New DH cards were revealed

If self harming is expected there is also the potential of Shadow Priest support.

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I mean half the stuff could be big priest stuff… something has to synergize with cliff dive.

But I’d imagine 4 cards will be raise dead type low mana deal damage to self for some effect.

Funny enough aranna into go down swinging will not do anything because you take no damage. That was the first thing I thought of with the card but then realized it already had anti fun synergy built in.

I guess you could put in only those 8/8 that go face to draw those with cliff dive for 16 damage and that 7 mana demon… but that sort of deck would get ruined real fast if you drew the minions… I wonder what happens if you use red card on one of the things thats supposed to go back in the deck?

i may have to dust off my ol DH


I wonder if we’ll hit the “critical mass” of draw cards needed for a Fatigue OTK to work this expansion, the mini-set, or next expansion.

We got a LOT of card draw and now, “Demon Seed in a Box” Aranna. All we need now is more card draw.

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Now DH can reflect fatigue damage too! (Thank God this one has to survive unlike the demon seed quest.)

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also lmao this community

new package of DH cards, including one that’s basically the most broken quest reward as a standa alone card, 22 posts

some guy spamming about temp whelp ban and “cheating” in standard, at least 400 replies.

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Shaman is getting a couple cards that increase the hero’s attack as a result of this. Sand Art Elemental is looking to ruin some people’s days.


So the combo could be to play Aranna, Red Card her…and then when she’s up from Dormant you just play Paraglide over and over.

It’s not far off.


Yep, that’s a plan.

At least we have… Reno… To save us from it if it gets too strong.

Because it’s the only interaction tool for that.


Does DH even have the survival tools to do something like that? I know theres a ton of card draw in DH but… can they survive long enough to wait two turns before decking themselves and hoping to do enough fatigue damage to kill whatever board the enemy has and get lethal face?

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Well, the Priest cards tomorrow might be the key.

It all depends on the archetypes they are about to support or create tomorrow.

One interesting thing here is that Priest is missing lifesteal giving cards and lifesteal in general, when it’s something they usually have access to. I have a feeling Priest is getting a drink tomorrow and that might have lifesteal on it.

Can you imagine DH with a spell that gives a minion lifesteal? Could be brutal.


I just took a look at the neutrals and a lot of the pirate neutrals seem pretty good. THeres one that gives a friendly pirate +1+1 when it attacks meaning that all the charge pirates can really be 2/2s (and it curves perfectly with sigil… turn 2 sigal turn 3 roughhouser) and then obviously the windfury pirate. Weapons attendant is a pirate and is a good way to get climbing hook out for essentially free and fulfills the 5 attack minion so you wont lose durability.


So far, big priest support and no self damage.

As I look at these cards, I think DH will be the next problematic class… again… Too many Charge cards…

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And now all the rest of the cards were revealed and oh boy was I wrong. Tons of self damage. All of these are clearly made for DH.

We’ll need to see Priests’ Hunter Tourist card to see how good Big Priest will be (I suspect we’ll see at least some big hunter cards to synergize with Ryecleaver and if we do, chances are they’ll support a rez priest as well.)

But yeah, looking more like a hyper draw DH meta by the day

Reno DH has lots of survival tools in it. There’s plenty there that a regular DH deck can pull from.

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Are there any real good DH players here that can shed some light on how good these cards look? Smeet? Dallaen?

I keep looking at these and all I see is charge charge charge charge +attack buff for hero +attack +attack +attack and now with priest cards self damage jk you take damage self damage jk you take damage…and it looks insanely strong and scary.

And then I think about Shaman having these charging minions with +attack buff and windfury.

Please tell me I’m overreacting and these are secretly really bad. :rofl:

With the tourist, you get a 1 mana deal 8 to the enemy hero potentially. It’s freaking me out.

I’m not a good DH player, barely play the class, but it could get a bit scary with an early:

Common · Minion · Whizbang

that sticks for a turn or 2.

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