New height nerf

I really thing this card way to good for its cost and should be Nerf from 3 gain instead 2 manna gain. It would cut down on the ramp of both Druid and warrior at the moment. It should not kill spell because still keeping extra manna.


Yeah make it 2 mana each at least until audio amplifier goes to wild. 17 mana crystals is annoying. Keep in mind that’s the weakest best case scenario for a ramp warrior. If they got tidepool pupils lying around that’s easy 23 right there! MORE THAN GUFF HIMSELF GAVE.

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It really does not need a nerf.

The card is just a worse wild growth. In fact one the only cards that have a classic counterpart so stupid strong that the new version is a weaker one.

People just have a thing with cards that break the normal game rules to the point to get trigered so hard that they lose any rationality.

Devs could literally print a card that remove your mana limit entirely for 2 mana and it would still weak.

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Drawing 2 taunt minions at a time is a thing that would break a normal game, yet I’ve been able to reliably tank out taunt warriors until they draw themselves out. As I said, annoying. But not unassailable
Maybe this is a shudderwock situation where 23 battlecries or 23 mana crystals is only as dangerous and as big brained as the person using them

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It isn’t even that.

Let’s say that there is a card that really does remove the total mana limit and is even print at a competitive viable price like 1 mana(2 would probably be too fair to be playable nowadays).

You would still need to waste that mana somewhere during the match and while i’m think 1 mana would be a little on the strong side for that. That mana over 10 would still need to be reach during the course of the game.

In fact i did see many games where the only thing the extra mana limit did was prevent the druid from summoning 3/7 taunt mana excess minions.

It is past time for people to reflect on what happened with guff and understand that wild growth as hero power is broken. Not getting some extra mana to do some extra fancy combo that should not even be in your deck because OTKs nowadays cost around 8.

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Y’know what. Fair enough. I suppose when you consider the fact that they are taking a break from defending to increase their limit, any spell that just wastes the mana without an immediate impact on the game would come up short against someone who doesn’t need time to reload or break overload. You got me there

At moment, both Druid and warrior broken by this have so many ways to keep the board clear and just do stuff with so much manna nothing you can do. They play all time to turn 3 anyway how worst wild grow.

That’s the thing though, warrior runs out of board clears and badly picked taunt minions eventually. Druid still has the “twist my nipples shuffle 10 1 cost legendaries into the deck” move and a couple other things (COUGH. JADE) to keep them from running out of resources

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I mean blizzard keep up and mobile will kill hearthstone because this type card is not finding I should not have played aggro deck because poor design. Why think charge so much everything because lose money trying to make it up.

Decks nowadays have to aim at trying to end the game after a certain amount of turns.

Not necessarilly an OTK deck but some inevitability like being able to still push damage each turn even without minions on board.
I not necessarilly like it but it is understandable because without that the games we play nowadays could easily go to fatigue.

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That’s the exact reason why I like using C’thun the shattered. AND why all these taunt warriors keep hitting fatigue against me!
Gotta have some kind of scheme you’re building towards, and one to fall back on if the first idea fails. I understand now, If a decks plan is only bombs that’s no plan at all! It needs to be bombs and something that can catch em while they’re low

Just make it increase both players mana

I already have to draw my deck in wild, gimme some of that mana now


It’s only great if your deck is slow against it; that entire Druid deck has an issue of speed and weakness before it gets a lot of mana; especially if it doesn’t draw its low mana dragons curve in the first 4 rounds it’s wrecked. It’s generally obliterated by the fast decks similarly to the new mage.

PS Wild has a very “funny” version of it; it behaves very similarly on how it ramps but its high mana stage is about 4X more explosive (we’re talking about OTK levels); I’m not paying too much attention to Wild to know the cards it uses.

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The whole mana ramping should be reworked… it is just too easy for Druid to get mana crystals too early… I think Crystal Cluster is just as big problem now because this is the card how they get 3 empty mana crystals… too early… together with the other mana crystal getting ofc… The whole mana crystal getting mechanic should be reworked…

No, that’s a card which means they’re literally afk and you should beat them down and go next


that doesnt cover why the max mana increase bothers you so much
it only ramps by 1 mana doesnt draw cards
what do you mean too good for its cost ?

this, 100% this

everyone gets extra mana!!!


3 M gain 4 mana in a class that gains mana faster than other classes gain mana, so while one person is at 7 mana the druid is sitting on 12

i assume that is the issue

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but you only gain 1 mana not 4 OP doesnt mention a combo the cards open up

basically i cant find any reason for this nerf at all

have a max increase of 3 means you get 4 mana

thats 13 while the opponent can only have 10

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