New exp same old DK

heal to 50+? erase 3, 6, or even 9 cards with patchwerk? full board clears + healing? multiple single removals + discover more? perm 3 damage per turn or maybe 6 if you discover rng is good?

WTF is this class? I am currently at plat 6 and literally no joke. playing DKs almost every single game. I must have played 30 games today? I got 1 mage and 2 paladins, everyone else is DK playing the exact same deck. who the hell balanced this exp?


This might come of as rude, and that’s not the intent but have you tried playing BDK yourself, to see what they tend to lose to?

I personally like long control gameplay so I like BDK as there isn’t really any other effective control decks right now (Well, priest with copy mechanics but they lost their win con with quest.)

Decks that I usually lose to…

Tony druids as hitting atleast one of their three combo pieces before turn 8 is not often accomplished.

Tempo hunters as by the time of turn 10 I’ve had to remove several big threats and they can just churn out more, and I don’t have the means to finish games early.

Aggro pals because I often lack means to deal with divine shields and by the time I discover them it’s too late.

Aggro priests because I often lack healing when I need it.

Not saying a better player than me would have problems with the same decks though.

And how often are you getting those free wins? Gimme a break, dude.

No, you gimme a break.

What is a free win? The times I lose, the opponent got a free win? And I’ve never reached legend(diamond 1 though so really close :slight_smile: ) so it’s not like I just steam vault over players either.

Yes, I agree with you that the game is too polarized. It’s too much paper-scissor-stone where decks have much easier against some certain decks and much harder against others. That came with the power creep. And the power creep came with Blizz printing those amazingly strong cards to sell packs and keep the game interesting.

And, yes, coming to the forums and complaining can feel good, I’m guilty of it too, but it doesn’t help anyone. So I gave a suggestion for OP to play the deck to find its weaknesses. Because it has weaknesses.

As a control deck, the whole gameplay is to have the right answer at the right time. The most popular deck right now has 40 cards with 4 full board clears, two dependent on corpses and two 8-cost minions. It has two low health board clears with cost of 5 mana that heals, so that sucks for the opponent but if they have a full board of only 2 health minions at turn 5 when playing against a DK, that’s on them. AND, the DK need to have the card in hand.

Furthermore, the deck has 4 single target removal cards, two of deals with the highest attack, Sylvanas and Patchwerk(which is random). And two 6 hp removals that also heals.

Patchwerk also counts for the only hard disruption card that affects hand and deck, cost 7 mana and is random.

Morgraine is pressure but cost 7 mana and his body is easily removed at that point.

And it has two major heal cards that also depends on corpses.

The rest are mainly low attack discover cards and low-mid-turn minions that have a hard time putting pressure on board.

How often do you think I manage to either have, or discover the right card at the right time?

Without my low cost removal cards in hand, an aggro pal can destroy me before turn 6, me healing included. Without patchwerk finding tony or the jailer before turn 8, it’s game over. Low on early healing…well played priest. Hunters…I just hate hunters :stuck_out_tongue:

The issue with having intense control, game-lasting face damage and intense healing is, it’s practically impossible to counter and just feels bad to play against. As depicted in the statistics.

Currently, DK and DH are ~63% win rate from Damind5 - Diamond 1.

Most other classes are hovering around 45-55%, the worst being I think warrior at 46%

Vampiric blood isn’t even how the actual spells works in the real game. It gives you the health as a cooldown then you lose it if it is not consumed. So they are not really even accurately implementing the abilities.

People think I am toxic on the forums because I am very outspoken with my discontent towards their imbalance. But they have been designing this game for what, ten years? And there is STILL ALWAYS 1-2 classes with a ridiculous win rate, each expansion. Without fail. The funny thing is, most of the big streamers 100% predict the imbalances, just like they generally do with WoW, but the devs do nothing with the input.

I get they are short staffed, but you have actual dedicated people crunching the numbers FOR FREE!!! And you completely ignore it, then patch the game 6-8 months later when you decide to acknowledge the issue.

I know what they lose to, they lose to crazy lucky curve of aggro decks. if they make it past turn 6 they are golden. the problem with blood DK is that control should know have answers to every damn thing from turn 1 to 10. they have massive board control, multiple full board wipes, multiple heals, multiple discovers of the same spells and legendaries over and over. this isn’t playing a control deck, this is playing an oppressive deck.