4 mana 4/3 minion. Frost/Blood rune Undead/Pirate with “Deathrattle: For the rest of the game your minions have +1 Attack.”
ohh thats nice
going by its text its an aura effect itll be aplied to minions you summon or generate !
If it was a rogue card it would have been battlecry. Just saying.
The warlock card we’ve all been waiting for… with all the deathrattle support / resummon in warlock now leeroy is going to be like 10 attack!
As far as for DK … I mean it looks like a nice if not expensive upgrade to their hero power. I dont think DK has actually played minions since triple unholy (which this obviously cant go into).
It is the level 4 undead minion of battlegrounds applied to constructed,
lets hope, they will add more later , such as the level 6 elemental, which has all races…
Death Growl
Yelling Yodeller
Toysnatching Geist
Sinister Soulcage
Also Headless Horseman, but then you’ve lost your default Hero Power.
Bonus points if you put the new Amalgam’s deathrattle onto this, or vice versa.
Basically death knight is really amplifying the Death part of this match because if you reborn Eliza a few times your fray ghouls will be some so powerful. And also, If I am not mistaken, I believe Eliza Goreblade is now the First Battlegrounds character in Hearthstone’s history to Enter Traditional Hearthstone.
Treasure Hunter Eudora and A.F. Kay are also the first 2 heroes straight from the Battlegrounds to enter Traditional Hearthstone.
This silly team never fails to disappoint.
Everlasting effects have clearly made HS more polarizing, yet they keep printing them as if they’re handing out candy. These cards can disrupt the meta at any moment, and the only solution is to nerf them out of existence, as everlasting effects always find a way back into the meta.
Enough with it. Stop printing 1-card win conditions you lazies.
Nice to see they (seemingly) stopped trying to turn DK into priests. This is a pretty good and fun legendary. Not sure this can work tho, might be too slow and clunky.
The pirate tag may make it easier to have a tutor for it.
If only she was neutral so my dusty ol pirate warrior deck could make use of her. Still neat though!
If you can meet the rune requirements to play this in your deck you will. You only need it to trigger once to make a huge impact on the game.
Oh, I think control DK will be happy with the new cards too.
Dreadhound handler is just generally good, offering good tempo and board control with the rush.
Ghouls’ Night wants to hit face but it can be clutch removal if needed.
Brittlebone Buccaneer just made pit boss all the more oppressive against minion decks. Effectively doubling other deathrattles will also allow for some serious greed
The legendary can be used as part of a slow burn strategy, where they let the +1 attack slowly add up to overwhelm the opponent.
I don’t see it mentioned here but I saw a few frost rune cards on reddit. Those ones may be more offensive (because frost rune), but there was one card draw card that may find use in greedy decks.
There isn’t any deck that wouldn’t want a way to scale unlimited +1 attack to all minions as a global effect. If you can fit it in deck you will play it. Even if it only triggers once all those tokens getting +1 attack including HP is a huge power spike.
Given the DK shaman tourist card it looks like shaman cards are going to be spell centric… so perhaps theres still a frost burn DK deck in the making
But so many of these token cards seem so weak. Reborn deathrattle whatever they all mostly die to a single aftershock or one of the 100 other board clears already in the game or recently revealed.
I assume this is the 2024 attempt to rehash triple unholy (using frost/unholy) but the statlines seem so bad… Dreadhound should at least be a 2/3… brittlebone could easily be a 1/6 or a 2/5 . Thinking about it though brittlebone has a pretty good chance of being busted in warlock
Outside of ghouls night as a finisher it just seems like none of these cards have a shot at having a meaningful impact even with all the deathrattle/reborn stuff given all the removal in the game today. Its a real pity too because something like this would have been really fun mabye a year and a half ago or whatever before the ‘unkilliax’/yogg/reno + 20 other board clears added to the game.
“for the rest of the game…” I’m so sick of this ****ing fun and interactive idea
We’re playing Battlegrounds now.
just remove rune system at this point ffs
if everything printed is gonna be funny rainbow dk, I’d rather DK just get a real class identity than have a half-teased “three rune system”
When DK released they claimed every expansion would have a focus on a particular rune. Yet all we are getting is rainbow stuff. We need some new three rune cards already.