New design for Silver Hand Recruits: 4 points


could you please change the Silver Hand Recruit artwork back to normal or adjust it? I understand your idea: “Why they have to look all like the same. They not have to!!” And BAM: We have our current situation. A lot of people will say: “Hey, that’s so nice!! Thank you!” But I don’t say this. Why? I will tell you:

1.) In the past summoning a lot of dudes felt like: “Whua, this is a golden army!” Now I feel: "It’s a asymmetrical (trash) disaster! If it would be never two times the same recruit on the board it would be maybe kind of cool. But I get 2x Mr. Violett, 1x Orange, Mr. 2x Mr. Yellow and 1x Mr. Green. Looks like a asymmetrical disaster and doesn’t make any sense. Implement “only ONE Silver Hand Recruit artwork can stay at the same time on the board” (like Horseman Uther Hero Power works, it never fails to summon 4 different Horseman.) Or just change it back. In the current state it’s not cool in the long run.

2.) All Silver Hand Recruit cards (summoning Silver Hand Recruits and stuff like that) show the typical dudes (golden armor, brown beard) doesn’t fit anymore. Because dudes means DUDES and not Mr. Trash A, Mr. Trash B and Mr. Trash C. You can’t compare the new recruits with the iconic original dude design which just shines.

3.) It’s irritating. Same cards shouldn’t have different artworks. If I summon three dudes I wanna see three dudes and not a colorful salat! Especially for new players it’s a bad thing. In the first 5 minutes it’s nice. “Ohhh, so refreshing!” but after this period it doesn’t do any positive for the game. (For shaman on the other hand the different design of totems make sense, because they are indeed different cards.)

4.) Silver Hand Recruits is an DUDE army. But I don’t see this anymore. I see now an individual mercenaries group - doesn’t fit to the dude Silver Hand flavor. Your idea could work, but it should have a MATCHING design. Stay at the Silver Hand Recruits, but change them just a little. For example one got a hammer, one got a sword, the next maybe holds a shield and so on. Silver Hand Recruits BUT with small changes so that I can still recognize them as dudes.

I know some people will disagree but I just love Paladin and play only this class on ladder. So I see it maybe from a different perspective than a “from time to time” Pally player.



I only play Paladin, & I like the new Silver Hand Recruits.

I thought the old art work was ugly.


Man, the “people who hate this company” crowd won’t like you trashing the devs like this!

Giving people the options between the two would be nice. But giving players options isn’t really a thing this company is known for.

I’m not even sure this was a documented change in the patch notes.

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I remember seeing that the new Recruits count as different minions so if one resurrects them with Tyr’s Tears it can potentially backfire.

As long as this gets fixed I applaud more art put in the game.

  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where the different Silver Hand Recruits counted as different minions for purposes of cards like Tyr’s Tears.

Thank you for sharing this.
Sometimes I don’t have the time to check that far down and that caused me to miss it.


Yessss! Make it an option to choose these new ridiculous recruits like when you go pick what hero you want.

I hate these new recruits, it’s stupid and whoever thought of this is an AH. No one needed affirmative action here.


Well it shouldnt pushed upon players like a drunk date…

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“Old school” will always be better by my pov but… they should have update the old art with new ONE (Hero Power included) and not add 3 to the already existing one.
Before they looked like a Roman legion, now they look like a rabble without discipline :pleading_face::smile:

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There should definitely 100% be an option to use the standard dudes paladins have been accustomed to for 10 years now.


as a fan of paladin, i love the new dudes


I see both sides of the argument.
Maybe have recuit artwork selector when you create a pack, like you do with card back and hero portrait.
This could lead to neat things like mage hero power graphic options, and rogue hero power weapons.

  • Brim
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At the very least, I feel like any card that is “summon a bunch of a dudes” should only summon said dudes. Things like Muster for Battle, SaD, Day at the Faire etc. Hero power summoning any recruit is whatever.

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