New Expansion: Madness at The Darkmoon Faire

the mini expansion is added to the current expansion (which will be dark faire), expanding it from 135 cards to 170

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Hearthstone IS a theme park. I mean…

We have clowns, trolls, carnies, crazies, spectators, ringleaders

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I am guessing it will be announced in Blizzcon, and released very shortly thereafter.

blizzcon is in february. the mini set seemed to be in december

Did you mean C’thun?

According to whom?

The Official website doesn’t have a date for the 35 card set.

From how they describe it in the the blog post about the expansion and phase 3, it actually sounds more like it will be sometime in January or February:

Madness at the Darkmoon Faire marks the final phase of the Year of the Phoenix. In Phase 3, you can expect several major updates, including balance patches, new Battlegrounds Heroes and minions, a seasonal event, and what was previously spell-locked— updates for Duels , a Mini-Set of 35 cards set for release before the next expansion, and another new game mode! We’ll have more details to share on these developments in the new year!


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its resonable to assume it would be halfway through the expansion, which would land in late december or possibly early january


Ah - Yogg is back. I can’t wait to see all the salty tears of the RNG whiners when I build my Druid Spell deck. :slight_smile:

Sorry, no, I am at 0%. Gameplay-wise the game will be clown fiesta even more than before. New Yogg is an omen of things to come. Spin the wheel, and win the game. They keep reprinting the same bs over and over again. It is getting boring, tiresome, and uninspiring. I am disappointed.

I don’t think just your opponents will be complaining. We just had nerfs based on too much RNG. Here We go again…

I hate all this RnG!

Darkmoon RnG Flare gets anounced
All: Yeahhhh!!

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This game is a clown fiesta, but that’s a good thing. Trump 2020

Actual clowns aren’t confirmed for Darkmoon Faire, that I know of. We need more clowns, but only in-game. Biden 2020

Ah. I am voting for the other guy. But really hope the RNG would calm down a bit lol.