This seems really good, especially for a DH class that really hasnt had too many decks in the last year.
This might be fun to use in Shaman. Can’t wait to see what shaman tourist looks like.
Lets print the original patches but 6x better…
This is a joke ,theres no way this is a real reveal.
I imagine the shaman tourist will be something like a
3 mana 2/3 “Take a snapshot of your current expansion cards, watch them get nerfed 1 week later because they’re too powerful in DK”
I guess to add a bit about the card I remember a while ago they said they were going to refrain from adding charge minions to the game but I guess that was the old design team and the new one doesn’t mind but theres almost 0 reason not to include this card in nearly any shaman/dh deck going forward.
Shaman can do a lot more with the card than DH can… Shudderwock into patches = 18 of them in the deck… Then you can summon 7 and do bloodlust for 6 mana and 28 damage.
Gotta admit you’re right. This is broken af lol. Looks like a card someone made up to mock Blizz’s balance.
They’re not even trying to hide their lack of creativity. It’s sad
The hell are you talking about?
This card is awful.
Awful is a strong word, it definitly has some good uses, but to compare it to patches seems ridiculous, as they do completely different things.
One thins your deck and gains early tempo, the other sacrifices tempo to summon more charge minions later in the game
I wouldn’t call it awful, but it’s certainly not as good as the original, and I would say that it has trouble matching up to the current nerfed version of that card.
I’d hold off on calling it great or terrible, at least until we see the rest of the DH cards as well as Shaman (for the Shaman Tourist) and Priest (for the DH Tourist).
It will likely steal some games in the first couple of weeks of the expansion, but that’s how it has always been with every expansion. The first couple of weeks are a time of people figuring out wth is going on.
I’m sorry, but pretending you got a 0-mana Death Knight hero power at some unpredictable time later in the game does not end up scaring me.
Please, explain even one method for it to steal a game.
Awful? You cast parachutes on on draw. It’s 7 damage for one mana. How could that be awful? It’s spread out sure but still.
How do people not realize you are right? The strength of old Patches wasn’t the 1/1 Charge, it was making your deck start with 29 cards instead of 30. That’s why it’s still used in pirate decks even after getting rid of Charge.
I was thinking moreso a combo deck where you empty your deck play this, then you have multiple options of bloodlust in shaman or Halveria in dh to buff all of them.
And you’ve guaranteed a loss.
This card is fine??? You first have to play a 1 mana 1/1 (which, while perfectly fine on turns 1-3 definitely sucks to draw later on), and then DRAW the “free pirates.”
The current rotation of cards for DH definitely don’t support a token decklist (and really neither does the Shaman, Wave of Memes be damned), so this is basically entirely reliant on getting a good package in the coming set.
There was a kind of draw-through-your-deck DH to utilize cards like momentum and playhouse giant. Shouldn’t be too hard to fit in a 1 drop that you can play on turn 1 then you proceed to just draw draw draw. Not sure if this is enough justification to run sharp-eyed seeker.
Naga DH is another deck that can draw a lot once it gets going, but I don’t think it would work with patches, since sharpshooter might draw a parachute which is not a spell you can cast, and the pirate fills up your board to play nagas.
Note the demon tag. This could be a buff or a nerf to window shopper. It’s a buff if you think adding it to the discover pool gives you more value/versatility. It’s a nerf if you like having a smaller more consistent pool of demons with the key ones having more immediate impact.
I can’t really think of anything super broken right now. It seems to me this card is just nice to have without being a card you build around. But that might actually be a good thing? I and many people have been saying for a while how bonkers the power creep has been. We don’t need every card to make the next stupid OTK combo.
…now that I’ve said that, somebody’s gonna figure out an OTK with this card
He’s so cuuuuute aaaaaa
edit: totally just noticed he’s a new version of Patches the Pirate lol nice!
It’s literally 12/26 = 0,48 worth of mana per turn - for free
It’s definitely not terrible
How useful it is, we’ll see
It’s not strict power creep but compared to OG Patches, you could summon that out with any pirate you play. For new Patches you have to play the card.
The payoff is you get 6 1/1s with charge but you have to draw them. Wild DH might like this if they can cycle a lot?
At least DH has no deck buffing synergies - that would be broken.
Patches shuffles in spells that summon the 1/1 with charge when drawn, so deck buffs wouldnt work with it