New Druid Epic Spell, Crystalsong Portal (updated)

The thing with Omega Assembly was that Odd Warrior was trying to play the long game and out-value the opponent.

Token Druid tends to play a different goal than that. It’s hard to know if 3 random druid minions will be more consistent than a synergetic token/buff card. It also depends if they run any of the bigger “buff your minions” minions. Even a 5-6 drop could be awkward if you need to dump it out your hand when you don’t have many tokens because your Crystalsong has been dead all game.

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I think this card is going to be so-strong.
The way to play this is to highroll by turn-2…which is not that hard to do.
If this is in your mulli…you only have 0-1 turns to hit one of your few minions before casting it…at least that’s what i’m seeing.

I mean coming from using Master’s Call at 3 mana for a discover…this at it’s worst case is 2 mana discover a minion. Like straight up better in the fail case than Master’s Call non-beast.

But you want this to hit 3 that’s the big thing not 2 or 1.
Would 2x auctioneer Aza Togg and 2x this card work out in a highroll sitcho?
That’s what im thinking…worst case it’s 2 mana draw one of your combo pieces…instead of 3 mana like Rexxar has it.

But for a token deck, the alternative to “3 random druid minions” is “lose on the spot.”

This is a very good card for a specific kind of deck.

Druid is shaping up (no pun intended) to become one of the more interesting classes post-rotation.

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This going be in Maly Druid incase Maly need go agro at the end, but I can’t think of a spell Druid being a thing… But in Wild, Barns Druid just got a buff

Definitely. I’m way in love with this and fancy renamed squirrel girl.

Im pretty sure im always ginna get duskfallen aviana whenever i play dis card :stuck_out_tongue:

Warrior also had Dr. Boom hero card to give the discovered minions Rush. Omega Assembly is way better than this card.

I’d call them fairly even. I’ll concede warrior has a very powerful synergy card to go with them…but they also cant play this early. Theirs is forced into a very singular role (albeit one heck of one).

The problem right now is we need to evaluate druids minion package to see. Even then it’s the closest thing to divine favor aggro druid has and that’s going to drive play regardless. I’d say divine favor was way strong and theres room for a weaker version to be good enough.

One way or the other, this card is at least good enough for tier 2/3 play

I don’t like it. I think druid has too many bad minions and this incentives you play possibly a key minion at an inopportune time to get the full effect. It also has anti-synergy with itself if you play this then draw this you are going to be stuck with the copy for a while or just playing it as a 2 mana discover druid minion.

Warrior also had a lot of tools to make it to the late game, and then Assembly was just a burst of value.

Portal is trickier since you’ll need to be running either really cheap minions you can reliably dump from your hand to reload or run a lot of the spells that summon minions, and that remains to be seen whether it’s any good. When you put together a list of all the druid minions you’ll be pulling from, it’s a really motley list. If you’re an aggro deck and you get a bunch of expensive minions, it’s kinda awkward.

This is another card that’ll take a lot of play experience to truly evaluate. It could be a staple in that kind of deck or it could just be too inconsistent.

There might be some more hand druid support coming so it might make sense in that regard. You could already do a turn three mountain giant with the with wood apple and this card. Following it up with the witchwood guardian into laying down some treants. Could work reasonably.

For sure. The effect is killer either way, but even good cards need to line up with a decks design to work.

I think the expensive bit is less important. Even if its 3 huge minions…that’s okay. An aggro deck doent need fuel turns 1-6. The core design philosophy of those decks fuels exactly that far.

So you’ll have 7+ mana at the point you need to use it. The big problem is how bad the pool is/isn’t. I can’t easily pull the info (what we have from current sets, at least) to evaluate what it looks like. My phone wants to crash when searching some of these sites right now.

It’s a tall order, but would a member of our beloved PC master race assemble a gamut of druid minions and post it? We are humbled by the very mention of your names and majesty of your actions!

Here’s the list of all possible (currently known) Druid minions for Standard after rotation.

Basic and Classic:

Keeper of the Grove
Druid of the Claw
Ancient of Lore
Ancient of War
Ironbark Protector


Druid of the Scythe
Forest Guide
Bewitched Guardian
Duskfallen Aviana


Tending Tauren
Dreampetal Florist
Gloop Sprayer


Spirit of the Raptor
Savage Striker
Wardruid Loti
Ironhide Direhorn

RoS (so far):

Keeper Stalladris
Crystal Stag


First and foremost, thank you. I really very much appreciate that you took the time to do that for us.

The list looks overall positive. Some highrolls, very few low rolls, and a good amount of solid cards including some which are good, but wouldn’t be taken in your 30.

Theres some really good potential here if they dont do anything else to taint the pool.

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