Another good target for their dormant cost reducing minion
Yeah reduce this by 5 mana with imprisonned satyr. Turn 10: Malygos --> This card --> Moon fire or Innervate = 10 mana with + 5 spell dmg to kill your opponent.
This card wouldn’t scare me if not for the crazy amount of ramp that Druid has access to. Getting to 7 mana on Turn 5 is basically a typical Druid game these days. I can imagine Embiggen decks running this guy to slam a body and running enough smaller spells to trigger his Spellburst right away to slam another big body.
Yeah if the dormant minion hits either this or Malygos you can do the combo too. That is probably the superior combo or at least the main one you try to hit.
On its own, not bad.
If you can reduce the cost of this thing, now you’re opening up a world of problems.
Oy. Forgot about that one.
Yeah, there’s a Malygos deck in here, folks.
One tick on this or Maly, and now you’ve got two swipes and two moonfires for 30 damage.
Two ticks on Maly or one on each and you’ve got 40 damage adding in a Starfire.
To be fair, a free 5/4 late game wouldn’t have mattered 2 years ago either.
I dont see how this works in wild. It’s a hold card for ramp, and a losing card in an aggro druid.
All this card does is cheat out a 4/5 and frees up 2 cards from hand. Minimum 6 mana.
That’s really slow for a 4/5 to matter, unless the spellburst carried which im believing you that it does not.
Like, developing a 4/5 on 6 mana isn’t as strong as something like coin or innervate overflow or something. It just frees up 2 card from hand so you don’t overdraw w overflow or UI. At the cost of losing a turn that you could of used to dig for your solitaire druid combo. I mean on 6 mana you could forest, moonfire, paths. You’d be better off just playing paths and not running this.
If it had taunt, maybe?
Super underpowered card for wild, no doubt about that, DE it if you unpack this and only play wild.
There’s some opportunity for Jepetto Malygos shenanigans, or Imprisoned Satyr as well. Mana lines up perfectly for Satyr to discount Omu or Malygos, then play both and go off with Moonfire to refill mana and use more burn.
It was pointed out elsewhere that Germination will trigger the original Omu, but the copy will still have spellburst.
Omu -> Germination -> Malygos -> Moonfire -> 10 mana with Maly in play without any prior setup.
Yeah that’s probably better than messing with the Satyrs. But Jepetto should still work in making that combo more consistent.
Forest Warden Omu looks like a weaker Anubisath Defender that you can save for a Mana Reward the longer you wait.
I can’t guess whether it fit’s into a Meta until the rest of the cards are revealed.
0/5 Star Power card
5/5 Star Power card
But ramping to 10 and your opp is still at 5 it COULD work.
Do you just not see the combo potential with Malygos?
Combo is back for druid with this card somehow.
It’s not just malygos; you can build some crazy boards. Dream way guardian, Omu, dream way guardian into survival of the fittest or gift of the wild. It can function similar to Kaelthas in spell Druid.
There are 3 “free” spells to abuse with this to double your mana.
Ya the potential is there.
Also with this and one satyr discount, you could shoot for a keymaster alabaster / overflow combo for memes, but I dont know how to clear enough hand space
How does Alabaster combine with Overflow?