New height nerf

but i do play casual

it matters only because you keep telling lies

this all ends if you stop replying

you can keep saying this, but it still wont change my mind

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You’re both wrong.

1 :apple: + 3 :banana: doesn’t equal 4 :apple:

1 :apple: + 3 :banana: doesn’t equal 1 :apple:


“If you hadn’t nailed it to it’s perch it would be pushing up daisies!”

Your basing your analysis on salt, not facts.

In the example I gave, you got one mana. That’s it. You spent four, lost tempo, got rolled, and didn’t even get to use the one mana you created.

But not casually if you have any care about what others are doing.

Or you spent the mana, the game continued to 16 mana, and you win

Me and cheezus both play casual decks in the casual format, in which we play decks purely for the fun of it

Also i dont think cheezus cares about what others are doing

Its a 3 mana gain 4 mana card

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now the real question is, why do you want the card nerfed then?

I don’t think it needs a nerf.

I’m just saying it’s not automatically giving you four more mana.

i didnt say it did, here allow me to quote myself

now why do you want this card nerfed?

do you want it to give less than 4 mana?

i want them to buff it and make it effect both players

how about 2 mana?

You and logic really are strangers, aren’t you?

I am not advocating for the card to be nerfed, I’ve simply disputed your claim that it’s “three mana gain four” because that’s patently false.

At best you gain an empty crystal on the following turn and hope to have a higher ceilling several turns later.

It’s not guaranteed you get any extra mana if you die first and the card is a huge tempo loss.

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but when you do get to 13 mana you will have gained 4 mana via the card

no other card made you gain that mana above 10

where is that mana magically coming from if not from this card?

did it show up on its own?

can a priest without playing new heights get to 13 mana?
a warlock?

no only druid and warrior, because this card
is the only one that grants FOUR MANA

only ones without logic here think its not 3 mana gain 4

“But when you DO win a Nobel prize, you’re rich and immortal.”

So might as well go all-in for it, although the chances are 1 in a few billion? Or lower?

Same with lottery?

I mean, if that’s logic, then let’s get serious and speak illogically.

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As if any of them know what logic is lol

well i mean, you do win 1 million i believe, so you would then be rich
and immortalized in books with your name in a history book is pretty good

cant win if you dont play

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so my question is, why do all of you want the card nerfed?

I swear, only this site can drag out an argument over something so simple.

It’s simple: you don’t get 1.5, 1.8, 3, or 4 mana.

You simply gain 1 mana, plus an unrelated bonus effect.
That’s it.


understood, you are not at 13 mana, the game is bugged, you are only at 10

Wow, you’re so wrong it’s actually mind-blowing.

The funniest part is that even the number 4 you have mentioned is wrong by your own logic.

If we’re counting mana gained over time, you’d have to include the turns leading up to 13 mana, which adds up to 6 mana over 3 turns above 10. Add the 1 mana you gain immediately, and you’ve actually gained 7 mana.

You’re just plain wrong, and I’m starting to think you’re trolling otherwise, someone might need to check if you’re okay.

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the game gives you 10 already

this card doesnt change that

this card only give 1 mana right away, then 3 more after 10

meaning you only gained 4 mana

nothing else is making you gain that mana after 10(audio can get you to 11)

this is the card making it happen

its 3 mana, gain 4
1 now
3 later

you would have gained the mana to get to 10 anyway

but you will never reach 13 without the card(in standard)

So 1 :apple: + 3 :banana: ?

and all the fruit is mana right?

…is equal to 1 :apple: and 3 :banana: