New DK, DK-Paladin Cards

Minion decks get to more sticky minions. Because we have yoo much efficient aoe removal or bs like cannibalize. Last thing I wanna see is control priest meta.

Coldcfeet Needs nerfs I recon or we will se another resurgence of bdk spamming this bs every turn.

Imagine pulling Cold Feet off of Nernoobian Vizer or School Teacher as any Death Knight.

:poop: :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :poop:

0/5 Fun. :sleeping_bed:

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Cold feet better not release at that power level. 2 mana make your opponents cards cost (5) more? That’s a 5 mana effect, that is so broken.

Lol no. Rebuke saw zero play.

Lol yes because it can get discovered by viziers and school teachers what are you smoking thinking it’s not gonna be problematic

That’s more DK thing. Pallies are going pure these days so they won’t run those. Big paladin might like cold feet, but then big paladin might not want to run viziers or teachers.

Scotie mentioned rebuke. Rebuke might be used a lot more in DK if it was a DK spell, as DK can better afford to spend 2 mana just to delay the opponent but not add anything to the board.

Dead Air > Faint Death Power creep.

Cold Feet: Rebuke for minions for two mana? Powerful.

Cool Ghoul: 4 mana Colossus of the moon? Incredible.

That ghoul is …uh…yeah…WTF???

Anyone that doesn’t see that minion as a problem needs to quit HS right now. It’s insanely good for both classes.

If you can fit Dead Air in your deck you will. Rest your board after trades while generating corpses in mass. It’s also a stealth buff to Spooky Mage. If they discover this it’s bad news for their opponent.


Pure Paladin is such a low curve, I dont see them dropping anything for it if it hurts there chance of turn 5 lightray.

Frost DK has Thassarian, which Im pretty sure is better, and Unholy DK has Swarmguarm.

For Pure sure but i am not talking about that deck. There’s other Paladin decks that are quite good.
DK is very dependent on how you build the deck. I play Frost DK but i do not play that early low curve package and i have gotten legend with it easily. I prefer a more stable board presence package and that 4 drop fits the bill. It’s certainly a better card than Pozzik IMO in DK.

I can see that. I dont think its a bad card, but by turn 4, you need control of the board to play it safely, or else you just fall even farther behind. If ahead on board its nice, I just feel like theres more DK can be doing with 4 mana than summoning a 3 damage minion that does nothing when played.

Pozzik has a larger, more threatening initial body, and summons even more attack when killed. Pozzik is on a totally separate level than all the other 4 mana cards I listed. It even generates more corpses that this ghoul would.

Right on Curve i would 100% agree with that but playing the card i have found it almost never comes down on curve or even close to it. At that point opponents either play the minions onto the board or don’t care if you get some 3/3’s.

Loatheb, a 5/5 that costs 5 mana is severley under-stated by today’s standards, yet he sees play in almost every competitive wild deck, why? Because his battlecry is insanely good and well worth the 5 mana (basically prevent your opponent from playing spells the next turn.)

This is a 2 mana minion based same effect. Going to be broken IMO.

What is more funny can be discovered by vizier for 0 mana or by school teachers which is gonna be super broken to the point They would need to remove it from discover pool or we will end in dkstone again

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Paladin cards also say no Neutrals, so should work regardless

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