’s the next DK Rexxar.

They’re barely comparable aside from the mana cost and number of cards. Rogue has synergies with pirates and weapons and also has Prep. Hunter has none of those things aside from a very small synergy between Eaglehorn bow and secrets. Prior to the nerfs, they could go Prep, Raiding Party, Miscreant on 3 and have added 5 cards to their hand and played a 1/5.

They did the same with Master’s Call. This card can and will high roll though. The text clearly states Hunter beasts, secrets and weapons: all the class stuff is better than secrets, weapons, and beasts in general.

I do foresee a potential mana increase but I don’t see it warping the metagame.

Also, people said (and some still) say the same about Master’s Call.

And before DK Rexxar, it was always, “Omg, Facehunter 2.0!!!”

People forget that the power of DSR was that you could discover the beasts. There were a LOT of duds.

A Midrange Beast Hunter and Mech Hunter wouldn’t touch this until turn 7-8. Probably 9. And Highlander Hunter is SUPER IFFY without a deathknight.

A random beast is less than 1 Mana of power. You can get a 1/1 beast for that. There are a lot of bad beasts.

A random secret is less than 1 Mana as per Secret plan that less you discover.

And a random weapon might be worth 1.

So it is like 1.5-2 Mana of power on 1 card with like 2 card advantage. So it’s being even. Solid tech card.

im a person and I want hunter to BE BAD.

I dont think theres any reason to believe this card should see a mana cost nerf. Its really not that good. Oh, on paper its sick.

But hunter is full to the brim with inter-class synergy. This card has to compete for deck slots against cards which 100% fuel their decks. Only 1/3 of this card will have any synergy with your given deck.

People comparing this to omega assembly are absolutely missing the point behind assembly being included. Dr. Boom turns all 3 of those random mechs into direct removal. And you have a very high chance of getting mechs that are already direct removal without the rush.

This card will typically pull a secret you dont need, a beast that is weaker than what you could have main decked, and a weapon that hasnt seen play ever. If you are playing a secret deck…you already dont need draw for them. You have it. In spades. If you are playing a beast deck…this is an entirely inferior call.

And paying 3 mana to then pay even more mana for a weapon youd never use otherwise…ugh.

This isnt nearly as strong as everyone is acting like it is. There is no such thing as control hunter. And this card couldn’t be any more negative tempo if it tried. No part of what it does even eventually returns that tempo back to you.

As I aim to reach 500 wins (currently 360s) with Hunter I’m happy to have this card in gold :laughing:

Well…if you’re looking down the barrel of 140 games to run.

This card will definitely break up the monotony and lead to some fun stuff. I full on recommend this for having a good time. And if you’re a good player, the fact its subpar won’t kill you.

As cool as this looks, it has to compete with Unleash, Animal Companion, Deadly Shot, Kill Command, Master’s Call and Eaglehorn Bow for the 3-drop slot.

Could make finding space for this card while keeping your cohesive gameplan together a bit tricky.

You are correctly seeing the forest instead of just the trees.

As a hunter, today, you can choose to do something powerful. Or do this, and hope it rewards you with something powerful to do later. And usually only one powerful thing. Unlike call…which is giving you 3 verrrrrry powerful things to do later.

Blizzard has a bonner for hunter. Hunter decks never run out of gas with 2 of these, 2 unleash beast, and zuljin. And it generates them so dont get closer to fatigue.

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What are you talking about? Theres only a few decks which even have the goal of “run the opponent out of gas”…and those definitely run hunters out before they do.

If you are fighting as a hunter…your goal is more “kill them before gas matters” and less “lets pretend we can outvalue warrior”. Even if that WAS the goal…a random secret, a cheap beast, and a weapon they immediately replace with project or harrison away ain’t helping you.

They could add 5 more cards just like this, price them at 1 mana, and you still won’t be outvaluing a warrior in a game you foolishly allow to run long. Your three disjointed cheap cards do NOT equal their 3 mechs that often have powerful battlecries AND funtion as spot removal thanks to rush.

HIghlander is almost never going to be a real restriction considering they seem to introduce them when the pool is huge. Worst case scenario nowadays you’ll have 4 expansion to draw from and usually then you still have enough variety to fill your deck just fine. You’d think they’d have learned from the crapfest even/odd was, but nope let’s act like deck restrictions really have an impact(outside of no minions)

If you’re not winning after getting two dire frenzy and a full board from Zuljin, the problem is you. “Mid Range” still has ridiculous end game that needs to get nerfed to hell(like Zul’Jin cannot cast dire frenzy or master’s call)

They would have to add some seriously bad hunter beasts, secrets, and weapons to make this less OP, but I don’t see it happening. As it stands the worst possible beast is probably buzzard. all weapons and secrets are pretty solid.

You’re actually supporting my point.

The suggestion i was responding to was that this card means you cant run a hunter out of gas.

My response was that no hunter is trying to have more gas than deck doing that. They’re trying to use stuff like dire frenzy to kill them before gas mattered. If dire frenzy didnt do the job…a random secret, weapon, and beast sure wont.

It doesnt need to be a copy of it to be broken strong.

All the Secrets and weapons of hunter are good enough to be used for more tempo and the random effect will not make this card too bad, only prevent it from planed combos / strategys .