New Demon Hunter Legendary: Lady S'Theno

I see some Fel DH thing going here

Fel DH obviously runs fel spells and likes to remove things for later pay off

New spell multi-strike is also fel, and it helps in removing minions. The property of being able to hit a minion also means when you drop Jace you have that option

This being naga also means there’s the option (though I’m not sure if it’s best) to run that neutral that draws a naga.

Not sure how rotation will affect fel DH or DH as a whole though. Studies comes to mind as a generally good card for DH.

Oh and continuation from my last comment on multi-strike…

I guess Stheno is super cleave god super cleave, or does her automatic attack make her ultra instinct

When DH goes off half a dozen spells, she be like: