New handbuff paladin cards revealed (oh boy)

Lifeguard - 4 mana 2/7 minion
Battlecry: The next spell you cast has lifesteal (Mage can use this to put lifesteal on star power)

Rare · Minion · Perils in Paradise · Taunt Battlecry: The next spell you cast has Lifesteal.

Grillmaster - 4 mana 3/4 minion
Battlecry: Draw your lowest cost card
Deathrattle: Draw your highest cost card

Common · Minion · Perils in Paradise · Battlecry: Draw your lowest Cost card. Deathrattle: Draw your highest Cost card.

Power Spike - 6 Mana spell
Deal 4 damage. Give a random friendly minion +4/+4

Common · Spell · Perils in Paradise · Deal 4 damage. Give a random friendly minion +4/+4.

And this monstrosity, the mother of all handbuff cards

Sanc’Aziel - Legendary 5 mana 3/8 minion
Rush - After this attacks, turn into a location

Legendary · Minion · Perils in Paradise · Rush After this attacks, turn into a location.

Here’s a link to a dev’s explanation.

The location has the same number of charges as Aziel’s health, and its ability is - Give a friendly minion +3 attack and Rush - Turn back into a minion

However, that +3 attack on the location text is actually AZEL the MINION’s attack. So if you handbuff the 3/8 body, those handbuffs transfer to the location. If Aziel the minion has 20 attack, the location gives a friendly minion +20 attack when it opens. That means you can stack handbuffs on Aziel and the location becomes more and more powerful. And because the location’s durability will basically never expire you can transfer that power every couple turns. Southsea deckhand anyone?

Hanbuffs to Azel the minion carry over to the location’s power. It both gains durability with aziel’s health, and gives larger attack buffs when you buff the minions attack. There’s going to be some wicked leeroy shennanegins with this thing


Cards been out for hours yikes ,not even Paladin mains care about the class.
On a side note if you are going for a reveal post please put the card pictures in the future.

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“If you can’t defeat them, join them” :grin:

I would if I had the ability to post images. Or is that something anyone can do? How do I do that?

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You do just go get the links in the official site .
The cards should be there already, you dont need a high trust level to post links from there.

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Now why would they print this in the expansion mage gets access to paladin cards? Isn’t this like complete opposite of what Mage can do, buff minions? Sure, mage might get some buff cards and whatnot from paladin, but it will still be subpar, since its access to buffs will be only from this expansion’s pool.

The only good mage card here is Grillmaster.

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The official Hearthstone deckbuilder / site actually doesn’t have the images up yet. But i see. I can post the images here. I’ll add them when they get updated.

Damn over 5h after the reveal and still not there…
I never saw it take over 1h to update, Paladin reveals are indeed special that not even the devs care to update the official site.

Yesterday they waited until both reveals were out to put the cards on there. I wonder if they are creating a window where you have to go to the creator’s reveal to actually see the reveal

I added a link to dev twitter where he explained how the legendary location minion works

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Because the primary purpose of new cards is for the class they’re in, despite the tourists.

Giving a mage damage spell lifesteal is very big. That’s enough reason to run a tourist.

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Uhhh… Lifeguard??? A 4 mana 2/7 with taunt is insane defensively and then the added potential large amount of heal from star power or flamestrike literally heals your hero to full.


Yeah, and lifeguard doesn’t stipulate “this turn” so you can play it on 4 then AoE on 5 with lifesteal


why do ylu think mage doesnt need healing from lifesteal?

You are completely wrong.
The primary purpose of this expansion’s cards is to be made playable in the class that borrows them. In the expansions that come it will be impossible for the pool to include new cards released, so the timing is very much focused on what happens now.

If Sanc’Azel doesn’t see immediate play on release in Mage it will never see play.

Lifeguard is not seeing any play. How many mages have you seen hard run removal except Inquisitive Creation. (not a spell)

There is no good board clear to main deck this.

Only card with potential here is Grillmaster.

::Spanish Laughing Guy::

::J Jonah Jameson laughing::

:joy: :joy: :joy:

Now we just need bigger jorgumar for pallies…

They discover a bunch of it, and I have seen a decent amount of star power.

Plus, it’s a new expansion. Builds will change as the meta does.

This thing has almost 2 years to find a time to shine.

uhhh why would big spell mage run inquistive creation instead of star power ?

It’s such a burden, always being right about Team 5 and the way they treat select classes…
Can you imagine? If mage had been given Druid, Shaman, rogue, or even Hunter cards instead?
But, oh no. Of course not.
Druid will get to abuse mage cards to an obscene level and mage will get one useful card from pally and a pile of mediocre crap that will never see play in the class.
They gave mage a burn deck as a pity pacifier and now it is business as usual.

Last time I checked, Spell Mage doesn’t even run Star Power Boreas.