New Game Mode Now

HEARTHSTONE (UNITED IN DIVERSITY [Only the Absolutely Necessary Changes])
~Diversely Simple, Invincibly Fun~

~The Coin~
-The coin is now changed to a non-number minion card on board that needs to be double-clicked on the owner’s turn.
(It takes 1 of the 7 minion zones w/ no numbers for the 2nd-turn player to tap-twice to change into a Mana Crystal.)
[There will be less flooding.]
(1st a 2-Durability customizable-art Coin / 2nd a 3-durability customizable-art Coin.)
(Coins have Durability, but no mana, Attack, nor Health; they are ONCE PER TURN per use.)

~New Multiplayer Game Modes~
[This is like a box with each player in a corner.]
(Players are straight across for ‘both heroes’ and ‘the enemy’/‘the opponent’ worded effects FIRST.)
(The 1st/2nd/3rd/4th turn-players EACH get a coin with up to 4 uses, ONCE PER TURN per use.)
(The 1st/2nd/3rd/4th turn-player starts with 1/2/3/4 customizable-art Coins, ONCE PER TURN per use).
–[This can be kinda like Locations are for their uses but ONCE PER TURN instead of once every other turn.]
(TAUNTs protect Team Mates.)
(Situated straight across from an enemy hero and always alternating between one team and the other in turns.)
~1VS1VS1VS1 (4PlayerFreeForAll)

~Game Fundamentals~
30 Card Decks (Never more. Never less.)
7 Cards Maximum In Hand (Never more.)
1 of each card maximum per deck, except Commons (not Basics) as 2 of’s to have Truly unique decks.
Total Limitations for card rarities instead of Quantity Limitations
–[4 Legendaries MAX per deck.]
–[6 Epics MAX per deck.]
–[1 Unique copy of EACH card MAX, except Common cards (NOT Basic cards) are 2 Unique copies of EACH card MAX.]
Each player now starts with an extra card for Mulligan and their first turn, BUT canNOT draw their first turn.
(In 1vs1: 4cards/first; 5cards/second. In 2vs2 OR 1vs1vs1vs1: 4cards/firstANDsecond; 5cards/thirdANDfourth.)
[10 is the MAX Mana Cost FOREVER NO MATTER WHAT.]
The original printed Cost of ANY card cannot EVER be less than 1 mana WITHOUT AN EFFECT (then it’s 0 mana).
Each player can only play 1 card for 0 mana per turn, maximum.
NOTHING messes with Fatigue. (‘Draw Cards’ do NOT draw into more Fatigue).
[Token-like Minions do count as having an original printed Cost of a card.]
ALL damage now NEVER deals below 0 Health, except in the case it’s COUNTED AS “EXCESS DAMAGE”.
There will Never be a cards effect that includes to Bounce an enemy Beast hero character.
There will Never be an effect that makes a player have to skip their WHOLE turn.
ALL generated spells (i.e: “Reversing Switch”, “Fireblood Toxin”, “Dream”) are “Neutral Spells” and colored gray.
Hero Cards do NOT remove a player’s Frozen state, instead, Heroes pay 1 Mana Crystal to remove their Frozen State.
Rarity Crafting cost Disenchanting reward
Regular Golden Regular Golden
Common (White) 100 300 50 100
Rare (Blue) 200 500 100 200
Epic (Purple) 600 1300 300 600
Legendary (Orange) 1800 3000 700 1400

~New Key Words~
–[“Bounce” “Bunch” “Dash” “Rust” “Walled” and “Unwalled”]
-(Bounce) “Returns the card to the hand of the player who owns (not controls) it.”
-(Burn) “Stackable damage-type that deals two damage at the start of the next turn.”
-(Dash) “Can attack Taunt minions immediately.”
-(Freeze) “Non-stackable damage-type that Freezes/stops the one soonest attack turn.”
–[Frozen Heroes can unfreeze to Attack when Attacking for 1 Mana; minions for 2 Mana.]
-(Hasten) “Can attack Heroes and Taunt minions immediately.”
-(Immune) “Can’t be targeted by spells or Hero Quirks.”
-(Invincible) “Can’t be damaged nor affected by other players’ abilties/effects.”
-(Lifesteal) “Damage dealt or taken down to 0 Health also heals your hero.”
-(Magic) “Special damage split in one’s, unless times two/three/etc.”
-(Magnetic) “Equips onto 1 non-magnetized Mech, making it magnetized.”
–[Implies some randomness. Can defeat Reborn’ed minions.]
–[This is to CREATE MAGIC!]
-(Naturally) “Stackable healing-type that restores one Health at the start of the two next turns.”
-(Poison) “Non-stackable damage-type that deals one damage at the start of the next two turns.”
-(Power +) “ALL your individual cards and Hero Quirk “deal”/“take” and “restore” extra.”
–[This replaces Spell Damage +. It can be “Spell Power”, “Quirk Power”, “Weapon Power”, “Minion Power”, etc.]
–[This only grants extra by the number (1) to the number (2), NOT the word (one) to the word (two).]
-(Rust) “The weapon loses one point of Durability.”
-(Super-Windfury) “Can attack a second and third time each turn dealing half damage (rounded up).”
-(Taunt) “Protects non-Taunt friends from enemy attack damage, halving that damage (rounded up).”
-(Unwalled) “Characters not protected by a Taunt character, including the Taunt characters.”
-(Walled) “Characters protected by a Taunt character.”
-(Windfury) “Can attack a second time each turn dealing half damage (rounded up).”
-(Discover) “Discover 1 of 2 cards.”
-(Forge/Forged) “Drag to your deck spending (x) Mana, revealing it for an upgrade.”

~Art Changes~
-There is now a little bit of grass on the battlefield to green it up, isntead of just dirt.
-Hero Power’s are now and forever renamed to Hero Quirk’s.
-The general damaged-red-health numbers color will be changed to a light-light-red color for better visibility.
-[Nuetral cards can have a tint of player transparency (and maybe teal?) to their boarders if its agreed on.]

~Rogue Cards~
(1m=4c, 2m=8c, 3m=5c, 4m=4c, 5m=2c, 6m=1c, 7m=1c, 8m=0c, 9m=0c, 10m=0c.)
–((HP) Hero Quirk *Continuous) Dagger Mastery, “Starts with an unlosable 1/2 Dagger.”
----*2mana) Wicked Knife, [1a/d2] “Battlecry: Gain +1 Attack this turn. Deathrattle: Return this to your hand.”
------(This starts in the Rogue Class’s opening hand as an extra card [hint at what’s to come, or not to].)
*1mana) Backstab, “Deal 3 damage to an undamaged Unwalled character.”
*1mana) Cold Blood, “Give a minion +2 Attack. Combo: +3 Attack instead.”
*1mana) Deadly Poison, “Your weapon deals Poison damage; Otherwise, equip a 2/1 weapon that does.”
–*1mana) Poisoned Dagger, [2a/d1] “Deals Poison damage.”
*1mana) Shadowstep, “Bounce a friendly minion; It costs (2) less and gains Stealth.”
*2mana) Betrayal, “Target Unwalled minion’s Attack damages adjacent minions +a damage each.”
–[This does NOT get ANY +Spell Power.]
*2mana) Conceal, “Your Unwalled minions gain Stealth until your next turn; Draw a card.”
*2mana) Patient Assassin, (1a/h3) “Stealth. Deals Poison damage.”
–[Note: Poisons don’t stack.]
*2mana) Perdition’s Blade, [2a/d2] “Combo and Frenzy: A random enemy, minion first, takes 1 damage.”
*2mana) Preparation, “Your next cast spell this turn costs (2) less; Draw a card.”
*2mana) Shiv, “Deal 2 damage to an Unwalled character; Combo: Poison damage instead.”
*2mana) Sinister Strike, “The enemy hero, or a random Taunt enemy first, takes 4 damage.”
–[This damages a random Taunt enemy (instead of the enemy hero) if there’s a Taunt enemy.]
*2mana) SI:7 Agent, (2a/h2) “Battlecry: Deal 1 damage. Combo: 2 damage instead.”
*3mana) Edwin VanCleef, (3a/h3) “Battlecry: Add a ‘Bloodsail Corsair’ to hand. Combo: Summon it instead.”
–*1mana) Bloodsail Corsair, (2a/h2) “Battlecry: A random enemy weapon Rusts.”
*3mana) Eviscerate, “Deal 4 damage to an Unwalled character. Combo: 5 damage instead.”
*3mana) Fan of Knives, “All enemies take 1 damage; Draw a card; Gain 2 Armor.”
*3mana) Sap, “Bounce a minion; The targeted friend/enemy costs (1) less/more.”
*3mana) Blade Flurry, “Unwalled enemies take 2 damage; Walled enemies take 1 damage.”
*4mana) Assassin’s Blade, [3a/d3] “Battlecry: Deal 1 damage. Combo: 2 damage instead.”
*4mana) Assassinate, “Silence an Unwalled enemy minion, then they take 6 damage.”
*4mana) Master of Disguise, (4a/h5) “Battlecry: Give a friendly minion Stealth until your next turn.”
–[This can target itself like all unspecified Battlecries can now.]
*4mana) Vanish, “Bounce all minions that dealt 0 hero damage.”
–[This counts damage from minion abilities too.]
*5mana) Defias Ringleader, (4a/h4) “Battlecry: Summon a 2/2 Defias Bandit. Combo: 3/3 Bandit instead.”
–*2mana) Defias Bandit, (2a/h2) “Battlecry: Gain +1 Attack.”
–*3mana) Cool Defias Bandit, (3a/h3) “Battlecry: Gain +1 Attack.”
*5mana) Headcrack, “The enemy hero takes 8 damage; Combo: Freeze damage instead.”
*6mana) Kidnapper, (5a/h4) “Resummon. Battlecry: The lowest Attack minion gets Bounced.”
*7mana) Sprint, “Draw 3 cards; Gain 3 Armor; Restores 3 Health.”

~Priest Cards~
(1m=5c, 2m=6c, 3m=5c, 4m=4c, 5m=2c, 6m=2c, 7m=1c, 8m=0c, 9m=0c, 10m=0c.)
–((HP) Hero Quirk *2mana) Holy Smite, “Deal 1 damage; Restores 1 Health; Gain 1 Armor.”
*1mana) Circle of Healing, “Restore 1 Health; The adjacent minion(s) restore 1 Health; Draw a card.”
*1mana) Inner Fire, “Deal 1 damage; Gain 5 Armor until after your next turn.”
*1mana) Mind Vision, “Discover a copy of a card from your opponent’s hand.”
*1mana) Northshire Cleric, (1a/h3) “Whenever a minion is damaged, it restores 1 Health.”
–[This can revive them from 0 Health to 1 Health like Truesilver attacking into Explosive Trap.]
*1mana) Shadowform, “+1/+4 until after your next turn.”
–[This temporarily adds the cool Shadowform effect Art on your hero.]
*2mana) Lesser Heal, “All friends restore 2 Health Naturally.”
–[This is a starting Basic Card now (1 of).]
*2mana) Lightwell, (1a/h4) “Taunt. Battlecry and Deathrattle: All friends restore 1 Health.”
*2mana) Mind Blast, “Deal 4 damage to a character so it doesn’t end.”
*2mana) Power Word: Shield, “Give a character +3 Health; Draw a card.”
–[This can target a hero.]
*2mana) Shadow Word: Pain, “Target 3- Attack character takes times two 4 Magic damage.”
–[The Magic damage is just split in two’s. Still use whatever art suits best.]
*2mana) Silence, “Silence a minion and it loses -3 Attack.”
*3mana) Divine Spirit, “Give a minion Divine Shield and +5 Health.”
*3mana) Lightspawn, (0a/h4) “This minion’s Health always keeps its Attack equal to its Health.”
*3mana) Mass Dispel, “All 1–4 Cost minions are Silenced; Draw a card.”
*3mana) Shadow Word: Death, “Target 5+ Attack character takes times three 6 Magic damage.”
–[The Magic damage is just split in three’s. Still use whatever art suits best.]
*3mana) Thoughtsteal, “Add 2 copies of cards in the opponent’s deck to hand.”
*4mana) Auchenai Soulpriest, (3a/h5) “Battlecry: Your next used Hero Quirk deals +2 damage.”
*4mana) Cabal Shadow Priest, (4a/h5) “Battlecry: Give yourself control of a 1-Cost enemy minion.”
–[We’ll keep the “If control changes, gain summoning sickness” code here.]
*4mana) Holy Nova, “All enemies take 2 damage; All friends restore 1 Health Naturally.”
*4mana) Shadow Madness, “+2/+6 until after your next turn; All enemies minions attack your hero.”
–[This Excludes 0-Attack enemy minions and enemy minions that “Can’t attack.”]
*5mana) Holy Fire, “Deal 5 damage; Restores 5 Health.”
*5mana) Mindgames, “Discover a 3–7 Cost minion from your opponent’s deck onto your field.”
*6mana) Mind Control, “Give yourself control of an enemy minion that attacked your hero.”
–[We’ll keep the “If control changes, gain summoning sickness” code here.]
*6mana) Temple Enforcer, (6a/h6) “Battlecry and Deathrattle: Your hero gains +2 Health.”
*7mana) Prophet Velen, (7a/h7) “You have Power +1.”

~Mage Cards~
(1m=3c, 2m=4c, 3m=9c, 4m=4c, 5m=2c, 6m=2c, 7m=1c, 8m=0c, 9m=0c, 10m=0c.)
–((HP) Hero Quirk *2mana) Minor Arcane Missiles, “Among all enemies, deals 3 Magic damage.”
*1mana) Arcane Missiles, “Among all enemies, each if possible, deals 4 Magic damage.”
–[The Magic damage is just split in one’s. Still use whatever art suits best.]
*1mana) Ice Lance, “Deal one (or 3) Freeze damage to an enemy (or a Frozen enemy).”
–[Note: Freezes don’t stack.]
–[This does NOT get Power + to its “one” damage; only its “3” damage.]
*1mana) Mana Wyrm, (1a/h3) “Spellburst: Gain +1 Attack.”
*2mana) Frostbolt, “Deal 3 Freeze damage to an enemy.”
*2mana) Frost Nova, “All minions take 1 Freeze damage.”
*2mana) Mirror Image, “Summon two 0/3 Mirror Images with Taunt; Gain 3 Armor.”
–*1mana) Mirror Image, (0a/h3) “Taunt. Battlecry: Gain +1 Health.”
*2mana) Sorcerer’s Apprentice, (3a/h2) “Battlecry: Your next cast spell costs (1) less.”
*3mana) Arcane Explosion, “All enemies take 1 damage; Gain 2 Mana Crystals this turn only.”
*3mana) Arcane Intellect, “Draw a card; Discover a copy of a card from your deck.”
*3mana) Counterspell, “Secret: An opponent casts a 2–5 Cost Class spell: counter it.”
*3mana) Ice Barrier, “Secret: Your hero is attacked: gain Immune this turn; gain 8 Armor.”
*3mana) Ice Block, “Secret: Your hero would take 6+ damage: gain 10 Armor.”
*3mana) Mirror Entity, “Secret: An opponent plays a 2–5 Cost minion: summon a copy.”
*3mana) Spellbender, “Secret: A spell targets a character: summon a 3/4 as the new target.”
–*2mana) Spellbender, (3a/h4).
*3mana) Vaporize, “Secret: A minion attacks your hero: it takes 4 Burn damage.”
*3mana) Water Elemental, (3a/h4) “Deals Freeze damage. Deathrattle: The enemy hero takes a Freeze damage.”
–[Note: Freezes don’t stack.]
*4mana) Fireball, “Deal 4 Burn damage; The targeted minion loses -2 Attack.”
*4mana) Kirin Tor Mage, (4a/h4) "Battlecry: Your next cast Secret costs (2) less.
*4mana) Polymorph, “Transform a 3–6 Cost minion into a 1/1 Sheep.”
–*1mana) Sheep, (1a/h1).
*4mana) Ethereal Arcanist, (4a/h5) “End of your turns, if you have a Secret: Gain +0/+1.”
*5mana) Blizzard, “Unwalled enemies take 3 Freeze damage; Walled enemies take 2 damage.”
*5mana) Cone of Cold, “Deal 4 Freeze damage; the enemy hero takes 2 Freeze damage.”
*6mana) Archamge Antonidas, (4a/h6) “Battlecry: Discover a Mage spell you played.”
*6mana) Pyroblast, “Deal 7 Burn damage.”
*7mana) Flamestrike, “Unwalled /Walled enemies take 3 /1 Burn damage.”

~Hunter Cards~
(1m=7c, 2m=6c, 3m=4c, 4m=4c, 5m=2c, 6m=1c, 7m=0c, 8m=1c, 9m=0c, 10m=0c.)
–((HP) Hero Quirk *2mana) Steady Shot, “Deal 2 damage.”
*1mana) Arcane Shot, “Deal 2 damage; Your next used Hero Quirk costs (1) less.”
*1mana) Flare, “Enemies lose Stealth; Destroy a random enemy Secret; otherwise, draw a card.”
*1mana) Hunter’s Mark, “Give a minion -4 Health, but not less than 1.”
*1mana) Scavenging Hyena, (1a/h3) “Dash. Once a Beast ends: Gain +1 Attack.”
–[If this gets Resummon, it will benefit from its own end.]
*1mana) Starving Buzzard, (1a/h1) “Resummon. You summon another Beast: Gain +1 Attack.”
*1mana) Timber Wolf, (1a/h2) “Your other Beasts have +1 Attack on your turn. Hasten”
*1mana) Tracking, “Discover a card from your deck.”
*2mana) Explosive Trap, “Secret: A minion attacks your hero: it takes 3 Burn damage.”
*2mana) Freezing Trap, “Secret: A minion attacks your hero: it takes 3 Freeze damage.”
–[The attacker Freezes and does NOT connect with the attaack damage this turn.]
*2mana) Misdirection, “Secret: A 4–10 Cost minion attacks your hero: it loses -5 Attack.”
–[It DOES connect with 0 damage if the 4–10 Cost minion had 5- Attack before, for “attack”-abilities sake.]
*2mana) Snake Trap, “Secret: Your character is attacked: summon two small Snake Dens.”
–*1mana) Two Yellowish Snakes, (1a/h2) “Rush”
----[This has a New Art resembling the yellow snakes from Snake Trap.]
–*1mana) Three Green Snakes, (1a/h3) “Hasten”
----[This has a New Art resembling the green snakes from Snake Trap.]
*2mana) Snipe, “Secret: An opponent plays a minion: it’s Silenced, then takes 5 damage.”
*2mana) Unleash the Hound, “Summon a 2/3 Hound with Charge.”
–*2mana) Hound, (2a/h3) “Charge.”
*3mana) Animal Companion, “Calls 1 of 3 random Beast Companions and summons them.”
–*3mana) Huffer, (4a/h2) “Rush”
–*3mana) Leokk, (4a/h3) “Hasten”
–*3mana) Misha, (4a/h4) “Dash”
*3mana) Eaglehorn Bow, [3a/d2] “Battlecry: Your hero is Invincible while attacking this turn.”
*3mana) Deadly Shot, “A random enemy, Unwalled minion first, takes 5 damage.”
*3mana) Kill Command, “Deal 5 damage to a character so it ends.”
*4mana) Arcane Double Shot, “Deal 3 damage to a minion; The adjacent enemy takes 3 damage.”
–[This has Multi-Shot’s Art.]
*4mana) Bestial Wrath, “Give a Beast Immune; it gains +4/+5 this turn.”
*4mana) Explosive Shot, “Deal 3 Burn damage; the adjacent enemy takes a Burn damage.”
*4mana) Houndmaster, (5a/h4) “Battlecry: Give a friendly Beast minion +2 Health and Taunt.”
*5mana) Gladiator’s Longbow, [4a/d2] “Deals Burn damage.”
*5mana) Tundra Rhino, (3a/h6) “Hasten. Your other Beasts have +1/+1.”
*6mana) Savannah Highmane, (5a/h6) “Dash. Deathrattle: Summon a 1/3 Hyena.”
–*1mana) Hyena, (1a/h3).
*8mana) King Krush, (7a/h7) “Rush. Battlecry: Add a ‘Savage Roar’ Druid spell to hand.”

~Warrior Cards~
(1m=3c, 2m=7c, 3m=6c, 4m=4c, 5m=3c, 6m=1c, 7m=1c, 8m=0c, 9m=0c, 10m=0c.)
–((HP) Hero Quirk *2mana) Shield Slam, “Gain 2 Armor. (+1 Attack)/(2 Armor) this turn.”
*1mana) Armor Smith, (1a/h3) “Frenzy and Spellburst: Gain 1 Armor.”
*1mana) Slam, “Deal 3 damage to an Unwalled enemy so it ends.”
–[This doesn’t have to target a minion.]
*1mana) Whirlwind, “Deal 2 damage to an enemy; The adjacent minion(s) take a damage.”
–[This doesn’t have to target a minion.]
–[This does not get Power + to its “a damage.”]
*2mana) Charge, “Give a minion Charge and +2 Health.”
*2mana) Cleave, “Deal 2 damage to an enemy; The adjacent minion takes 2 damage.”
–[This doesn’t have to target a minion.]
*2mana) Cruel Taskmaster, (2a/h2) “Battlecry: Deal 1 damage; The targeted minion gains +2 Attack.”
–[This can target itself.]
–[This can target a hero.]
*2mana) Fiery War Axe, [3a/d2] “Battlecry: Your hero takes two damage.”
*2mana) Inner Rage, “Deal 2 damage; The targeted minion gains +4 Attack.”
–[This doesn’t have to target a minion.]
*2mana) Rampage, “Give a damaged minion +2 Attack; Draw a card.”
*2mana) Armor Up!, “Gain 6 Armor.”
–[This is an Epic card now (1 of).]
–[This only counts Power + to its “3 damage,” NOT its ‘+a damage’.]
*3mana) Execute, “Deal 5 damage to a damaged enemy.”
*3mana) Frothing Berserker, (2a/h4) “Attacks or is attacked: Gain +1 Attack.”
–[This gains Attack before damage is dealt, so, Kor’kron will equal out against this now.]
*3mana) Heroic Strike, “+5 Attack this turn; Gain 2 Armor.”
*3mana) Shield Block, “Gain 5 Armor; Draw a card.”
*3mana) Upgrade, “Your weapon gains +2/+1; Otherwise, equip a 3/2 weapon.”
–*3mana) Battle Axe, [3a/d2] “Deathrattle: Your hero restores 1 Health.”
*3mana) Warsong Commander, (3a/h3) “You summon another minion: It gains Rush.”
*4mana) Arathi Weaponsmith, (2a/h4) “Battlecry: Equip a 2/2 weapon.”
–*2mana) Heavy Axe, [2a/d2] “Deathrattle: Gain 1 Armor.”
*4mana) Commanding Shout, “All friends gain +2/+0 and can’t lose Health to 0 this turn.”
*4mana) Kor’kron Elite, (4h/h4) “Charge. Battlecry: Takes a damage.”
*4mana) Mortal Strike, “Deal 6 damage to an Unwalled enemy; Gain 1 Armor.”
*5mana) Arcanite Reaper, [5a/d2] “Deathrattle: The enemy hero takes 1 damage.”
*5mana) Battle Rage, “Draw 2 cards; +2 Attack and Windfury this turn.”
*5mana) Brawl, “ALL minions take 4 damage and lose -2 Attack, except one randomly.”
*6mana) Grommash Hellscream, (5a/h7) “Charge. Frenzy and Spellburst: Gain +1 Attack.”
–[Suggestion: Tone down on the rageful Art just a bit with a new, slightly less ‘in your face’ Art?]
*7mana) Gorehowl, [8a/d2] “Has -2 Attack while attacking heroes.”

~Paladin Cards~
(1m=5c, 2m=5c, 3m=5c, 4m=4c, 5m=3c, 6m=1c, 7m=1c, 8m=0c, 9m=0c, 10m=1c.)
–((HP) Hero Quirk *2mana) Buttress, “Summon a 1/2 Recruit with Hasten.”
----*1mana) Recruit, (1a/h2) “Hasten”
------[This has the boy of First Day of School’s Art (and First Day of School shows only the girl in it now).]
*1mana) Eye for an Eye, “Secret: Your hero takes 3–5 damage: the enemy hero takes equal damage.”
*1mana) Noble Sacrifice, “Secret: An enemy attacks: summon a 3/2 Defender as the new target.”
–*1mana) Defender, (3a/h2).
*1mana) Redemption, “Secret: A friendly 2–5 Cost minion ends: restart it with 1 Health.”
*1mana) Repentance, “Secret: Your opponent plays a 3–6 Health minion: its Health becomes 1.”
*1mana) Light’s Justice, [1a/d3] “Your hero has attacked: They restore 1 Health.”
–[This works even with its last Durability.]
*2mana) Argent Protector, (2a/h2) “Battlecry: Give a friendly minion Divine Shield.”
–[This can target itself.]
*2mana) Blessing of Might, “Target friend (or enemy) gains (or loses) +4 (or -2) Health.”
–[This can target a hero. This can end an enemy.]
*2mana) Equality, “The Health of ALL minions is made their combined TOTAL average.”
–[This rounds up to the nearest whole number: Average Health rounded up, distributed and rounded up again.]
*2mana) Humility, “The Attack of ALL minions is made their combined TOTAL average.”
–[This rounds up to the nearest whole number: Average Attack rounded up, distributed and rounded up again.]
*2mana) Hand of Protection, “Give a minion Divine Shield and +3 Health.”
*3mana) Aldor Peacekeeper, (3a/h3) “Battlecry: Set another minion’s Attack to 1 until after your next turn.”
*3mana) Blessing of Wisdom, “Choose a minion: If friend; draw 2. If enemy; they discard 1 randomly.”
*3mana) Divine Favor, “A 2-Cost minion is Recruited and it gains Divine Shield.”
*3mana) Hammer of Wrathful Work, “Deal 4 damage to a character; If it’s friendly, draw 2 cards.”
–[This has Hammer of Wrath’s Art.]
*3mana) Sword of Justice, [2a/d3] “You summon a minion: Rusts and it gains +1/+2.”
*4mana) Blessing of Kings, “Give a character +3/+5 this and next turn. Gain +4 Health.”
*4mana) Consecration, “Restores 2 Health; Unwalled /Walled enemies take 3 /1 damage.”
*4mana) Holy Light, “Restore 9 Health; Excess restoration increases their Health.”
*4mana) Truesilver Champion, [4a/d2] “Your hero has attacked: They gain +2 Health.”
–[This works even with its last Durability.]
*5mana) Avenging Wrath, “Among all enemies, deals times two 9 Magic damage.”
–[The Magic damage is just split in one’s. Still use whatever art suits best.]
*5mana) Blessed Champion, “Double a 2–5 Attack character’s Attack this turn; Draw 2 cards.”
*5mana) Holy Wrath, “Restore 5 Health to a friend; The enemy hero takes 5 damage.”
*6mana) Guardian of the Kings, (4a/h7) “Taunt. Battlecry: Restore 4 Health to a friendly hero.”
*7mana) Lay on Hands, “Restore 10 Health to a friendly hero; Draw 2 cards.”
*10mana) Tirion Fordring, (6a/h6) “Divine Shield, Taunt. Battlecry: Equip a 4/2 Ashbringer.”
–*4mana) Ashbringer, [4a/d2] “Your hero has attacked: The enemy hero(es) takes 2 damage.”
----[This works even with its last Durability.]

~Warlock Cards~
(1m=5c, 2m=4c, 3m=6c, 4m=4c, 5m=3c, 6m=1c, 7m=2c, 8m=0c, 9m=0c, 10m=0c.)
–((HP) Hero Quirk *2mana) Corruption, “Deal 1 Poison damage.”
*1mana) Blood Imp, (1a/h2) “Stealth. Battlecry: Give another friendly character +2 Health.”
*1mana) Flame Imp, (1a/h2) “Battlecry: Deal 1 Burn damage; Your hero takes a Burn damage.”
*1mana) Mortal Coil, “Deal 1 Poison damage; If the target ends: Restores 3 Health.”
–[This counts as them ending even if it’s later from Poison damage.]
*1mana) Soulfire, “Deal 1 Burn damage; Dredge.”
*1mana) Voidwalker, (2a/h4) “Taunt. Battlecry: Your hero takes three damage.”
*2mana) Demonfire, “Deal 2 damage; Otherwise, restore 4 Health to a friendly Demon.”
–[This can target a hero.]
*2mana) Felstalker, (3a/h3) “End of your turn: Another random friend takes a damage.”
*2mana) Life Tap, “Your hero takes three damage; Draw 2 cards.”
–[This is a starting Basic Card now (1 of).]
*2mana) Sacrificial Pact, “If you have a Demon, restores seven Health.”
–[Note: This is where up to +7 Health for 2 Mana should be (instead of with Doomsayer added to the board).]
*3mana) Drain Life, “Lifesteal. Deal 3 damage.”
*3mana) Felguard, (3a/h5) “Taunt. Start of your turns: Your hero takes two damage.”
*3mana) Power Overwhelming, “Give a minion +1/+1; It deals Burn and Poison damage now.”
*3mana) Sense Demons, “Draw 2 Demon minion cards.”
*3mana) Shadow Bolt, “Deal 4 damage; Dredge.”
*3mana) Void Terror, (3a/h2) “Battlecry: Gain +1 Health for each friend your hero takes a damage.”
–[This includes your hero and itself for “each friend”. (i.e: 5 minions + hero = 6 damage to hero + gain +6 Health.]
*4mana) Hellfire, “All Unwalled /Walled characters take 2 /1 Burn damage.”
*4mana) Pit Lord, (5a/h6) “Battlecry: Your hero takes one Poison damage.”
*4mana) Shadowflame, “Deal 7 Poison damage; Your hero takes two Burn damage.”
*4mana) Summoning Portal, (1a/h7) “Can’t attack. Your minions cost (1) less, but not less than (1).”
–[Note: This is where a 1/7 stat-line for 4 Mana should be (instead of with Mogu’shan Warden).]
*5mana) Bane of Doom, “Curse an enemy; If it ends, summon a Doomguard.”
*5mana) Doomguard, (4a/h7) “Charge. Battlecry: Deal times two 4 Magic damage to a friend.”
*5mana) Siphon Soul, “Target Unwalled enemy minion loses -4/-6; Restores 3 Health.”
*6mana) Dread Infernal, (6a/h6) “Battlecry: ALL other characters take 1 damage.”
*7mana) Twisting Nether, “Non-Void minions lose -5 Health; ALL minions lose -2 Attack.”
*7mana) Jaraxxus, (+2Armor) “Battlecry: Equip a [3a/d5] Bloodfury.”
–((HP) Hero Quirk *2mana) BLOOD IMP!, “Add a 1/2 Blood Imp with Stealth to hand.”
–*1mana) Blood Imp, (1a/h2) “Stealth. Battlecry: Give another friendly character +2 Health.”
–*5mana) Bloodfury, [3a/d5].

~Shaman Cards~
(1m=6c, 2m=5c, 3m=6c, 4m=3c, 5m=3c, 6m=1c, 7m=1c, 8m=0c, 9m=0c, 10m=0c.)
–((HP) Hero Quirk *2mana) Totemic Call, “Choose a different basic Totem than you have; summon it.”
----[This Discovers like the Elemental Invocation of Kalimos, but from the different Totems (even if only 1).]
----*1mana) Searing Totem, (1a/h1) “Deals Burn damage.”
----*1mana) Stoneclaw Totem, (1a/h2) “Taunt.”
----*1mana) Swoosh Totem, (1a/h1) “Deals Freeze damage.”
------[This has Mana Tide Totem’s Art. ALL Shaman Totems now start with "S"s.]
----*1mana) Soothing Totem, (0a/h2) “End of turns: A damaged friend restores a Health.”
------[This has Healing Totem’s Art. ALL Shaman Totems now start with "S"s.]
*1mana) Ancestral Healing, “Restore 3 Health Naturally; The targeted minion gains Taunt.”
–[This doesn’t have to target a minion.]
*1mana) Dust Elemental, (1a/h3) “Dash, Taunt, Windfury. Overload: (1)”
*1mana) Earth Shock, “Deal 2 damage; The targeted minion is Silenced first.”
–[This doesn’t have to target a minion.]
*1mana) Spiteglare Totem, (0a/h3) “Adjacent minions and your hero have +1 Attack.”
–[This has Flametongue Totem’s Art. ALL Shaman Totems now start with "S"s.]
*1mana) Lightning Bolt, “Deal 3 damage; A random enemy takes a damage. Overload: (1)”
–[This does NOT get Power + to its “a damage”, only to its “Deal 3 damage”.]
–[Note: The visual of the random extra damage should be a crackle like-lightning at (nearly) the same time.]
*1mana) Rockbiter Weapon, [3a/d1] “Deathrattle: Your hero restores a Health Naturally.”
*2mana) Sparkzap Totem, (0a/h3) “You have Power +1. Battlecry: Draw a card.”
–[This has Wrath of Air Totem’s Art. ALL Shaman Totems now start with "S"s.]
–[This is a Rare card.]
*2mana) Forked Lightning, “Two random enemy minions each take 3 damage. Overload: (2)”
*2mana) Frost Shock, “Deal 2 Freeze damage; The targeted minion is Silenced first.”
–[This doesn’t have to target a minion.]
*2mana) Stormforged Axe, [2a/d3] “Frenzy: A random enemy takes 1 damage. Overload: (1)”
–[Crackle lightning glimmer art damage effect.]
*2mana) Windfury, “Give a minion Windfury and +3 Health.”
*3mana) Feral Spirit, “Summon two 2/3 Spirit Wolves with Dash and Taunt. Overload: (1)”
–*2mana) Spirit Wolf, (2a/h3) “Dash, Taunt.”
*3mana) Hex, “Transform a minion into a Frog with -6/-2 and Taunt.”
–[This can end the minion.]
–*3mana) Frog, (?a/h?) “Taunt.”
*3mana) Lava Burst, “Deal 2, times two Burn, damage. Overload: (1)”
–[This deals six damage total. 2 at cast, two times two Burn damage at the start of the next turn.]
*3mana) Lightning Storm, “Deal 3 damage; Among all enemies, deals 5 Magic damage. Overload: (1)”
–[The Magic damage is just split in one’s. Still use whatever art suits best.]
*3mana) Totemic Might, “Summon three 1/1 Searing Totems; Gain +2 Health.”
–*1mana) Searing Totem, (1a/h1) “Deals Burn damage.”
*3mana) Unbound Elemental, (5a/h2) “You play a card with Overload: Gain +1 Health.”
*4mana) Far Sight, “Discover a card from your deck; That card costs (3) less.”
*4mana) Earth Elemental, (5a/h7) “Taunt. Overload: (2)”
*4mana) Windspeaker, (4a/h4) “Battlecry: Give another friendly character Windfury and +1/+1 this turn.”
*5mana) Ancestral Spirit, “Discover a friendly 3–7 Cost minion that ended; Restart it.”
*5mana) Bloodlust, “Draw a card for each <3 minions you have; Each gains +2/+1.”
–[This buffs up to 3 friendly minions with +2/+1 each, and for each less than 3, draw up to 3 cards.]
*5mana) Doomhammer, [3a/d5] “Windfury, Overload: (2)”
*6mana) Fire Elemental, (3a/h6) “Deals Burn damage. Battlecry: Deal 1 damage.”
*7mana) Al’Akir the Elemental Windlord, (3a/h6) “Divine Shield, Hasten, Taunt, Windfury.”

~Druid Cards~
(1m=5c, 2m=4c, 3m=5c, 4m=3c, 5m=3c, 6m=2c, 7m=2c, 8m=1c, 9m=0c, 10m=0c.)
–((HP) Hero Quirk *2mana) Shapeshift, “+Beast and +1 Attack this turn; Restores 1 Health Naturally.”
----Shapeshifted, .
*1mana) Claw, “+Beast and +2 Attack this turn; Restores 1 Health Naturally.”
*1mana) Innervate, “Gain 3 Mana Crystals this turn only.”
*1mana) Moonfire, “Deal a Burn damage; Restores a Health Naturally.”
*1mana) Naturalize, “Deal 2 Magic damage; Restores 1 Health Naturally.”
–[The Magic damage is just split in one’s. Still use whatever art suits best.]
*1mana) Savagery, “Deal two damage, +two damage if you are/have a Beast.”
–[This only counts Power + to its 2 damage, NOT its “+a damage”. This can count your hero as a Beast.]
*2mana) Mark of Nature, “Choose One - Give a minion +3 Attack; or +4 Health.”
*2mana) Mark of the Wild, “Give a Beast +4 Attack this turn; It restores 2 Health Naturally.”
–[This can target your hero when they are a Beast.]
*2mana) Power of the Wild, “Choose One - Give your minions +1/+1; or Summon a Stealth 3/2 Panther.”
–*2mana) Panther, (3a/h2) “Stealth. Battlecry: Give your hero +1 Attack this turn.”
*2mana) Wrath, “Choose One - Deal 3 damage; or Restore 3 Health Naturally.”
–[This can target heroes now.]
*3mana) Bite, “+Beast and +3 Attack this turn; Restores 3 Health Naturally.”
*3mana) Healing Touch, “Restore 4 Health Naturally; Draw a card.”
*3mana) Keeper of the Grove, (2a/h4) “Choose One - Deal 1 damage; or Silence a friendly minion.”
*3mana) Savage Roar, “Your characters gain +2 Attack this turn.”
*3mana) Wild Growth, “All friends restore 1 Health Naturally; Draw a card; Gain 2 Armor.”
*4mana) Druid of the Claw, (3a/h4) “Choose One - Charge; or +1 Health and Taunt.”
–*4mana) Cat Form, (3a/h4) “Charge”
–*4mana) Bear Form, (3a/h5) “Taunt. Battlecry: Your characters gain +1 Attack this turn.”
*4mana) Soul of the Forest, “Your minions gain ‘Deathrattle: Summon a 2/2 Treant.’ Then summon a Treant.”
–*1mana) Treant, (2a/h2).
*4mana) Swipe, “Deal 5 damage to an Unwalled enemy; All other enemies take a damage.”
–[This does NOT get Power + to its “a damage” effect.]
*5mana) Force of Nature, “Summon three 2/2 Treants and one gains Charge; Gain 3 Armor.”
–*1mana) Treant, (2a/h2).
*5mana) Nourish, “Choose One - Restores 10 Health Naturally; or Draw 3 cards.”
*5mana) Starfall, “Choose One - Deal 7 damage; or Among all enemies, deals times two 9 Magic damage.”
–[The Magic damage is just split in two’s (2,2,2,2). Still use whatever art suits best.]
*6mana) Starfire, “Deal 3 Burn damage; Draw a card; Restores 3 Health Naturally.”
*6mana) Iron Bark Protector, (4a/h8) “Taunt. Battlecry: Dredge. Deathrattle: Summon a 1/1 Sapling.”
–*1mana) Sapling, (1a/h1) “Battlecry: Gain +1/+1.”
----[This is an early Token-minion from League of Explorers.]
*7mana) Ancient of Lore, (5a/h7) “Choose One - Draw a card; or Restore 2 Health Naturally.”
*7mana) Ancient of War, (5a/h7) “Choose One - Deal 3 damage; or +3 Health and Taunt.”
*8mana) Cenarius, (4a/h7) “Choose One - Your minions gain +1/+1; or Summon two 2/2 Taunt Treants.”
–*1mana) Treant, (2a/h2) “Taunt”

~Demon Hunter Cards~
(1m=4c, 2m=6c, 3m=5c, 4m=3c, 5m=3c, 6m=2c, 7m=1c, 8m=1c, 9m=0c, 10m=0c.)
–((HP) Hero Quirk *2mana) Demon Claws, “+2 Attack and +1 middle-held Outcast works this turn.”
----[This makes an Outcast card between your left- and right-most held cards work this turn.]
----[This won’t be taken by a normal left- or right-most Outcast card if they’re played first.]
*1mana) Battlefiend, (2a/h2) "Outcast: Your hero gains +1 Attack this turn
*1mana) Feast of Souls, “Deal 2 damage; If a minion ended this turn, restores 3 Health.”
*1mana) Shadowhoof, (2a/h1) “Battlecry: Your next used Hero Quirk costs (1); Outcast: Gain 3 Armor.”
–[This has Shadowhoof Slayer’s Art.]
*1mana) Ur’zul Horror, (2a/h1) “Deathrattle: Add a 2/1 Lost Soul to your hand.”
–*1mana) Lost Soul, (2a/h1) “Outcast: Your hero gains +2 Health.”
*2mana) Consume Magic, "Silence an Unwalled enemy minion; Draw a card; Outcast: Costs (1).
*2mana) Eye Beam, “Lifesteal. Deal 1 Poison damage; Outcast: Costs (1).”
*2mana) Mana Burn, “The opponent has 4 fewer Mana Crystals their next turn only.”
*2mana) Sightless Watcher, (3a/h2) “Battlecry: Dredge; Outcast: Dredge again.”
*2mana) Twin Slice, “Deal 2 damage to an Unwalled enemy; +2 Attack this turn.”
*2mana) Umberwing, [2a/d2] “Battlecry: Summon a 1/1 Felwing with Hasten.”
–*1mana) Felwing, (1a/h1) “Hasten. Battlecry: Summon a 1/1 Felwing with Hasten.”
----*1mana) Felwing, (1a/h1) “Hasten. Battlecry: Summon a 1/1 Felwing with Hasten.”
------*1mana) Felwing, (1a/h1) “Hasten. Battlecry: Summon a 1/1 Felwing with Hasten…”
*3mana) Aldrachi Warblades, [3a/d2] “Your hero attacks: They gain +2 Health.”
*3mana) Blade Dance, “Deal a Poison damage; The adjacent minion(s) take a Poison damage.”
–[This does NOT get Power +.]
–[This does not have to target a minion.]
*3mana) Satyr Overseer, (3a/h3) “Once after your hero attacks: Summon a 2/2 Satyr your next turn.”
–*1mana) Illidari Satyr, (2a/h2).
*3mana) Soul Cleave, “Lifesteal. Two random enemies take three damage.”
*3mana) Wrathscale Naga, (4a/h3) “After another friendly minion ends: A random enemy takes a damage.”
*4mana) Chaos Strike, “+5 Attack this turn; Draw a card.”
*4mana) Illidari Felblade, (5a/h4) “Dash. Outcast: Gain Immune.”
*4mana) Raging Felscreamer, (4a/h5) “Outcast: Your next played Demon costs (1) less.”
*5mana) Glaivebound Adept, (6a/h5) “Outcast: Deal 3 damage to a hero.”
*5mana) Coordinated Strike, “Summon three 2/2 Illidari with Rush.”
–*1mana) Illidari Initiate, (2a/h2) “Rush”
*5mana) Wrathspike Brute, (2a/h6) “Taunt. Is attacked: The enemy takes 1 Poison damage.”
–[This is a Rare card now.]
*6mana) Chaos Nova, “ALL other characters take 4 damage, boosted by ALL your Powers.”
*6mana) Flamereaper, [5a/d2] “Deals Burn damage.”
*7mana) Inner Demon, “+6 Attack this turn; +5 Attack your next turn.”
*8mana) Nethrandamus, (7a/h8) “Dash. Battlecry: Add a ‘Commanding Shout’ Warrior spell to hand.”

~Death Knight Cards~
(1m=4c, 2m=6c, 3m=5c, 4m=4c, 5m=3c, 6m=1c, 7m=0c, 8m=1c, 9m=0c, 10m=1c.)
{Br=9c, Fr=13c, Ur=9c.}
–((HP) Hero Quirk *2mana) Ghoul Charge, “Summon a 2/2 Ghoul; Spend 1–2 Corpses; it gains Dash–Charge.”
----*1mana) Rampaging Ghoul, (2a/h2).
–[A player can only have up to 10 Corpses now.]
*1mana)#0B/1F/0U} Bone Breaker, [1a/d3] “Your hero has attacked a minion: Its hero takes 1 damage.”
–[This is a starting Basic card now (1 of).]
*1mana)#0B/1F/0U} Horn of Winter, “Refresh 2 Mana Crystals; Gain 1 Mana Crystal this turn only.”
*1mana)#0B/1F/0U} Icy Touch, “Deal 1 Freeze damage to an enemy, twice.”
–[This is a starting Basic card now (1 of).]
*1mana)#0B/1F/0U} Ymirjar Frostbreaker, (0a/h3) “Taunt. Battlecry: Gain +1 Attack for each Frost Rune card you hold.”
–[This is a starting Basic card now (1 of).]
*2mana)#1B/0F/0U} Blood Tap, “Draw a card; It costs (2) less; spend 3 Corpses: Draw another.”
–[This is a Common card now.]
–[The second card doesn’t cost less.]
*2mana)#0B/2F/0U} Deathchill Elemental, (2a/h3) “Deathrattle: Two random enemies take a Freeze damage.”
*2mana)#2B/0F/0U} Hematurge, (2a/h3) “Battlecry: Your next played Blood Rune card costs (1) less.”
*2mana)#0B/0F/2U} Plague Strike, “Deal 3 damage; Summon a 1/2 Zombie with Charge.”
–[This is a Rare card now.]
–*1mana) Rampaging Zombie, (1a/h2) “Charge. Battlecry: Gain +1 Attack.”
*2mana)#0B/0F/1U} Unholy Frenzy, “Give a minion Resummon and Rush.”
–[This is a starting Basic card now (1 of).]
*2mana)#1B/0F/0U} Bloodworm, (3a/d2) “Lifesteal”
–[This is a starting Basic card now (1 of).]
–[This has Vicious Bloodworm’s Art.]
*3mana)#2B/0F/0U} Asphyxiate, “Highest Attack enemy takes 6 damage.”
–[This card damages the enemy hero if they’re the only enemy.]
*3mana)#0B/0F/1U} Dark Disfiguration, “Destroy a minion, then summon a 5/6 Monstrosity from it.”
–[This is a starting Basic card now (1 of).]
–[This has Dark Transformation’s Art.]
–[This summons a Monstrosity to the same player’s side of the battlefield.]
–*5mana) Undead Monstrosity, (5a/h6).
*3mana)#1B/0F/0U} Fallen Neophyte, (3a/h3) “Resummon. Deathrattle: Spend a Corpse: A minion you hold gains +1/+0.”
–[This has Darkfallen Neophyte’s Art.]
*3mana)#0B/1F/0U} Glacial Advance, “Deal 4 damage; A Frost Rune card you hold costs (1) less.”
*3mana)#0B/1F/0U} Howling Blast, “Deal two Magic Freeze damage; All enemies take 1 damage.”
–[This does NOT get Power + to its “two” damage, only “1 damage.”]
–[This does NOT double Freeze for 2 turns. Only 1.]
–[This is a starting Basic card now (1 of).]
*4mana)#0B/1F/1U} Lady Deathwhisper, (4a/h3) “Deathrattle: Add a Frost Rune spell you played to hand.”
*4mana) Malignant Horror, (2a/h4) “Resummon. Deathrattle: Spend a Corpse: the enemy hero takes 2 damage.”
–[This is a starting Basic card now (1 of).]
–[This can have a copy of Leper Gnome’s Deathrattle Effect Art.]
*4mana)#0B/1F/0U} Might of Menethil, [4a/d2] “Battlecry: Spend a Corpse: this deals Freeze damage.”
–[This is a Common card now.]
*4mana)#0B/0F/2U} Tomb Guardians, “Summon two 2/2 Zombies with Taunt; Spend a Corpse: They have Resummon.”
–*2mana) Menacing Zombie, (2a/h2) “Taunt. Battlecry: Spend a Corpse: gain Resummon.”
*5mana)#2B/0F/0U} Blood Boil, “Lifesteal. Unwalled (or Walled) enemy minions take 1 Burn (or Poison) damage.”
*5mana) Corpse Bride, (4a/h4) “Battelcry: Spend 3 Corpses: summon a 4/4 Risen Groom.”
–[This is a starting Basic card now (1 of).]
–*3mana) Risen Groom, (4a/h4).
*5mana)#0B/0F/2U} Nerubian Swarmguard, (4a/h3) “Taunt. Battlecry: Summon a copy of this minion.”
–[This is a starting Basic card now (1 of).]
*6mana)#0B/1F/0U} Marrow Manipulator, (5a/h6) “Battlecry: Spend 2 Corpses: two random enemies each take 2 damage.”
*8mana) Frostmourne, [5a/d3] “Battlecry: Spend 5 Corpses: summon a Ghoul and two Zombies.”
–[This is an Epic card now.]
–*1mana) Rampaging Ghoul, (2a/h2).
–*1mana) Rampaging Zombie, (1a/h2) “Charge. Battlecry: Gain +1 Attack.”
–*2mana) Menacing Zombie, (2a/h2) “Taunt. Battlecry: Spend a Corpse: gain Resummon.”
*10mana)#0B/2F/0U} Frostwyrm’s Fury, “Unwalled /Walled enemies take 2 /1 Freeze damage; Summon a 6/7 Frostwyrm.”
–*8mana) Frostwyrm, (6a/h6) “Resummon. Deals Freeze damage. Battlecry: Deal 2 damage.”

~Neutral Cards~
(1m=23c, 2m=28c, 3m=34c, 4m=21c, 5m=19c, 6m=14c, 7m=8c, 8m=5c, 9m=4c, 10m=2c.)
*1mana) Abusive Sergeant, (2a/h1) “Battlecry: Gain 1 Armor; your next played minion gains +1 Attack.”
*1mana) Argent Squire, (2a/h1) “Divine Shield.”
*1mana) Bloodsail Corsair, (2a/h2) “Battlecry: A random enemy weapon Rusts.”
*1mana) Crazed Alchemist, (1a/h2) “Deathrattle: Add a ‘Reversing Switch’ Neutral spell to your hand.”
~Add-able Spare Part Neutral spell card~
–*2mana) Reversing Switch, “Target minion swaps Attack and Health; otherwise, give it +1/+1.”
----[This will only give it +1/+1 if it has an equal Attack and Health when targeted.]
*1mana) Dread Corsair, (1a/h3) “Has Taunt while a weapon is equipped.”
*1mana) Elven Archer, (2a/h1) “Battlecry: Deal 1 damage.”
*1mana) Grimscale Oracle, (1a/h2) “Your other Murlocs have +1 Attack.”
*1mana) Pokey Crab, (1a/h5) “Battlecry: Takes two damage.”
–[This has Hungry Crab’s Art.]
*1mana) Leper Gnome, (2a/h1) “Deathrattle: The enemy hero takes 2 damage.”
*1mana) Lightwarden, (1a/h3) “Once a character is healed: Gain +1 Attack.”
*1mana) Murloc Raider, (2a/h1) “Dash. Has Charge while you have another Murloc.”
*1mana) Murloc Tidecaller, (1a/h3) “Deathrattle: Draw a Murloc; it costs (1) more.”
*1mana) Nat Pagle, (0a/h3) “Once the start of your turn: Draw a card.”
*1mana) Secret Keeper, (2a/h1) “Stealth. A secret is played: Gain +1 Health.”
*1mana) Shieldbearer, (0a/h4) “Taunt. Frenzy: Gains ‘Has +1/+0 on your turn.’”
*1mana) Southsea Deckhand, (2a/h1) “Dash. Has Hasten while a weapon is equipped.”
*1mana) Stonetusk Boar, (1a/h2) “Charge.”
*1mana) Upset Chicken, (1a/h2) “Frenzy: Restores itself 1 Health. Spellburst: Gain +2 Attack this turn.”
–[This has Angry Chicken’s Art.]
*1mana) Voodoo Doctor, (2a/h1) “Battlecry: Restore 2 Health; otherwise, gain 2 Armor.”
–[This gives your Hero 2 Armor if it doesn’t restore exactly 2 Health (and it CAN restore 1).]
*1mana) Wisp, (0a/h1) “Charge. Deathrattle: The opponent loses 2 Mana Crystals their next turn only.”
*1mana) Worgen Infiltrator, (2a/h1) “Stealth. Deathrattle: Add a ‘Kingsblood Toxin’ Neutral spell to hand.”
–*2mana) Kingsblood Toxin, “Draw a card.”
----[This is a Xaril, Poisoned Mind’s Neutral spell card appearing early. (“I smell blood.”)]
*1mana) Young Dragonhawk, (1a/h2) “Windfury, Rush.”
*1mana) Young Priestess, (2a/h1) “Battlecry: Your next two played minions gain +1 Health.”

*2mana) Acidic Swamp Ooze, (3a/h2) “Has Taunt and +1 Health while an opponent has a weapon equipped.”
*2mana) Amani Berserker, (2a/h3) “Has attacked: Restores itself 1 Health. Has +2 Attack while damaged.”
*2mana) Bloodfen Raptor, (3a/h2) “Dash”
*2mana) Bloodmage Thalnos, (2a/h1) “Resummon. You have Spell Power +1.”
–[This gives you, the player, Spell Power +1, but it still emanates from this and can be stopped with Silence.]
*2mana) Bloodsail Raider, (2a/h3) “Battlecry: If a weapon is equpped, gain +1 Attack.”
*2mana) Bluegill Warrior, (2a/h3) “Has Hasten while you have another Murloc.”
*2mana) Captain’s Parrot, (2a/h1) “Charge. Has Invincible while attacking while adjacent a Pirate.”
*2mana) Dire Wolf Alpha, (2a/h3) “Dash. Once another Beast of yours attacks: Give it +1 Attack.”
*2mana) Doomsayer, (1a/h5) “Start of your turns: ALL minions take 1 Burn damage.”
*2mana) Faerie Dragon, (3a/h2) “Immune.”
*2mana) Goldshire Footman, (2a/h3) “Taunt. Spellburst: Has +1 Health until after your next turn.”
*2mana) Ironbeak Owl, (3a/h2) “Battlecry: Silence a 1 or 2-Cost minion.”
*2mana) Ironforge Rifleman, (2a/h3) “Battlecry: Deal 1 damage. Forge (1): two damage instead.”
–*2mana) Ironforge Rifleman, (2a/h3) “Forged. Battlecry: Deal two damage.”
*2mana) Knife Juggler, (3a/h2) “Deathrattle: A random enemy takes a Poison damage.”
*2mana) Kobold Geomancer, (2a/h3) “Adjacent minions have Minion Power +1.”
–[This doesn’t boost cards that say “boosted by all your Powers” if they are not an adjacent minion.]
*2mana) Loot Hoarder, (1a/h3) “Deathrattle: You gain 1 Mana Crystal your next turn only.”
*2mana) Lorewalker Cho, (2a/h5) “An opponent casts a spell: Their hero gains +2 Health.”
*2mana) Mad Bomber, (3a/h2) “Battlecry: Among all other characters, deals 4 Magic damage.”
–[The Magic damage is just split in one’s. Still use whatever art suits best.]
*2mana) Mana Addict, (1a/h4) “Battlecry and Spellburst: Gain +1 Attack until your next turn.”
*2mana) Mana Wraith, (2a/h2) “End of turn: The next played card costs (1) more.”
*2mana) Master Swordsmith, (1a/h3) “End of your turns: Give a random friendly minion +1 Attack.”
–[This can buff itself now.]
*2mana) Millhouse Manastorm, (4a/h4) “ALL enemy spells cost (2) less, but not less than (1).”
*2mana) Murloc Tidehunter, (2a/h2) “Battlecry: Summon a 1/1 Murloc Scout with Hasten.”
–*1mana) Murloc, (1a/h1) “Hasten. Battlecry: Gain +1 Health.”
*2mana) Novice Engineer, (1a/h2) “Battlecry: Draw a minion and gain 3 Armor.”
*2mana) Pint-Sized Summoner, (1a/h3) “Battlecry: Your next played minion costs (1) less.”
*2mana) Sunfury Protector, (2a/h2) “Divine Shield, Taunt. Battlecry: Give another friendly minion Taunt.”
*2mana) Thrallmar Farseer, (2a/h3) “Windfury.”
*2mana) Wild Pyromancer, (3a/h1) “Resummon. Deals Burn damage. Spellburst: All minions take a damage.”
–[This won’t take the two Burn damage from itself if Resummon’ed.]

*3mana) Acolyte of Pain, (1a/h3) “Battlecry: Draw a card. Deathrattle: Your next drawn card costs (1) less.”
*3mana) Alarm-o-Bot, (0a/h3) “Taunt. Deathrattle: Your next played 5–7 Cost minion costs (3) less.”
*3mana) Angry Ghoul, (3a/h2) “Resummon. Once another minion ends: Gain +1 Attack.”
–[This card has Flesheating Ghoul’s Art.]
*3mana) Arcane Golem, (4a/h3) “Battlecry and Spellburst: Your hero Restores 1 Health.”
*3mana) Blood Knight, (4a/h3) “Battlecry: Target enemy loses Divine Shield; gain +0/+1 for each not lost.”
–[This only gets +Health for each ADDITIONAL Divine Shield.]
*3mana) Coldlight Oracle, (3a/h3) “Battlecry: Each player draws a card.”
*3mana) Coldlight Seer, (3a/h3) “Battlecry: Other friendly Murlocs gain +1 Health.”
–[This does not work on a Murloc hero skin.]
*3mana) Cult Master, (4a/h1) “Resummon. After another minion ends: Your next drawn card costs (1) less.”
–[This does NOT count the minion that this ends in battle with, even if Resummon’ed.]
*3mana) Dalaran Mage, (2a/h4) “You have Hero Quirk Power +1.”
*3mana) Earthren Ring Farseer, (3a/h3) “Battlecry: Restore 1 Health Naturally to another friend.”
*3mana) Emperor Cobra, (2a/h4) “Deals Poison damage.”
*3mana) Frostwolf Grunt, (3a/h4) “Taunt.”
*3mana) Game Hunter, (4a/h2) “Battlecry: Deal 2 damage to an enemy with a Minion Type.”
–[This has Big Game Hunter’s Art, and needs a new Flavor Text.]
–[Druid can become a Beast Minion Type, and Jaraxxus is a Demon Minion Type Hero.]
–[Elemental, Void, and Undead are not OFFICIALLY minion types anymore = Just ability/name synergies.]
*3mana) Harrison Jones, (4a/h3) “Battlecry: Rust an enemy weapon to gain 1 Mana Crystal this turn only.”
*3mana) Harvest Golem, (2a/h3) “Deathrattle: Summon a 2/3 Damaged Golem; it takes 2 damage.”
–*1mana) Damage Golem, (2a/h3)
*3mana) Imp Tamer, (2a/h4) “End of your turns: Takes a damage to summon a 1/1 Imp.”
–[This has Imp Master’s Art.]
–*1mana) Imp, (1a/h1) “Battlecry: Gain +2 Health.”
*3mana) Injured Blademaster, (4a/h6) “Battlecry: Takes three damage. Spellburst: Gain Stealth.”
*3mana) Ironfur Grizzly, (3a/h3) “Taunt, Dash.”
*3mana) Jungle Panther, (4a/h2) “Stealth, Dash.”
*3mana) Magma Elemental Rager, (1a/h3) “Deals times two Burn damage.”
–[This minion will burn the enemies it battles for four damage at the start of the next turn.]
*3mana) Mogu’shan Warden, (4a/h4) “Dormant until your next turn. Taunt.”
*3mana) Murloc Warleader, (4a/h2) “Your other Murlocs have +1/+1.”
*3mana) Questing Adventurer, (2a/h4) “Start of your turns: Gain +1 Attack; Restores itself 1 Health.”
*3mana) Rageful Worgen, (4a/h3) “Frenzy: Add a ‘Claw’ Druid spell to hand; It costs (1) more.”
–[This card has Raging Worgen’s Art.]
----*1mana) Claw, “+Beast and +2 Attack this turn; Restores 1 Health Naturally.”
*3mana) Raid Leader, (3a/h3) “Your characters have +1 Attack on your turn.”
*3mana) Razorfen Hunter, (2a/h4) “Battlecry: Summon a 1/1 Boar with Rush.”
–*1mana) Boar, (1a/h1) “Rush”
*3mana) River Crocolisk, (2a/h5) “Dash”
*3mana) Scarlet Crusader, (3a/h2) “Divine Shield, Taunt.”
*3mana) Shattered Sun Cleric, (3a/h2) “Battlecry: Give a friendly minion +1/+1.”
–[This can target itself.]
*3mana) Silverback Patriarch, (3a/h3) “End of turn: Gain Divine Shield until your next turn.”
–[These “End of turn”/“Start of your turns”/etc, effects count the: first and only; or first and always.]
*3mana) Southsea Captain, (3a/h3) “Your other Pirates have +1/+1.”
*3mana) Tinkmaster Overspark, (2a/h4) “Battlecry: Add a Spare Part Neutral spell to hand; it costs (1).”
~Add-able Spare Part Neutral spell cards~
–*2mana) Armor Plating, “Give a minion +3 Health.”
–*2mana) Emergency Coolant, “Deal a Freeze damage.”
–*2mana) Finicky Cloakfield, “Give a friendly minion Stealth.”
–*2mana) Reversing Switch, “Target minion swaps Attack and Health; otherwise, give it +1/+1.”
----[This will only give it +1/+1 if it has an equal Attack and Health when targeted.]
–*2mana) Rusty Horn, “Give a minion +1/+1 and Taunt.”
–*2mana) Time Rewinder, “Bounce a friendly minion. It costs (1) less.”
–*2mana) Whirling Blades, “Give a minion +3 Attack.”
*3mana) Wolfrider, (3a/h2) “Charge”
*3mana) Youthful Brewmaster, (4a/h3) “Battlecry: Bounce another friendly minion. It costs (1) less.”

*4mana) Ancient Brewmaster, (4a/h5) “Battlecry: Bounce another friendly minion. It costs (1) less.”
*4mana) Ancient Mage, (3a/h5) “Battlecry: Give another friendly minion Spell Power +1.”
*4mana) Captain Greenskin, (4a/h4) “Battlecry: Your weapon gains +1 Durability; Otherwise: Gain +1 Attack.”
*4mana) Dark Iron Dwarf, (4a/h4) “Adjacent minions have +1 Attack.”
*4mana) Defender of Argus, (3a/h5) “Taunt. Deathrattle: A random friendly minion gains +1 Health and Taunt.”
*4mana) Demolisher, (1a/h5) “Battlecry and Start of your turns: A random enemy takes 2 damage.”
*4mana) Dragonling Mechanic, (2a/h4) “Battlecry: Summon a 2/2 Mechanical Dragonling.”
–*2mana) Mechanical Dragonling, (2a/h2) “Battlecry: Deal 1 damage.”
*4mana) Elite Tauren Chieftain, (4a/h5) “Battlecry: Add a Power Chord card to each player’s hand (to ROCK!).”
–*1mana) I Am Murloc, “Summon two 1/1 Murlocs with Hasten.”
----[This is a Neutral spell card.]
----*1mana) Murloc, (1a/h1) “Hasten. Battlecry: Gain +1 Health.”
–*2mana) Rogues Do It…, “Deal 2 Poison damage.”
----[This is a Neutral spell card.]
–*3mana) Power of the Horde, “Summon a random 2–5 Cost Horde Warrior.”
----[This is a Neutral spell card.]
----[Thrallmar Farseer/Frostwolf Grunt/Sen’jin Shieldmasta/Tauren Warrior/Silvermoon Guardian/Cairne Bloodhoof.]
*4mana) Frostwolf Warlord, (4a/h3) “Battlecry: Gain +1 Health for each other friend.”
–[This includes your hero.]
*4mana) Gnomish Inventor, (2a/h4) “Battlecry: Draw a spell. Deathrattle: Gain 3 Armor.”
*4mana) Leeroy Jenkins, (6a/h1) “Charge.”
*4mana) Oasis Snapjaw, (2a/h7) “Dash.”
*4mana) Ogre Magi, (4a/h4) “You have Spell Power +1.”
*4mana) Ravenholdt Assassin, (6a/h6) “Stealth. Battlecry: Lose 2 Mana Crystals your next turn only.”
*4mana) Sen’jin Shieldmasta, (3a/h5) “Taunt. Frenzy: Restores itself 1 Health.”
*4mana) Silvermoon Guardian, (4a/h3) “Divine Shield, Taunt.”
*4mana) Spellbreaker, (4a/h5) “Battlecry: Silence a minion with a damage type or Power +.”
*4mana) Stormwind Knight, (3a/h4) “Charge”
*4mana) Tauren Warrior, (3a/h5) “Taunt. Has +1 Attack while damaged.”
*4mana) Twilight Drake, (4a/h5) “Battlecry: Deal 1 damage, boosted by ALL your Powers.”
*4mana) Violet Teacher, (3a/h5) “Spellburst: Summon a 2/2 Violet Apprentice.”
–*3mana) Violet Apprentice, (2a/h2) “Battlecry: Summon another Violet Apprentice.”

*5mana) Abomination, (4a/h4) “Resummon, Taunt. Start of your turn: All other minions take 1 Poison damage.”
–[This will repeat it’s once Start of your turn, again after Resummon.]
*5mana) Ancient Watcher, (6a/h7) “Can’t attack unless attacked once. Has Taunt while you have 12- Health.”
*5mana) Booty Bay Bodygaurd, (5a/h4) “Taunt. Battlecry: Silence a 1–4 Cost Taunt minion.”
–[Minions that gain (or have) Taunt are Taunt minions.]
*5mana) Cairne Bloodhoof, (3a/h1) “Rush. Deathrattle: Summon a 4/5 Baine Bloodhoof. End of turn: Ends.”
–*4mana) Baine Bloodhoof, (4a/h5).
–[This also cohabitats as 3 damage Tauren “Shockwave” from WC3.]
*5mana) Chillwind Yeti, (5a/h6) “Spellburst: Deals Freeze damage this turn.”
*5mana) Darkscale Healer, (4a/h6) “Battlecry and Spellburst: All friends restore 1 Health.”
*5mana) Facelss Manipulator, (4a/h6) “Battlecry: Target a 3–7 Cost minion; change into it.”
–[This can target itself to be itself.]
*5mana) Fen Creeper, (4a/h6) “Taunt. Deathrattle: Your hero Restores 2 Health.”
*5mana) Gadgetzan Auctioneer, (3a/h5) “Deathrattle: Draw a card. Spellburst: Your next drawn card costs (2) less.”
*5mana) Mind Control Tech, (4a/h4) “Battlecry: Give yourself control of a 1–2 Cost enemy minion.”
–[We’ll keep the “If control changes, gain summoning sickness” code here.]
*5mana) Priestess of Elune, (5a/h4) “Battlecry: Restore 2 Health Naturally to a friendly hero.”
*5mana) Silver Hand Knight, (4a/h4) “Taunt. Battlecry: Summon a 1/2 companion Squire.”
–*1mana) Squire, (1a/h2) “Deathrattle: The Silver Hand Knight gains Divine Shield.”
*5mana) Spiteful Smith, (4a/h5) “Resummon. While damaged, your weapon has +1 Attack.”
*5mana) Stormpike Commando, (4a/h5) “Battlecry: Deal 2 damage.”
*5mana) Stranglethorn Tiger, (4a/h6) “Dash, Stealth. Battlecry: Gain +1 Attack this turn.”
*5mana) Sylvanas Windrunner, (4a/h6) “Deathrattle: A random enemy minion loses -2/-3.”
–[This Deathrattle can end a minion.]
*5mana) The Black Knight, (4a/h6) “Battlecry: A random Taunt enemy takes 3 damage; Otherwise: Deal a damage.”
*5mana) Venture Co. Mercenary, (3a/h6) “You have Minion Power +1. Battlecry: Deal 1 damage.”
–[Venture Co. Mercenary improves its own Battlecry damage because minions are on the board for Battlecries now.]
*5mana) War Golem, (5a/h6) “Deathrattle and Frenzy: Gain 1 Armor.”

*6mana) Archmage, (4a/h7) “Battlecry: Deal 2 damage to a hero, boosted by your Spell Power.”
*6mana) Argent Commander, (3a/h6) “Charge, Divine Shield.”
*6mana) Azure Drake, (5a/h5) "You have Spell Power +1. Battlecry: Draw a card.
*6mana) Core Hound, (5a/h6) “Deals times two Burn damage while attacking.”
–[This minion will burn the enemies it attacks for four damage at the start of the next turn.]
*6mana) Frost Elemental, (3a/h7) “Deals Freeze damage. Battlecry: Deal 1 damage.”
*6mana) Hogger, (3a/h5) “Battlecry and Frenzy: Summon a 1/3 Gnoll with Taunt.”
–*1mana) Gnoll, (1a/h3) “Taunt”
*6mana) King Mukla, (7a/h9) “Battlecry: Add a 0/1 Banana with Taunt to the opponent’s hand.”
–*1mana) Banana, (0a/h1) “Divine Shield. Taunt”
*6mana) Lord of the Arena, (6a/h6) “Taunt. Battlecry: Gain 1 Armor.”
*6mana) Nightblade, (4a/h5) “Stealth. Battlecry: Deal 3 damage to an Unwalled enemy.”
*6mana) Stampeding Kodo, (4a/h7) “Dash. Battlecry: All friendly Beasts gain +2 Attack this turn.”
*6mana) Stormwind Champion, (5a/h6) “Your other non-Taunt minions have +1/+1.”
*6mana) The Beast, (6a/h6) “Dash. Deals Burn damage while attacking.”
*6mana) Windfury Harpy, (5a/h7) “Windfury.”
–[This is a Rare card now.]
*6mana) Xavius, (5a/h4) “Battlecry and Deathrattle: Summon a 3/2 Satyr.”
–*1mana) Xavian Satyr, (3a/h2).

*7mana) Baron Elemental Geddon, (6a/h5) “Deals Burn damage. Start of turn: ALL other minions take 1 damage.”
*7mana) Gelbin Mekkatorque, (4a/h5) “Battlecry: Summon an AWESOME invention.”
–*2mana) Homing Chicken, (4a/h1) “Charge. Attacks: Destroys itself.”
–*2mana) Emboldener 3000, (1a/h3) “End of your turns: Another random friendly minion gains +1/+1.”
–*2mana) Poultryizer, (3a/h1) “Deathrattle: A random 2–4 Cost enemy minion transforms into a 1/1 Chicken.”
----*1mana) Chicken, (1a/h1).
–*2mana) Repair Bot, (1a/h4) “End of friendly turns: A damaged friendly character restores 2 Health.”
*7mana) Gruul, (7a/h7) “End of your turns: If an opponent has a Dragon, gain +1/+1.”
–[This is an Epic card now.]
*7mana) Gurubashi Berserker, (5a/h9) “Takes damage: Gain +1 Attack.”
*7mana) Nozdormu, (7a/h8) “Players start their turns with only 5 non-empty Mana Crystals.”
–[This makes the excess of 5 Mana at the start of each turn empty Mana Crystals.]
*7mana) Old Murk-Eye, (6a/h3) “Charge. Costs (2) less for each other Murloc you have.”
*7mana) Reckless Rocketeer, (4a/h4) “Charge. Deathrattle: Enemy heroes take 4 damage.”
*7mana) Sunwalker, (4a/h8) “Taunt, Divine Shield.”
*8mana) Alexstrazsa, (7a/h8) “Battlecry: Restore 5 Health to another friend; Otherwise: Deal 5 damage.”
*8mana) Boulderfist Ogre, (8a/h8).
*8mana) Malygos, (6a/h8) “Spell Power +2. Battlecry: Deal 2 damage, boosted by your Powers.”
–[Malygos improves its own Battlecry damage because minions are on the board for Battlecries now.]
*8mana) Ragnaros the Elemental Firelord, (6a/h7) “Deals Burn damage. End of turns: A random enemy takes 2 damage.”
*8mana) Ysera, (6a/h8) “Battlecry: Deal 2 damage. End of turns: Add the next Dream card to hand.”
–[Ysera canNOT add more than 1 copy of ANY Dream card to your hand at ANY time.]
–[(5 MAX Dream cards in hand at a time).]
–[The Dream cards are Neutral spells and should be colored gray to show.]
----[Nuetral cards can have a tint of player transparency (and maybe teal?) to their boarders if its agreed on.]
–[The “next” Dream card, in numerical order:]
1.–*2mana) Dream, “Bounce a minion; the targeted enemy costs (1) more.”
------[10 is the MAX Cost FOREVER NO MATTER WHAT.]
2.–*2mana) Nightmare, "Give a minion +3/+2 until next turn. Then it loses -4/-5.
3.–*2mana) Laughing Sister, (2a/h4) “Immune.”
4.–*3mana) Emerald Drake, (5a/h4).
5.–*4mana) Ysera Awakens, “All other characters, except Ysera, take 3 damage.”
------[This does NOT damage your hero.]
*9mana) Here Giant, (7a/h8) “Costs (1) less (3 MIN) for each other card you have.”
–[This counts your weapon, Secrets, Quests and Locations too.]
*9mana) Molten Giant, (7a/h8) “Costs (1) less (3 MIN) for each 4 damage your hero has.”
*9mana) Mountain Giant, (7a/h8) “Costs (1) less (3 MIN) for each other card you hold.”
*9mana) Sea Giant, (7a/h8) “Costs (1) less (3 MIN) for each card the opponent has.”
–[This counts their weapon, Secrets, Quests and Locations too.]
*10mana) Deathwing, (9a/h11) “Battlecry: ALL other characters take 1 Burn damage.”
*10mana) Onyxia, (7a/h8) “Battlecry: Deal 1 Burn damage; add four 1/2 Whelps to hand.”
–*1mana) Whelp, (1a/h2) “Battlecry: Deal a damage.”

HEARTHSTONE (UNITED IN DIVERSITY [Only the Absolutely Necessary Changes])
~Diversely Simple, Invincibly Fun~

~The Coin~
-The coin is now changed to a non-number minion card on board that needs to be double-clicked on the owner’s turn.
(It takes 1 of the 7 minion zones w/ no numbers for the 2nd-turn player to tap-twice to change into a Mana Crystal.)
[There will be less flooding.]
(1st a 2-Durability customizable-art Coin / 2nd a 3-durability customizable-art Coin.)
(Coins have Durability, but no mana, Attack, nor Health; they are ONCE PER TURN per use.)

~New Multiplayer Game Modes~
[This is like a box with each player in a corner.]
(Players are straight across for ‘both heroes’ and ‘the enemy’/‘the opponent’ worded effects FIRST.)
(The 1st/2nd/3rd/4th turn-players EACH get a coin with up to 4 uses, ONCE PER TURN per use.)
(The 1st/2nd/3rd/4th turn-player starts with 1/2/3/4 customizable-art Coins, ONCE PER TURN per use).
–[This can be kinda like Locations are for their uses but ONCE PER TURN instead of once every other turn.]
(TAUNTs protect Team Mates.)
(Situated straight across from an enemy hero and always alternating between one team and the other in turns.)
~1VS1VS1VS1 (4PlayerFreeForAll)

~Game Fundamentals~
30 Card Decks (Never more. Never less.)
7 Cards Maximum In Hand (Never more.)
1 of each card maximum per deck, except Commons (not Basics) as 2 of’s to have Truly unique decks.
Total Limitations for card rarities instead of Quantity Limitations
–[4 Legendaries MAX per deck.]
–[6 Epics MAX per deck.]
–[1 Unique copy of EACH card MAX, except Common cards (NOT Basic cards) are 2 Unique copies of EACH card MAX.]
Each player now starts with an extra card for Mulligan and their first turn, BUT canNOT draw their first turn.
(In 1vs1: 4cards/first; 5cards/second. In 2vs2 OR 1vs1vs1vs1: 4cards/firstANDsecond; 5cards/thirdANDfourth.)
[10 is the MAX Mana Cost FOREVER NO MATTER WHAT.]
The original printed Cost of ANY card cannot EVER be less than 1 mana WITHOUT AN EFFECT (then it’s 0 mana).
Each player can only play 1 card for 0 mana per turn, maximum.
NOTHING messes with Fatigue. (‘Draw Cards’ do NOT draw into more Fatigue).
[Token-like Minions do count as having an original printed Cost of a card.]
ALL damage now NEVER deals below 0 Health, except in the case it’s COUNTED AS “EXCESS DAMAGE”.
There will Never be a cards effect that includes to Bounce an enemy Beast hero character.
There will Never be an effect that makes a player have to skip their WHOLE turn.
ALL generated spells (i.e: “Reversing Switch”, “Fireblood Toxin”, “Dream”) are “Neutral Spells” and colored gray.
Hero Cards do NOT remove a player’s Frozen state, instead, Heroes pay 1 Mana Crystal to remove their Frozen State.
Rarity Crafting cost Disenchanting reward
Regular Golden Regular Golden
Common (White) 100 300 50 100
Rare (Blue) 200 500 100 200
Epic (Purple) 600 1300 300 600
Legendary (Orange) 1800 3000 700 1400

~New Key Words~
–[“Bounce” “Bunch” “Dash” “Rust” “Walled” and “Unwalled”]
-Bounce “Returns the card to the hand of the player who owns (not controls) it.”
-Burn “Stackable damage-type that deals two damage at the start of the next turn.”
-Dash “Can attack Taunt minions immediately.”
-Echo “Repeatable the turn you play this. Copies can’t cost less than (1).”
-Freeze “Non-stackable damage-type that Freezes/stops the one soonest attack turn.”
-Hasten “Can attack Heroes and Taunt minions immediately.”
-Immune “Can’t be targeted by spells or Hero Quirks.”
-Invincible “Can’t be damaged nor affected by other players’ abilties/effects.”
-Lifesteal “Damage dealt or taken down to 0 Health also heals your hero.”
-Magic “Special damage split in one’s, unless times two/three/etc.”
–[Implies some randomness. Can defeat Reborn’ed minions.]
–[This is to CREATE MAGIC!]
-Naturally “Stackable healing-type that restores one Health at the start of the two next turns.”
-Poison “Non-stackable damage-type that deals one damage at the start of the next two turns.”
-Power + “ALL your individual cards and Hero Quirk “deal”/“take” and “restore” extra.”
–[This replaces Spell Damage +. It can be “Spell Power”, “Quirk Power”, “Weapon Power”, “Minion Power”, etc.]
–[This only grants extra by the number (1) to the number (2), NOT the word (one) to the word (two).]
-Rust “The weapon loses one point of Durability.”
-Super-Windfury “Can attack a second and third time each turn dealing half damage (rounded up).”
-Taunt “Protects non-Taunt friends from enemy attack damage, halving that damage (rounded up).”
-Unwalled “Characters not protected by a Taunt character, including the Taunt characters.”
-Walled “Characters protected by a Taunt character.”
-Windfury “Can attack a second time each turn dealing half damage (rounded up).”
-(Forge/Forged) “Drag to your deck spending (x) Mana, revealing it for an upgrade.”

~Art Changes~
-There is now a little bit of grass on the battlefield to green it up, isntead of just dirt.
-Hero Power’s are now and forever renamed to Hero Quirk’s.
-The general damaged-red-health numbers color will be changed to a light-light-red color for better visibility.
-[Nuetral cards can have a tint of player transparency (and maybe teal?) to their boarders if its agreed on.]

~Rogue Cards~
(1m=4c, 2m=8c, 3m=5c, 4m=4c, 5m=3c, 6m=1c, 7m=1c, 8m=0c, 9m=0c, 10m=0c.)
*5mana) Anub’ar Ambusher, (4a/h2) “Deals Poison damage. Reborn, Stealth.”
–[This gets Stealth again after Reborn.]

~Priest Cards~
(1m=5c, 2m=6c, 3m=7c, 4m=4c, 5m=2c, 6m=2c, 7m=1c, 8m=0c, 9m=0c, 10m=0c.)
*3mana) Dark Cultist, (3a/h4) “Deathrattle: A random friendly Unwalled character gains +1 Health.”

~Mage Cards~
(1m=3c, 2m=4c, 3m=10c, 4m=4c, 5m=2c, 6m=2c, 7m=1c, 8m=0c, 9m=0c, 10m=0c.)
*3mana) Duplicate, “Secret: A friendly 2–5 Cost minion ends: Add 2 copies to hand.”

~Hunter Cards~
(1m=8c, 2m=6c, 3m=4c, 4m=4c, 5m=2c, 6m=1c, 7m=0c, 8m=1c, 9m=0c, 10m=0c.)
*1mana) Webspinner, (1a/h1) “Deathrattle: Add a random 1-Cost Beast minion to hand.”

~Warrior Cards~
(1m=3c, 2m=7c, 3m=6c, 4m=5c, 5m=3c, 6m=1c, 7m=1c, 8m=0c, 9m=0c, 10m=0c.)
*4mana) Death’s Bite, [4a/d2] “Deathrattle: All minions take 1 damage.”

~Paladin Cards~
(1m=6c, 2m=5c, 3m=5c, 4m=4c, 5m=3c, 6m=1c, 7m=1c, 8m=0c, 9m=1c, 10m=0c.)
*1mana) Avenge, “Secret: A friendly minion ends: +3/+1 until after your next turn.”

~Warlock Cards~
(1m=5c, 2m=4c, 3m=6c, 4m=5c, 5m=3c, 6m=1c, 7m=2c, 8m=0c, 9m=0c, 10m=0c.)
*4mana) Voidcaller, (3a/h5) “Taunt. Deathrattle: Draw a Demon minion; your hero takes 2 damage.”

~Shaman Cards~
(1m=6c, 2m=6c, 3m=6c, 4m=3c, 5m=3c, 6m=1c, 7m=1c, 8m=0c, 9m=0c, 10m=0c.)
*2mana) Reincarnate, “End a minion, then restart it with full Health.”

~Druid Cards~
(1m=5c, 2m=4c, 3m=5c, 4m=4c, 5m=3c, 6m=2c, 7m=2c, 8m=1c, 9m=0c, 10m=0c.)
*4mana) Poison Seeds, “Give ALL minions -2/-3, then summon a 2/2 Treant from each.”
–[This summons Treants to each same-player’s side of the battlefield.]
–*1mana) Treant, (2a/h2).

~Demon Hunter Cards~
(1m=4c, 2m=6c, 3m=6c, 4m=3c, 5m=3c, 6m=2c, 7m=1c, 8m=1c, 9m=0c, 10m=0c.)
*5mana) Weblord, (4a/h5) “Reborn. End of turn: The next played Battlecry minion costs (1) more.”
–[This has Nerub’ar Weblord’s Art.]
–[This will repeat it’s once End of turn, after Reborn.]

~Death Knight Cards~
(1m=4c, 2m=5c, 3m=7c, 4m=4c, 5m=3c, 6m=1c, 7m=0c, 8m=1c, 9m=0c, 10m=1c.)
{Br=9c, Fr=13c, Ur=10c.}
*3mana)#0B/0F/1U} Deathlord, (1a/h7) “Reborn. Battlecry: Spend 2 Corpses: Gain +1 Attack and Taunt.”

~Neutral Cards~
(1m=2c, 2m=4c, 3m=4c, 4m=4c, 5m=3c, 6m=1c, 7m=0c, 8m=1c, 9m=0c, 10m=0c.)
*1mana) Undertaker, (1a/h1) “Reborn. You summon a Deathrattle or Power + minion: Gain +1 Attack.”
*1mana) Zombie Chow, (1a/h3) “Reborn, Taunt. Deathrattle: The enemy hero restores 1 Health.”
*2mana) Echoing Ooze, (2a/h3) “Echo. Has Taunt while an opponent has a weapon equipped.”
*2mana) Haunted Creeper, (1a/h2) “Deathrattle: Summon, and add to hand, a 1/1 Hauntling with Reborn.”
–*1mana) Hauntling, (1a/h1) “Reborn.”
----[This has Spectral Spider’s Art.]
*2mana) Mad Scientist, (2a/h3) “Deathrattle: Draw a Secret.”
*2mana) Unstable Ghoul, (2a/h2) “Reborn. Start of turn: All minions take a damage.”
–[The flavor text should be more along the mentally unstable lines than the bomb ghoul lines I think.]
*3mana) Haunting Swords, (4a/h5) “Battlecry: Discard your lowest Cost card, minion first.”
–[This has Dancing Swords’s Art.]
*3mana) Nerubian Egg, (1a/h4) “Deathrattle: Summon a 4/3 Nerubian.”
–*3mana) Nerubian, (4a/h3) “Battlecry: Your opponent’s next used Hero Quirk costs (1) more.”
*3mana) Shade of Naxxramas, (3a/h3) “Stealth. Start of your turns: Gain +1 Heatlh.”
*3mana) Stoneskin Gargoyle, (2a/h5) “Start of your turns: Restores itself 2 Health.”
*3mana) Wailing Soul, (3a/h4) “Battlecry and Deathrattle: Silence your other minions.”
*4mana) Baron Rivendare, (3a/h4) “Reborn. Battlecry: Your next triggered Deathrattle finishes twice.”
*4mana) Feugen, (3a/h6) “Deathrattle: If your Stalagg ended, replace your hero with Thaddius.”
*4mana) Stalagg, (6a/h3) “Deathrattle: If your Feugen ended, replace your hero with Thaddius.”
–Thaddius, (Has 1 Attack on your turns. / Has same Health as your hero before.)
–((HP) Hero Quirk *2mana) Lightning Zap, “Deal 3 damage. Overload: (1)”
*4mana) Spectral Knight, (4a/h3) “Reborn, Immune.”
*5mana) Loatheb, (5a/h6) “Battlecry: Enemy spells costs (2) more until your next turn.”
*5mana) Sludge Belcher, (3a/h5) “Reborn, Taunt. Start of your turn: Summon a 1/2 Slime with Taunt.”
–[This will repeat it’s once Start of your turn, again after Reborn.]
–*1mana) Putrid Slime, (1a/h2) “Taunt”
*6mana) Maexxna, (5a/h7) “Deals Poison damage.”
*8mana) Kel’Thuzad, (4a/h7) “End of turns: Summon a friendly 1–2 Cost Deathrattle minion that ended.”

HEARTHSTONE (UNITED IN DIVERSITY [Only the Absolutely Necessary Changes])
~Diversely Simple, Invincibly Fun~

~The Coin~
-The coin is now changed to a non-number minion card on board that needs to be double-clicked on the owner’s turn.
(It takes 1 of the 7 minion zones w/ no numbers for the 2nd-turn player to tap-twice to change into a Mana Crystal.)
[There will be less flooding.]
(1st a 2-Durability customizable-art Coin / 2nd a 3-durability customizable-art Coin.)
(Coins have Durability, but no mana, Attack, nor Health; they are ONCE PER TURN per use.)

~New Multiplayer Game Modes~
[This is like a box with each player in a corner.]
(Players are straight across for ‘both heroes’ and ‘the enemy’/‘the opponent’ worded effects FIRST.)
(The 1st/2nd/3rd/4th turn-players EACH get a coin with up to 4 uses, ONCE PER TURN per use.)
(The 1st/2nd/3rd/4th turn-player starts with 1/2/3/4 customizable-art Coins, ONCE PER TURN per use).
–[This can be kinda like Locations are for their uses but ONCE PER TURN instead of once every other turn.]
(TAUNTs protect Team Mates.)
(Situated straight across from an enemy hero and always alternating between one team and the other in turns.)
~1VS1VS1VS1 (4PlayerFreeForAll)

~Game Fundamentals~
30 Card Decks (Never more. Never less.)
7 Cards Maximum In Hand (Never more.)
1 of each card maximum per deck, except Commons (not Basics) as 2 of’s to have Truly unique decks.
Total Limitations for card rarities instead of Quantity Limitations
–[4 Legendaries MAX per deck.]
–[6 Epics MAX per deck.]
–[1 Unique copy of EACH card MAX, except Common cards (NOT Basic cards) are 2 Unique copies of EACH card MAX.]
Each player now starts with an extra card for Mulligan and their first turn, BUT canNOT draw their first turn.
(In 1vs1: 4cards/first; 5cards/second. In 2vs2 OR 1vs1vs1vs1: 4cards/firstANDsecond; 5cards/thirdANDfourth.)
[10 is the MAX Mana Cost FOREVER NO MATTER WHAT.]
The original printed Cost of ANY card cannot EVER be less than 1 mana WITHOUT AN EFFECT (then it’s 0 mana).
Each player can only play 1 card for 0 mana per turn, maximum.
NOTHING messes with Fatigue. (‘Draw Cards’ do NOT draw into more Fatigue).
[Token-like Minions do count as having an original printed Cost of a card.]
ALL damage now NEVER deals below 0 Health, except in the case it’s COUNTED AS “EXCESS DAMAGE”.
There will Never be a cards effect that includes to Bounce an enemy Beast hero character.
There will Never be an effect that makes a player have to skip their WHOLE turn.
ALL generated spells (i.e: “Reversing Switch”, “Fireblood Toxin”, “Dream”) are “Neutral Spells” and colored gray.
Hero Cards do NOT remove a player’s Frozen state, instead, Heroes pay 1 Mana Crystal to remove their Frozen State.
Rarity Crafting cost Disenchanting reward
Regular Golden Regular Golden
Common (White) 100 300 50 100
Rare (Blue) 200 500 100 200
Epic (Purple) 600 1300 300 600
Legendary (Orange) 1800 3000 700 1400

~New Key Words~
–[“Bounce” “Bunch” “Dash” “Rust” “Walled” and “Unwalled”]
-Bounce “Returns the card to the hand of the player who owns (not controls) it.”
-Burn “Stackable damage-type that deals two damage at the start of the next turn.”
-Dash “Can attack Taunt minions immediately.”
-Freeze “Non-stackable damage-type that Freezes/stops the one soonest attack turn.”
–[Frozen Heroes can unfreeze to Attack when Attacking for 1 Mana; minions for 2 Mana.]
-Hasten “Can attack Heroes and Taunt minions immediately.”
-Immune “Can’t be targeted by spells or Hero Quirks.”
-Invincible “Can’t be damaged nor affected by other players’ abilties/effects.”
-Lifesteal “Damage dealt or taken down to 0 Health also heals your hero.”
-Magic “Special damage split in one’s, unless times two/three/etc.”
–[Implies some randomness. Can defeat Reborn’ed minions.]
–[This is to CREATE MAGIC!]
-Naturally “Stackable healing-type that restores one Health at the start of the two next turns.”
-Poison “Non-stackable damage-type that deals one damage at the start of the next two turns.”
-Power + “ALL your individual cards and Hero Quirk “deal”/“take” and “restore” extra.”
–[This replaces Spell Damage +. It can be “Spell Power”, “Quirk Power”, “Weapon Power”, “Minion Power”, etc.]
–[This only grants extra by the number (1) to the number (2), NOT the word (one) to the word (two).]
-Rust “The weapon loses one point of Durability.”
-Super-Windfury “Can attack a second and third time each turn dealing half damage (rounded up).”
-Taunt “Protects non-Taunt friends from enemy attack damage, halving that damage (rounded up).”
-Unwalled “Characters not protected by a Taunt character, including the Taunt characters.”
-Walled “Characters protected by a Taunt character.”
-Windfury “Can attack a second time each turn dealing half damage (rounded up).”
-(Forge/Forged) “Drag to your deck spending (x) Mana, revealing it for an upgrade.”

~Art Changes~
-There is now a little bit of grass on the battlefield to green it up, isntead of just dirt.
-Hero Power’s are now and forever renamed to Hero Quirk’s.
-The general damaged-red-health numbers color will be changed to a light-light-red color for better visibility.
-[Nuetral cards can have a tint of player transparency (and maybe teal?) to their boarders if its agreed on.]

~Add-able Spare Part Neutral spell cards~
–*2mana) Armor Plating, “Give a minion +3 Health.”
–*2mana) Emergency Coolant, “Deal a Freeze damage.”
–*2mana) Finicky Cloakfield, “Give a friendly minion Stealth.”
–*2mana) Reversing Switch, “Target minion swaps Attack and Health; otherwise, give it +1/+1.”
----[This will only give it +1/+1 if it has an equal Attack and Health when targeted.]
–*2mana) Rusty Horn, “Give a minion +1/+1 and Taunt.”
–*2mana) Time Rewinder, “Bounce a friendly minion. It costs (1) less.”
–*2mana) Whirling Blades, “Give a minion +3 Attack.”

~Rogue Cards~
(1m=4c, 2m=10c, 3m=7c, 4m=5c, 5m=5c, 6m=1c, 7m=1c, 8m=0c, 9m=0c, 10m=0c.)
–((HP) Hero Quirk *Continuous) Dagger Mastery, “Starts with an unlosable 1/2 Dagger.”
----*2mana) Wicked Knife, [1a/d2] “Battlecry: Gain +1 Attack this turn. Deathrattle: Return this to your hand.”
------(This starts in the Rogue Class’s opening hand as an extra card [hint at what’s to come, or not to].)
*2mana) Golbin Auto-Barber, (2a/h3) “You have Weapon Power +1.”
*2mana) One-eyed Cheat, (2a/h2) “Battlecry: Summon a 1/1 Parrot Scout with Charge.”
–[The Parrot is cropped from the picture.]
–*1mana) Parrot Scout, (1a/h1) “Charge.”
*3mana) Cogmaster’s Wrench, [2a/d3] “End of turns: A random damaged friendly Mech restores 1 Health.”
*3mana) Auto-Iron Sensei, (3a/h3) “Attacks: Gain +1 Attack; the attacked minion is Silenced first.”
–[This has Iron Sensei’s Art.]
*4mana) Sabotage, “Deal 7 damage to an Unwalled enemy. Combo: Rust the enemy weapon.”
–[This card does both parts when combo’ed.]
*5mana) Ogre Ninja, (6a/h7) “Stealth. Battlecry: 50% chance to lose -1/-1 and Stealth.”
*5mana) Trade Prince Gallywix, (4a/h7) “An opposing Neutral spell is cast: Add a copy to hand.”

~Priest Cards~
(1m=7c, 2m=7c, 3m=8c, 4m=5c, 5m=3c, 6m=3c, 7m=1c, 8m=0c, 9m=0c, 10m=0c.)
–((HP) Hero Quirk *2mana) Holy Smite, “Deal 1 damage. Restores 1 Health. Gain 1 Armor.”
*1mana) Light of the Naaru, “Restore 3 Health; the targeted hero summons a Lightwarden first.”
–[This doesn’t have to target a hero.]
*1mana) Shadowbomber, (1a/h3) “Battlecry: Each hero takes 3 damage.”
*2mana) Smokeboxer, (2a/h3) “Attacks, or After being attacked: The enemy takes a damage.”
–[This has Shadowboxer’s Art.]
–[This doesn’t work if it dies from an attack.]
*3mana) Velen’s Chosen, “Give a character +3 Attack and Power +1 this turn. Gain +5 Health.”
*4mana) Upgraded Repair Bot, (4a/h4) “Battlecry: Give another friendly Mech +3 Health.”
–[This is a Common card now.]
*5mana) Vol’jin, (6a/h4) “Battlecry: Target 3–6 Cost minion swaps Healths with this minion.”
*6mana) Lightbomb, “ALL minions deal 3 damage to their adjacent minions.”

~Mage Cards~
(1m=3c, 2m=7c, 3m=11c, 4m=6c, 5m=2c, 6m=3c, 7m=1c, 8m=0c, 9m=0c, 10m=0c.)
–((HP) Hero Quirk *2mana) Minor Arcane Missiles, “Among all enemies, deals 3 Magic damage.”
*2mana) Flamecannon, “A random Unwalled enemy, minion first, takes 4 damage.”
*2mana) Snowchugger, (2a/h3) “Deals Freeze damage. Battlecry: Gain 2 Armor.”
*2mana) Unstable Portal, “Add a random 2–5 Cost minion to hand. It costs (2) less.”
*3mana) Echo of Medivh, “Add 2 /1 random copies to hand of 1 /2+ minions you have.”
*4mana) Goblin Blastmage, (4a/h5) “Battlecry: Among all enemies, deal 3 Magic damage if you have a Mech.”
*4mana) Wee Spellstopper, (4a/h5) “Adjacent non-Taunt minions have Immune.”
*6mana) Flame Leviathan, (5a/h6) “Start of turn: ALL other characters take a Burn damage.”

~Hunter Cards~
(1m=9c, 2m=8c, 3m=5c, 4m=5c, 5m=3c, 6m=1c, 7m=0c, 8m=1c, 9m=1c, 10m=0c.)
–((HP) Hero Quirk *2mana) Steady Shot, “Deal 2 damage.”
*1mana) Call Pet, “Draw a Beast; it costs (1) less.”
*2mana) Glaivezooka, [2a/d2] “Battlecry: A random friendly minion gains +1 Attack.”
*2mana) Steamwheedle Sniper, (2a/h3) “Battlecry: Your next used Steady Shot deals 2 bonus damage.”
–[This makes your Hero Quirk’s name change from Steady Shot to Dead Steady Shot:)]
–[This counts 1 boosted Steady Shot. If your Hero Quirk is swapped out temporarily, then after.]
*3mana) Metaltooth Leaper, (3a/h3) “Battlecry: Your Mechs gain +1 Attack.”
*4mana) Cobra Shot, “Deal 3 damage to a minion; their hero takes 3 damage.”
*5mana) King of Beasts, (3a/h6) “Taunt. Battlecry: Gain +1 Attack for each Beast there is.”
–[This counts itself.]
*9mana) Gahz’rilla, (6a/h12) “Takes damage: Gain +1/+0; gain +0/+1 until after your next turn.”

~Warrior Cards~
(1m=4c, 2m=8c, 3m=7c, 4m=7c, 5m=3c, 6m=3c, 7m=1c, 8m=0c, 9m=0c, 10m=0c.)
–((HP) Hero Quirk *2mana) Shield Slam, “Gain 2 Armor. (+1 Attack)/(2 Armor) this turn.”
*1mana) Warbot, (1a/h3) “Has +1 Attack while damaged.”
*2mana) Tinkertown Technician, (2a/h3) “Deathrattle: Add a Spare Part Neutral spell to hand.”
–[This is a Rare card now.]
*3mana) Ogre Warmaul, [4a/d2] “Battlecry: 50% chance your hero takes three, or one, damage.”
*4mana) Gazlowe, (3a/h6) “Once you cast a Neutral spell: Counter it; add a Mech to hand.”
–[The Mech is random.]
*4mana) Shieldmaiden, (3a/h5) “Taunt. Battlecry: Gain 3 Armor.”
*6mana) Crush, “Target minion loses -7/-3, then it takes 1 Freeze damage.”
*6mana) Iron Juggernaut, (6a/h6) “Battlecry: Shuffle a Mine into the opponent’s deck that deals 5 damage.”
–[This is an Epic card now.]
–[The mine is a “Cast when drawn (then draw another)” kinda spell.]

~Paladin Cards~
(1m=6c, 2m=7c, 3m=8c, 4m=5c, 5m=4c, 6m=1c, 7m=1c, 8m=0c, 9m=1c, 10m=0c.)
–((HP) Hero Quirk *2mana) Buttress, “Summon a 1/2 Recruit with Hasten.”
----*1mana) Recruit, (1a/h2) “Hasten”
------[This has the boy of First Day of School’s Art (and First Day of School shows only the girl in it now).]
*2mana) Seal of Light, “+3 Attack this turn. Restores 4 Health at end of turn.”
*2mana) Shielded Minibot, (2a/h2) “Divine Shield.”
*3mana) Coghammer, [3a/d2] “Frenzy: Give a random friendly Mech minion Divine Shield and Taunt.”
*3mana) Muster for Battle, “Equip Light’s Justice. Summon a Silver Hand Recruit and a Recruit.”
–*1mana) Light’s Justice, [1a/d3] “Your hero has attacked: They restore 1 Health.”
–*1mana) Silver Hand Recruit, (2a/h2) “Rush.”
–*1mana) Recruit, (1a/h2) “Hasten.”
*3mana) Scarlet Purifier, (4a/h3) “Battlecry: Silence a minion that deals or was dealt Special damage.”
–[Special damage like Burn and Poison can be Silenced just like Freeze.]
*4mana) Quartermaster, (3a/h5) “Battlecry: Give a friendly ‘Recruit’ minion +2/+2.”
*5mana) Bolvar Fordragon, (6a/h7) “Battlecry: Deal 5 damage; add a ‘Fireball’ Mage spell to the opponent’s hand.”

~Warlock Cards~
(1m=5c, 2m=5c, 3m=7c, 4m=6c, 5m=4c, 6m=2c, 7m=3c, 8m=0c, 9m=1c, 10m=0c.)
–((HP) Hero Quirk *2mana) Corruption, “Deal 1 Poison damage.”
*2mana) Queen of Pain, (3a/h2) “Lifesteal.”
*3mana) Imp-losion, “Deal 2–4 damage. Summon two 1/1 Imps.”
–*1mana) Imp, (1a/h1) “Battlecry: Gain +2 Health.”
*4mana) Fel Cannon, (2a/h5) “End of your turns: A random non-Mech enemy takes 2 damage.”
*5mana) Demonheart, “Deal 5 damage; otherwise, give a friendly Demon minion +3/+4 and Charge.”
*6mana) Floating Watcher, (7a/h8) “Can’t attack. Your hero takes damage: Can attack as normal this turn.”
*7mana) Anima Golemn, (8a/h10) “End of turns as your only minion: Takes 3 damage.”
*9mana) Mal’Ganis, (8a/h7) “Your Demons have Lifesteal. Battlecry: Deal 3 damage.”

~Shaman Cards~
(1m=6c, 2m=9c, 3m=8c, 4m=4c, 5m=3c, 6m=1c, 7m=2c, 8m=0c, 9m=0c, 10m=0c.)
–((HP) Hero Quirk *2mana) Totemic Call, “Choose a different basic Totem than you have; summon it.”
----[This Discovers like the Elemental Invocation of Kalimos, but from the different Totems (even if only 1).]
----*1mana) Searing Totem, (1a/h1) “Deals Burn damage.”
----*1mana) Stoneclaw Totem, (1a/h2) “Taunt”
----*1mana) Swoosh Totem, (1a/h1) “Deals Freeze damage.”
------[This has Mana Tide Totem’s Art.]
----*1mana) Soothing Totem, (0a/h2) “End of turns: A damaged friend restores a Health.”
------[This has Healing Totem’s Art.]
*2mana) Crackle, “Deal 3–5 damage. Overloard: (1)”
*2mana) Spirit Totem, (0a/h3) “End of turns: Another friend gains +2 Health, damaged friend first.”
–[This has Vitality Totem’s Art.]
*2mana) Whirling Zap-o-matic, (2a/h3) “Windfury. Attacks twice in a turn: The enemy takes 1 damage.”
*3mana) Ancestor’s Call, “Draw a card. Each player summons a random 2–5 Cost minion from hand.”
*3mana) Dunemaul Shaman, (5a/h5) “Windfury, Overload: (2). Battlecry: 50% chance to lose Windfury.”
*4mana) Siltfin Spiritwalker, (3a/h3) “Deathrattle: Summon another ended, friendly Murloc with Stealth.”
*7mana) Neptulon, (6a/h6) “Battlecry: Discover a Murloc; a 1-Cost Murloc is Recruited. Overload: (2)”

~Druid Cards~
(1m=5c, 2m=5c, 3m=6c, 4m=6c, 5m=4c, 6m=2c, 7m=3c, 8m=1c, 9m=1c, 10m=0c.)
–((HP) Hero Quirk *2mana) Shapeshift, “+Beast and +1 Attack this turn. Restores 1 Health Naturally.”
----Shapeshifted, .
*2mana) Anodized Robo Cub, (2a/h2) “Taunt. Choose One - +1 Attack; or +1 Health.”
*3mana) Grove Tender, (2a/h4) “Choose One - Each player Gains a Mana Crystal; or Draws a card.”
*4mana) Dark Whispers, “Choose One - Summon 3 Wisps; or Give a minion +3/+4.”
–*1mana) Wisp, (0a/h2) “Charge. Deathrattle: The opponent has 2 fewer Mana Crystals their next turn only.”
*4mana) Druid of the Fang, (5a/h4) “Battlecry: If you have a Beast, transform this minion into a 6/6.”
–*5mana) Druid of the Snake Fang, (6a/h6).
*5mana) Cobalt Guardian, (4a/h5) “End of your turns that you summoned a Mech: Gain Divine Shield.”
–[This counts itself for its ability.]
*7mana) Malorne, (6a/h9) “Deathrattle: Go Dormant. Awaken after 3 friendly Beasts die.”
*9mana) Tree of Life, “All friends restore 3 Health Naturally, thrice.”

~Demon Hunter Cards~
(1m=4c, 2m=8c, 3m=9c, 4m=4c, 5m=4c, 6m=2c, 7m=1c, 8m=1c, 9m=0c, 10m=0c.)
–((HP) Hero Quirk *2mana) Demon Claws, “+2 Attack and +1 middle-held Outcast works this turn.”
----[This makes an Outcast card between your left- and right-most held cards work this turn.]
----[This won’t be taken by a normal left- or right-most Outcast card if they’re played first.]
*2mana) Feign Death, “Give a friendly minion -9/+7 until your next turn. Outcast: Costs (1).”
*2mana) Gilbin Stalker, (2a/h3) “Stealth. Outcast: Deal 1 damage to an Unwalled enemy.”
*3mana) Darkbomb, “Deal 3 damage; the targeted character loses -2/-1 this and next turn.”
*3mana) Recombobulator, (4a/h3) “Outcast: Target another friendly minion; Discover a same-Cost one: Transform.”
–[Basically the same thing, but lets you Discover what you’re transforming them to first.]
*3mana) Soot Spewer, (2a/h4) “You have Minion Power +1. Deals Burn damage while attacking.”
–[This is a Common card now.]
*4mana) Shrinkmeister, (5a/h3) “Battlecry: Target enemy loses -3 Attack until after your next turn.”
–[This does work on opposing heroes.]
*5mana) Mimiron’s Head, (5a/h5) “Start of your turn: If you have 2 Mechs, this transforms into TR-0N.”
–*6mana) TR-0N, (3a/h7) “Charge, Super-Windfury”

~Death Knight Cards~
(1m=4c, 2m=6c, 3m=8c, 4m=5c, 5m=5c, 6m=2c, 7m=0c, 8m=1c, 9m=0c, 10m=1c.)
{Br=11c, Fr=16c, Ur=13c.}
–((HP) Hero Quirk *2mana) Ghoul Charge, “Summon a 2/2 Ghoul. Spend 1–2 Corpses; it gains Dash–Charge.”
----*1mana) Rampaging Ghoul, (2a/h2).
------[A player can only have up to 10 Corpses now.]
*2mana) Sharpsword Oil, “Your weapon gains +1/+1. A random friend gains +2 Attack this turn.”
*3mana)#1B/0F/0U} Bouncing Blade, “Deal 3 damage. Among all characters, each if possible, deals 5 Magic damage.”
–[The Magic damage is just split in one’s. Still use whatever art suits best.]
*3mana)#0B/1F/0U} Powermace, [3a/d2] “Deathrattle: A random friendly Mech gains +1/+1.”
–[This is a Common card now.]
*4mana)#1B/0F/0U} Screwjank Clunker, (3a/h5) “Battlecry: Give another friendly Mech +1/+2.”
*5mana)#0B/1F/0U} Mini-Mage, (4a/h4) “Stealth. Spell Power +1.”
*5mana)#0B/0F/2U} Recycle, “Target character takes times three 7 Magic damage.”
–[The Magic damage is just split in three’s (3,3,1). Still use whatever art suits best.]
*6mana)#0B/1F/1U} Dr. Boom, (4a/h5) “Battlecry: Summon two 1/1 Boom Bots that explode.”
–*1mana) Boom Bot, (1a/h1) “Deathrattle: Deal 2–4 damage to a random enemy.”

~Neutral Cards~
(1m=3c, 2m=7c, 3m=12c, 4m=9c, 5m=6c, 6m=5c, 7m=3c, 8m=0c, 9m=1c, 10m=0c.)
*1mana) Clockwork Gnome, (2a/h1) “Battlecry: Add a Spare Part Neutral spell to hand; it costs (3).”
*1mana) Explosive Sheep, (1a/h1) “Deathrattle: ALL Unwalled heroes /minions take 1 /2 damage.”
*1mana) Target Dummy, (0a/h4) “Taunt. Frenzy: Gains ‘Has +0/+1 off your turn.’”
*2mana) Bomb Lobber, (1a/h3) “Battlecry: A random Unwalled enemy takes 2 damage.”
*2mana) Cogmaster, (2a/h3) “Has +1 Attack for each Mech you have.”
*2mana) Goblin Sapper, (0a/h3) “Has +1 Attack for each card the opponent holds.”
*2mana) Mechwarper, (2a/h3) “Spellburst: Your next played Mech minion costs (1) less.”
*2mana) Micro Machine, (1a/h3) “End of your turns: Gain +1 Attack.”
*2mana) Ship’s Cannon, (2a/h4) “Can’t attack. Can attack as normal while you have a Pirate.”
*2mana) Stonesplinter Trogg, (2a/h3) “An opponent casts a spell: Gain +1 Attack.”
*3mana) Annoy-o-Tron, (1a/h5) “Divine Shield, Taunt.”
*3mana) Blingtron 3000, (3a/h4) “Battlecry: Equip a random 3–4 Cost weapon for each player.”
–[This includes non-playable-card weapons.]
*3mana) Flying Machine, (2a/h5) “Dash. Start of turn: Gain Windfury.”
*3mana) Gnomeregan Infantry, (2a/h3) “Charge, Taunt.”
*3mana) Gnomish Experimenter, (4a/h3) “Battlecry: Discard a random 2–4 Cost minion to draw a spell.”
*3mana) Hobgoblin, (3a/h3) “You play a 1–2 Cost minion: It gains +1 Attack.”
*3mana) Illuminator, (2a/h3) “Power +1. Battlecry: Restore 1 Health, boosted by ALL your Powers.”
*3mana) Kezan Mystic, (4a/h3) “When drawn and Battlecry: Reveal all enemy Secrets.”
*3mana) Lil’ Exorcist, (3a/h3) “Taunt. Costs (1) less (1 MIN) for each Deathrattle minion.”
*3mana) Puddlestomper, (4a/h3) “Has Rush while you have another Murloc.”
*3mana) Ogre Brute, (4a/h4) “Takes damage: 50% chance to lose -1 Attack this and next turn.”
–[This can have the same “Wait, who?” voiceline when Triggered from damage.]
*3mana) Spider Tank, (2a/h5) “Attacks: The enemy takes a damage.”

*4mana) Antigue Healbot, (3a/h3) “Battlecry: Your hero restores 4 Health Naturally.”
*4mana) Arcane Nullifier X-21, (3a/h5) “Immune, Taunt.”
*4mana) Enhance-o Mechano, (3a/h3) “Battlecry: Give a friendly Mech minion Divine Shield, Taunt and Windfury.”
–[This can target itself.]
–[I want Enhance-o Mechano and Junkbot to be friends.]
*4mana) Burly Rockjaw Trogg, (3a/h5) “An opponent casts a spell: Gain +2 Attack.”
*4mana) Hemet Nesingwary, (4a/h4) “Battlecry: Deal 2 damage to an enemy Beast.”
*4mana) Jeeves, (3a/h4) “End of turns: Turn-player draws a card.”
*4mana) Junkbot, (4a/h2) “Dash. A friendly Mech dies: Gain Divine Shield and Windfury.”
–[I want Enhance-o Mechano and Junkbot to be friends.]
*4mana) Lost Tallstrider, (5a/h4) “Forge (1): Gain +1/+0 and Dash.”
–*4mana) Lost Tallstrider, (6a/h4) “Forged. Dash.”
*4mana) Madder Bomber, (4a/h4) “Battlecry: Among all other characters, deals 6 Magic damage.”
–[The Magic damage is just split in one’s. Still use whatever art suits best.]
*4mana) Mechanical Yeti, (5a/h6) “Deathrattle: Discover a Spare Part spell to the opponent’s hand.”
*4mana) Salty Dog, (4a/h5) “End of turn: Give all enemies -1 Attack until your next turn.”
*5mana) Mech-Bear-Cat, (4a/h6) “Deathrattle: Add a Spare Part spell to hand.”
–[This is a Common Neutral card now.]
*5mana) Mekgineer Thermaplugg, (5a/h5) “Deathrattle: Summon a Leper Gnome.”
–*1mana) Leper Gnome, (2a/h1) “Deathrattle: The enemy hero takes 2 damage.”
*5mana) Piloted Shredder, (4a/h4) “Deathrattle: Summon a random 2-Cost minion.”
*5mana) Toshley, (3a/h5) “Battlecry: Deal 3 damage. Deathrattle: Add a Spare Part spell to hand.”
*5mana) Siege Engine, (4a/h7) “You gained Armor: Gain 1 more.”

*6mana) Earthinator Troggzor, (4a/h7) “An opponent casts a spell: Gain +3 Attack.”
–[This has Troggzor the Earthinator’s Art.]
–[This is a Rare card now.]
*6mana) Fel Reaver, (7a/h8) “Can only attack three times.”
*6mana) Force-Tank MAX, (5a/h6) “Divine Shield.”
*6mana) Piloted Sky Golem, (5a/h5) “Deathrattle: Summon a random 2-Cost Goblin.”
–[Shadowbomber/Bomb Lobber/Gilblin Stalker/Goblin Sapper/Mad Bomber/One-eyed Cheat/Steamwheedle Sniper.]
*7mana) Foe Reaper, (7a/h8) “Attacks: A random enemy, Unwalled first, takes 2 damage.”
*7mana) Mogor the Ogre, (7a/h8) “A friend is attacked: 50% chance this minion is the new target.”
–[This is an Epic card now.]
*7mana) Sneed’s Old Shredder, (4a/h7) “Deathrattle: Summon the Legendary 3/4 Sneed.”
–*3mana) Sneed, (3a/h4), “Battlecry: Add a Spare Part to your hand.”
----[This can have a new Art.]
*9mana) Clockwork Giant, (7a/h8) “Costs (1) less (3 MIN) for each card the opponent holds.”

(Just a little bit of what I’ve been working on. :smirk:)