You don’t. You better have “Destroy the enemy hero” as a win condition somehow.
I absolutely adore that almost every reaction to Free Spirit and Groovy Cat is some variation of “JFC” and worried glances at Garrosh.
Now I have my goal for the expansion: get to 30 attack hero power.
It was expected to Warrior lose capacity to play Control after cards like call to stand BTW.
Doing the math, you are correct. 2 cost +5 attack this turn. Gain +5 armor MAX.
I still can’t believe the 1 drop…
It basically gives you the entire Odd Warrior Wild deck in a minion.
Might be a good time to really quit hs. RIP shaman
Who needs to build a deck with Odd-cost cards or depend on drawing and playing a Justicar Trueheart when I can just play Free Spirit 1.5 times?
I legitimately thought that Tony Warrior would be the meta-defining deck, but it’s clear that Hero Power Druid will be the meta-definer, and Tony Warrior might be one of the only ways to beat it.
Nice druid cards. It seems Tony warrior will live in a meta where he will be a balanced or even more overrated card.
I like it.
Volatile first impressions aside, even with a suped-up hero power, Druid is losing Guff and will have a much harder time killing your big threats with things like Insatiable Devourer and Sylvanas (they can still Infuse with Topior and Flipper Friends). Plus Earthen Scales is gone so the infamous Devourer + Scales swing is gone.
So reliable ways to beat this kind of deck may include strategies that dump huge amounts of stats on the board at once, like a potential BRnR Warrior or Stranglethorn Heart in Hunter. And even a small taunt minion can stall them.
I think Hero Power Druid will be meta-defining but not impossible to beat - though its counters might be really weak. We’ve been memeing on BRnR since it was revealed, and Warrior’s new cards are not great.
Or just stop day dreaming and Go face.
The less time you give it the less armor it gets.
I think the combination of armor/attack gain is good enough to control the board a bit. You just need a few light removals like Dozing Kelpkeeper, Rake, Wrath, etc just to maintain some control of board early. Once you get your HP to be +3armor/+3attack you’ll be sitting pretty good with early removal…that is to say, a 1 cost and 2 cost curve and you’re set.
+3 attack/+3armor for 2 is extremely good (remember the old hero?). It will definitely help you maintain the board in turns 3-5. The question is what are you gonna do about a 6 mana 10/10?
Fixed. It was good in the past, but it had no chance in Nathria meta before MotL was released. It was too slow for the meta and even HP Mage with access to Mordresh isn’t a tier one deck. I would say this deck sounds amazing on paper, but in reality it will be good and not a problem.
Back when Baku Warrior was a thing, sometimes the hero power was basically all you needed. +4 Armor every turn was enough to carry you to your next shield slam, brawl, execute, whatever.
This deck also has access to things like Chitinous Plating, Rake, Crypt Keeper, Underking, etc. to keep it rolling. Druid isn’t exactly helpless against aggro. But midrange may be its downfall.
Divine Shield Paladin may also beat it handily. Druid probably can’t afford to sink two hero powers into every minion.
You’re also taking into account a 7 mana hero and the +3/+3 would come LATE game. This is EARLY game. It’s incredible curve and a significant boost in hero power.
EARLY hero power advantage is a MASSIVE advantage (see Odd and Even decks).
By the time 7 mana comes, your HP will exceed that 3/3 from years past.
Right, this is my guess. This is a great early game deck and late game combo deck. It will struggle with big mid game minions. I’m not sure yet how it deals with that.
That’s why I said it will be good while Malf hero card was bad in Nathria meta.
Ah, I thought you were saying it “was” good meaning it won’t be good now.
3 attack / 3 armor on turn 3 will be so amazingly good.