New Hearthstone Board

Why is there no new Hearthstone Board / Song?

Thats very very sad! Thats what makes hearthstone so special for me. The flair, the ambiente… :-/


Greed. They’re pushing the boundaries to see what they can get away with. It’s corporate greed and it’s disgusting . The game is going downhill and going to die at this rate. People aren’t gonna stand for this crap . I know I won’t


I’m actually quite disappointed by this.

I am SICK of the same 4 bland, same looking game boards ad infinitum. Was really looking forward to some more variety finally. This is the worst selection of boards that I ever remember in hearthstone, playing since launch.

If they’re not going to add new ones, can we at least PLEASE allow the wild boards back into standard. Heck, even put them on rotation. There are so many awesome boards that basically never get seen now and instead we’re stuck with this crap situation. Ugh


Yeah if they announce this weekend that there will be a new one, doesn’t matter if it is later, I pre-purchase, but this is unacceptable…


Looks like they’ve reeled in a bunch of suckers, er uh; players with pre-purchases.


I’ve played this game a long time, spent hundreds of dollars on it.

No more. I’m not quitting, but I’m free to play now. Not releasing a new board is such a petty, disrespectful thing to do, and I’m tired of supporting this game with my wallet while being constantly nickeled and dimed.


I’m assuming the next feature they will cut is Tavern Brawls. I don’t see how they make any money off of it.


Maybe we’ll get one in the shop in the near future which can only be purchased using runestones. And no, it probably won’t be a board you can see every match, it’s gonna be based on a random rotation. Sure, when you finally get to see it, the match will end before it will even start. But hey, at least you know you got the board.

Cost cutting.

Apparently, the pre-purchases are low this expansion. Like 40% down from the previous one or something like that.

I have a feeling the milking times are done, and they are prepared to take the cow to the butcher for a big final payment, before closing shop.

Because they didnt want to deal with an interactable sunbather in the corner after the Jaina furore

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There’s no way they do that without any compensation for the Standard pack each week…

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These are the same people who made quests not completable by a significant amount of the player base.

I would wish that they bring back all the great boards from the past. They are just lie there for some wild players and thats it.

Even the classic Hearthstone Board with the original music was great.

But at the End - for me thats not enough! I really wish a new board with new music for each expansion. It can’t get in my head that this would be to expensive for them…

I`m playing the new expansion right now… Guys I am so upset that there is no new magical board, no new magical music, no new top hearthstone feeling like I had in the past.

It’s the first time after 9 to 10 years I am upset with hearthstone in a very hearth hurting way. Oh man =(