The order of class reveals in the card library appear to be the different dual class types

They are really starting to push using different Runes, this could convince me to try and make Deathrattle DK work again. I tried it before with 2 ubholy and 1 frost for draw and didnt bave horrible results
The 2 dual class cards arent up in the library yet, so Ill update when they appear but the reveal with all 3 is found here
Cold Feet really scares me, because there is no rune requirement. But specifically Blood DK and Frost DK getting multiple copies of this is gonna get reeeeal annoying.
Cool Ghoul is insane stats, but at 4 mana they might have better. Their decks are already pretty solid, I dont know what you wouls drop.
Great, a paladin minion that will take 4 hits to kill⌠what could possibly go wrong?
I forgot how the interaction works but do dual class cards kill pure requirements? I donât remember.
Half answer since Hearthstone tends to be a buggy hell, but Rogue cards do not treat their dual class cards as cards âfrom another classâ, so chances are Paladin does the same.
I almost vomited when I saw these, especially Cool Ghoul. You thought Pure Paladin had sticky minions BEFORE? Try giving them a better version of Bronze Warden from Battlegrounds. Goodness. I am going to despise seeing this card from Paladin. Rant overâŚ
Dead Air is amazing. Slots into both Rainbow DK for corpse generation, and Deathrattle Unholy for Cage Head. I am definitely going to try a Cage Head deck in June!
Cold Feet is something that weâll see a lot of from DK because of discovers. Itâs certainly harder to use and probably not as powerful as increasing the cost of spells. But you can use it to prevent aggro from putting threats on the board for a turn, or you can use it to prevent your opponent from dropping down a big lifesteal/taunt to stabilize. A very skill-testing card.
Again, Cool Ghoul is disgusting in aggressive decks. Unholy will probably run it, and it has obvious synergy with Dead Air and both DK locations. Also a sticky target to receive Deathrattles from Death Growl. As somebody who really doesnât like Pure Paladin, the saving grace on that front is that itâs a whole 4 mana, and also what would that deck cut to include this? Almost everything they already have is really strong.
All three of these are insane.
Iâm really glad they started off weak with the Warrior cards, because seeing those AFTER these new DK/Hunter/Paladin cards wouldâve given me an aneurysm.
Thanks, thatâs what I thought but wasnât sure why I thought that. That makes sense.
So what paladin wants more than anything is a sticky minion thatâs hard to remove so they can weapon buff it and hit it with 2 gardens to otk someone in the face with 1 hit.
This minion is dangerous because it gives paladin just that. Not to mention, this also has 2 divine shields so it gets buffed by the murloc more and draws more with jitterbug.
As if pure paladin needed any more fuel to their engine.
Not happy to see this.
Smothering Starfish stonks rising. That AoE silence would be good against a board full of Unholy Deathrattles, tooâŚ
(Remember during the FoL previews, how we (royal âweâ) thought Big Paladin might be the tipping point that forced people to include Starfish? And how Starfish currently cripples everything from Enrage Warrior to Chad Warlock to Undead Priest? YeahâŚ)
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I believe the requirement is no NEUTRAL cards in your deck. So no, this does not kill pure paladin decks.
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Hereâs the thing, thatâs not gonna work as good as people think. I play control priest with 2 shards and it doesnât help as much as you think. Why? Because itâs not enough. Why? Because every single paladin board desperately needs a silence to hit it. Divine shield is incredibly strong, and thereâs not a lot of hard removal, so you essentially need two damage removals or 1 with a silence. And you constantly need that.
And if youâve spent your silence to deal with the incredible hard hitting buffed divine shield aggro, youâre gonna wish you had it with the garbage countess gives them.
So you can run two starfish, Itâs not gonna help. 2 shards at 1 cost thatâs also tradeable barely does anything impactful enough to matter.
Yeah, I get that. Pure Paladin is just one deck among many, though, and looking at a few of the other cards released Starfish might start being worth the inclusion. It already does so much work in this meta and could do even more after miniset. It carried me over the finish line in Control Warrior this month, once Enrage Warrior and Undead Priest and Chad Lock popped up after the Unholy nerfs.
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Yeah. It works wonders against unholy, warlock, shadow priest, enrage warrior, totem shaman, etc.
Stock goes up there hard. But it does pretty much squat against Pure Paladin. Thatâs the luxury Paladin has. Divine shield is so heavily understatted in this game itâs unreal.
A 1/1 with divine shield is stronger than a 2/2 minion. A 2/2 minion is stronger than a 1/2 with taunt. But a 1/2 with taunt is weighted equally with a 1/1 with divine shield.
Divine shield is so much stronger than they give it credit for. It essentially turns 1 minion into 2.
And now they get a 4 mana 4 minion card essentially. Lol so dumb
That seems to be true for the reveals today:
With Paladin-??? up next
But the initial Warrior reveal was paired with DH, which doesnât fit the pattern, and therefore the DH reveal in a couple days canât fit it either.
Plus, Mage is sandwiched between Shaman and Rogue, which would give it the exact same dual-class options as Scholomance. That seems pretty unlikely since the original announcement was for new dual-class combinations.
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The pure requirement is no neutral cards, so cards from other classes dobt affect it.
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Am I the only one who saw cold feetâs art, and am reminded of the two soyjak pointing meme? Poses are a little different but if you flip the right dude I see a resemblence 
And good olâ Internet seems to have a video over explaining things for everything:
The face on cool ghoul is so smug itâs as if he knows everybody gonna cry about pallies 
DK-pally dual class is like taking everything people hate and putting them in one! Brilliant! 
But we also know that Druid, Priest are duel class pairing, and they are also right next to each other. It is odd that DH is in the middle. It could be that rogue is pairing with warrior, then warrior pairs with DH, then DH pairs with Druid, but that might be a stretch
Rogue-Warrior is another Scholomance combination, so thatâs probably unlikely.
Priest-Warlock at the end of the reveals is another Scholo combination, again unlikely.
Plus Warlock is going to have to loop back to connect with something anyways.
And someone else will need to connect with Hunter.
As I mentioned, both Shaman-Mage and Mage-Rogue are Scholo combinations, so Mage isnât likely to combine with either of its neighbors.
DH probably has to pair with something that appears after it in the list, since otherwise it would break the 3-cards per reveal format theyâve use for class reveals so far. So, it would most likely pair with Druid or Priest (since Warlock was one of its Scholo partners).
Mageâs most likely partners would probably be Warlock and Priest, since theyâre the other caster classes. But Hunter could be an option if they want to push the Arcane theme both Mage and Hunter have been getting.
I donât think the ghoul is strong enought to warrant play
Paladin already has buffet biggun that spawn two 3/1 DS when infused, and the 2/4 body. And its not played.
The ghoul could be used at 3 mana. At 4 mana, I canât see why youâd want it.
Not sure cold feet would be used in pure paladin. because the deck that threaten pure paladin are the one that use spell removal, most of the time, not minions. but its sure is a nice tech
Cold Feet is another reason why Nerubian Vizier absolutely needs a ânot less than 1â added to its text. The quality of DK discovers gets even better.