New DH cards were revealed


I like them. Seem to work with each other pretty well I guess.


These look really good for Even Demon Hunter

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Alot of these look super aggressive. Every card is based around buffing attack and charging and just giving DH a boat load of damage.

I’m a little worried tbh.


You know what I am thinking when I look at HS in 2024: that it needs more Charge - probably no one


It seems to me the card designers lost interest in the game… As someone else in the thread said… boring. Also as someone else mentioned I thought the developers were going to limit charge minions, but I guess they forgot or stopped caring

I do think these will be enough to save shaman from shaman tier… the windfury elemental / bloodlust both make the hero attack damage + charge tokens usable… but did the game really need yet another mini combo/otk deal 16+ for 6 mana deck?

The priest tourist seems baffling… is priest going to get a lot of self damaging spells like warlock now?

These have been the most lackluster card reveals (for DH and other classes) in quite a few expansions.

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warlock? priest priest

like shadowbomber spawn of shadows or psyfiend

The last thing the trojans said when they dragged a wooden horse through their gates…


I just see this massive minion charging hero attack buffing monstrosity happening on a very early turn slapping people for a ton of damage.

Is it just me?


If we can theorize the priest cards based on the DH tourist it seems like they’re making a weird pivot for priest. Mabye they’re going to pair self damage with the heal package and then some of the hunter cards will come in and seal some gaps.

I have a feeling there may be a lot of disappointed priest players tomorrow

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Why do you think priest is getting self damage? The tourist is taking damage in DH because DH can attack so that’s why it’s a self damage.

Priest will likely get no self damage cards.

I wouldn’t pay attention to tomorrow. At the end of the day we won’t be sure what the meta is until the meta is people were wrong about cards before and will be again. Priest players can be ready to be disappointed every expansion because Priest is mainly a control class and Blizzard does not want control to be dominant.

Based on the Tourist reveals until now there seems to be some synergy between the Tourist effect and the class it borrows from.

Just look at the other tourist cards… DK got spell school stuff, shaman got spell school stuff… paladin got rogue tourist rogue got a lot of coin generating spells… mage got paladin who got the 1 mana spells.

It makes little sense for the DH tourist to be a 5 mana 5/6… gain attack power and deflect 1+ damage to a random enemy. There has to be more self damaging stuff coming or its completely useless.

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I don’t think so. That tourist is clearly meant for an attacking hero so that they are immune to attacking and redirect damage. The tourists don’t indicate what the other class is able to do. The tourist cards are only class specific designs.

That minion is only for redirecting attack damage.

What possible use could it be then… there has to be cards like ‘raise dead’ coming back

For attacking.

You drop this minion and attack with face. Now your attack is immune and you essentially do damage again.

You guys are looking into this too much I think.

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I don’t know…
DK’s Tourist draws a spell of each spell school and Shaman got cards complimenting that.
Mage’s Tourist focuses on low-cost spells and part of Paladin’s kit was that.
Paladin’s Tourist wants spells that cost (2) or less and Rogue provided some support.
Shaman’s Tourist got tokens to evolve from DH.
Warlock’s Tourist got dr support and some dr minions were included in DK.

The only not synergistic Tourist is Maestra.

Just based on that we should assume that if the effect is specific there probably is some support for it in the class the Tourist borrows from.

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I mean… maybe? But I wouldn’t count on it.

Although I would like raise dead 2.0. But that wouldn’t be good for DH running little charge pirates.

I’ll guess we’ll see tomorrow.

I was thinking Priest is most likely getting deathrattle support or big priest stuff.