New Druid Epic Spell, Crystalsong Portal (updated)

2 Mana
Discover a Druid minion.
If you have no minions in your hand, keep all three cards.

Edit: Card text has been changed/updated from “Discover a minion” into “Discover a Druid minion”.


Wow! That seems really powerful! Of course it’ll be hard to have zero minions in your hand but to discover a single minion for two mana alone is okay too.

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Not that hard for token druid to not have minions.


That’s a usless card, if I ever saw one.

Honestly I think you would have to be mad to underestimate this card, 2 mana “potentially” add 3 minions to your hand is actually insane. This is definitely a card to look out for in the future.


Something for Treant Druid, perhaps. It summons a lot of its Treants from spells so it isn’t entirely unfeasable to have a minion-less hand at several points throughout a match.


So, some kind of treant token deck support, I guess? WW Apples, PotW, Landscaping, Mark of the Loa, Wispering Woods, Force of Nature, and Forest’s Aid are all spells that can give you minions in play.

If you have to ‘cycle’ it for 2 mana into a single minion, it’s not great but it’s not disastrous. It does get a bit awkward if you draw them close to back to back and can’t dump the minions fast enough from the 1st cast.

Getting 3 random minions can be really powerful, as evidenced by Omega Assembly, so I guess this will be a good comparison point. But the condition is much more strict than Omega Assembly, so is there a Druid deck that would want to run this card? Again, some kind of Wispering Woods deck?

Potentially good, you could call it “Stupid, unless it isn’t”.

PS: Has significant and notable lowrolls in form of Forest Guide and Duskfallen Aviana, which are cards that might be actively bad for you.

PS2: let’s keep in mind that it would also trigger if you just empty your hand really fast. Not sure if it makes any sense to run such card in this way, but it’s still a way to trigger it, so a deck with any spells and very disposable minions.

Omega Assembly also has the upside that if you’ve played Dr. Boom Mad Genius, the minions you get also all have rush.


Spell Druid?

It’s cheap enough to run play after you play your minions.

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Discovering 1 minion for 2 mana is useless so you need to get your hand empty before playing this. Reward is 3 random minions which isn’t too impressive. Hunter had “if your hand is empty” mechanic while ago and it never worked, and Hunter was very aggressive back then… 1 Star

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There’s night and day between “your hand is empty” and “your hand has no minions”.

Especially on a deck where most of its “minions” are actually spells.


The card requires you to have no minions in your hand, not to have no cards.


Whoops, seems I can’t read ^^. Makes a lot more sense that way :). Might see some play if Druid sees play and runs spell hevy deck. Unlikely.


It is interesting, because you are likely to put no expensive minions in a deck like this, because then you’ll be even more handicapped, but what do you run then? Minion generation? As for now, there isn’t that much to it…althought it could work for a token druid of some sort I guess.

If druid has decent minions to discover it obviously is a very good card.
Now cards like UI and other strong card draw mechanics for druid are rotating resource management is gonna become a thing again, so a pretty good way to fill up your hand.

Not bad but still quite mediocre. Yes 2 mana draw 3 is a powerfull effect in general but the rng of this card makes it unpredictable. Masters call in hunter was good cause you discovered minions from your deck. This is bad cause you discover random minions. Add the fact that druid doesnt even have that much strong minions right now and this becomes quite useless.

Another fact we must take into consideration is that you must have 0 minions in your hand for the draw 3 option so this card will see play in very few druid decks, as mentioned above probably in treant ones.

Edit: Anyways, its not like druid will see play in less than a year from now

I don’t see this as comparable to Omega Assembly since random Druid minions don’t play as nicely together as random mechs. Many mechs have built-in synergy, but Druid cards don’t as much.

That said, autoinclude x2 in the new Token Druid. Doesn’t matter what the reload is, or if the minions are even good. Play this when you’re out of gas and it’s a nice boost extending your reach.

Into my Wild Yogg Druid it goes.

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I wonder.

It’s not Master’s Call, the cards aren’t from your deck. It’s closer to an Omega Assembly if anything.

And how good are Druid minions nowadays? I wouldn’t mind Druid of the Claw or Ancient of War, but more iffy about Keeper of the Grove. It’s a decent value card, but the random nature of it limits its potential compared to a Master’s Call.

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