New battlegrounds update, buddies are out

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They are really shaking things up. Only thing i don’t like is not having all the minion types playable at once.

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There are too many types for this to work. The pool would be too dilute, and almost nobody would be able to make cohesive builds.

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I’m not sure i follow what you are getting at. We already have our 10 minion types in BG’s. Taking out minion types that directly counter others that are going to be active a week early is a pretty bad idea.

Very much this. I wonder if it’s already too dilute with five tribes each game, actually.

Forgive my ignorance here, but what are you specifically talking about?

I can’t even read the graphics they made as the cards are too small and you can’t full screen them. Giant fail.

With so many changes coming to Battlegrounds, we’re rolling out our minions in phases instead of all at once. We’ll start with an initial batch of six minion types, and then add the rest of the minion types over the next couple weeks. This will give you a chance to learn the minions type adjustments without being overwhelmed, and it’ll spread the fun! We also have a special preview event and some upcoming Dev Talks to chat about the changes as they come out. Here’s the lineup:

  • May 3: Dev Talk 1
  • May 4: Playtest Preview Event
  • May 8: 26.2 Patch Notes
  • May 9: Dev Talk 2; Patch 26.2 goes live with minion phase one (Beasts, Murlocs, Dragons, Elementals, Naga, and Undead)
  • May 11: Dev Talk 3; Pirates are added to the minion pool
  • May 15: Dev Talk 4; Demons are added to the minion pool
  • May 22: Dev Talk 5; Quilboar and Mechs are added to the minion pool

Pirates , Demons Mech’s and Quillboars are not playable till many days later.

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Venemous replacing Poison

Finally! Most hyped for this change.

It’s awful. This is them nerfing tier 4 mage deck because it has a card that freezes, not a good decision for design.

They basically phased poison out with how good reborn/dr minions became in the last update. The need to remove it just isn’t there when you can counter it so effectively now.

Ah, thanks, I hadn’t read down that far to see all that. Was more looking at the minions and changes to them.

I only play battlegrounds, so I don’t know about any of the card game meta. :frowning:

I’m talking about BG, though.

It’s a useless change that doesn’t do anything other than placate people who are barking up the wrong tree at the expense of good game play.

I can’t recall the last time poison was decisive in any of my lobbies.

What they did not do that I really believe they should have done with this massive patch is to normalize the number of minions in each lobby by making each tribe identical in the spread of minions at each tier (e.g. there are only two Tier 2 elementals but there are four of dragons and murlocs, diluting the pools for those lobbies significantly).

It’s a small change, but it has a huge impact on how the lobby plays out when you’re flooded with low tier minions and you can’t find anything to enjoy your later game play.

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On the upside Hogger is gone and Elementals can no longer build a board of massive minions. Poison seems like it’s not needed as much in this meta. Leapers and Exodia still remain but those are more outliers.

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Trust me, it’s not going to help this mode at all. Trash is trash folks.

I actually like this as it will keep it feeling fresh for longer.

In reading further the changes and minion changes, I don’t think I have any interest in their revamped BG. I used to play TFT and I quit because it was too much work to learn what was in essence an entirely new game every few months*.

This patch just looks like such a massive change as to be a new game and on the heels of my absolute disinterest in buddy meta, I’m leaning towards just uninstalling hearthstone again.

I don’t like standard AT ALL right now and wild isn’t a thing for me. I about threw my coffee cup across the room against thief priest twice this morning and that’s pretty much a clear sign that I am done with a game that isn’t fun.

Nothing like grinding out a long game and getting killed by the card you have built to get lethal the following turn - literally murdered by your own win con with absolutely zero counter play - because your opponent passively stole a copy of it. Apparently this sort of duckery is “fun” to some people. Absolutely stupid casino bullcrap that should never have been printed. The entire concept of thief decks is awful.

*(In case you don’t know, TFT changes powers, items, characters, what tribes the characters are in, basically everything, every six months or so when major sets changes and there’s a mini, but still major, shake up three months in.)

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i have to keep changing battleground though, the moment they stop it dies

It’s a matter of degrees.

I also don’t anticipate enjoying the new playstyles they’ve put together. At all. I don’t typically keep cards in my hand, but it seems like that’s what they want us to do now.

I will certainly give it a try or two, but I have very low expectations for the changes.

Edit: I have played at most one bg in the last two weeks because I so much dislike the current format. It’s not much more to just uninstall and find a different game.

just play it, see if its good with a slow release

Look at it this way:

It will be a different META at the beginning and feel new, too. Then three days later Tears of the Kingdom is out. Just smash some hours into that game as hard as you can, baby.

By the time you feel you’ve put a lot of hours into Tears it’ll probably be time for some tribes to be released. Play that, then back to Tears. Explore, create, defeat evil for the millionth time, then, guess what, all the tribes are now available. You know what comes out the following week? Diablo IV

I just came up with your entire gaming schedule for the next 33 days. You’re welcome.

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Fair enough, but I’m waiting for D4 and then I’m out. But I get what you’re saying. Cheers.

im surprised the tittle of this thread is about the buddies being removed and not about the change to venomous …which think its a huge change for the mode

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