New DH Card: Multi-Strike

Rare · Spell · Voyage to the Sunken City · Give your hero +2 Attack this turn. They may attack an additional enemy minion.

2dmg and a bonus attack to go face+minion or clear two minions, auto include for Fel-DH it seems.

Looks like DH won’t be having any problems with Troggs, that’s for sure.

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1 mana deal 2+ to 2 minions. OK. Sure. Minions sure do look enticing with cards like this continuing to be printed.

Trust me you’re gonna love this.

::Becomes warrior cleave:: This is warrior cleave.

::Becomes DH Fel Barrage:: This is warrior cleave that ascended warrior cleave. You could say it’s cleave 2

And now this… is to go… FURTHER… BEYOND!

::Becomes multi strike::

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c-can rogue get this as well please?
especially with the new pirate…

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Nah, he must be bluffing, what this will make it? Double ascended?

The text is confusing on this one. The “additional” implies that the hero has already attacked a minion, but of course this card is used to kill a minion and then hit face, and the enemy hero is not a minion. The mechanic works as “You may attack twice if you attack a minion first”. Still awkward but more accurate.
Perhaps the card should be : 1 mana, no bonus attack, “you may attack twice this turn”. or “give you hero windfury this turn” Seems way more simple to me. OP and annoying, of course, but nothing new there…