New Battlegrounds reward track (and currency)

Not sure what riot game you are pointing to but if it is a fps game,those games are a class on their own they dont follow traditional rules. You can see it in the vieuwer numbers on twitch. Fps games have far more vieuwers then any other game type out there.

Skins dont make enough,they tried that. And i can see why skins are not enough in BG,and that is because optics in this game are not important. The community isnt big enough to get a lot of satisfaction from a skin that in the end is rather cheap to get and not all that rare. They dont have the same amount of apeal that special skins have in fps games,for a variety of reasons. The game itself is just to small for that probably.

The thing for me is not about the money, but about the principle.

BGs are not a complex game, it is a game mode, which was created based on already explored game, which was heavily monetized and is more expensive than AAA titles every 4 months. Especially since the predatory mercs coming “recently”.

BGs? It is like paying 50USD every year for Sudoku app. Can I do it? Sure. Would I? No.

Launch it as a proper game, where is ton of content, allow bans, create different lobbies, better graphics, get rid of useless and boring heroes, that you simply dont want to pick and we can talk.

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that just supports my argument even more, you’re saying players don’t have the time to play both modes, give both modes away free then ? they would have nothing to lose

This reminded me. Is BG still under Beta?
Long ago we had discussion that BG will be monetize in someway.

The way they introduced skins for BGs was horrible. Expensive packs that featured skins for multiple heroes that you hate/aren’t fun to play, for a game that gives you a choice of 4 random heroes from a pool of over 80. So more than likely, you wont even get a chance to use the new skins you purchased.

It would’ve made more sense to add skins for minions, minion cards, or minion attack/death animations. Possibly even tribe-wide skins, but this would all take effort that Blizzard isn’t willing to add to put into the game.

This is horrible news and I am incredibly disappointed in Blizzard with this announcement. They’ve taken their Diablo Immortal model and have applied it here and I you know it’s what they are going to do for all their games which is just sickening.

So now with only a two hero choice by default and you can only earn XP by placing top 4 they’ve made it pretty much impossible to climb the path without purchasing things.

I’ll try it out and see, hopefully it won’t be as bad as I think and read its going to be but this is pretty much the end of my playing Hearthstone.


Nope, what I meant was parts of the HS community only play one of the formats - Constructed or BG - because they don’t like the other: I, for instance, can’t be … to play Battlegrounds.
Blizzard would have a lot to lose if the gave away one of them for free.

Cosmetics are a dime a dozen anymore. I’d Rather Have the GOLD to buy my hearthstone packs. Very upsetting and not looking forward to playing either mode right now.

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huh are you removing gold ?I assumed this new currency would only be for battlegrounds

At start it’s only for BGs but it will eventually cover all of HS.

If you saw the gem bundles today, the largest 2 correspond to preorder bundle pricing.

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IIRC it came out of Beta when we started buying the pass to have 4 hero choices. Initially it was 3 hero choices vs 2 and we got access to BGs in exchange for buying a certain number of card packs from the latest expansion.

wait so will you still be able to buy packs with gold or earn gems or is it going full pay to win ?

You can buy packs with gold yes.

Surprise they didn’t nerf packs to be 1 card per pack with gold and rmake it so unestone get you the normal 5 card packs.

You’re right to suppose there’s a big possibility that they’ll remove gold to replace it by runestones in the future I think…

I say we take this fight to HS and tell them to remove Runestones because if they go forward with the new currency, i won;t be able to purchase the things i want to get.

Its 20$ for 2000 runestones. If they go with a 1/1 conversion of gold-runestones then it would be 20$ for the bg pass. I dont know what rate they will use but 1-1 does seem kinda logical.

I have a real easy solution; we stop playing and tank the game. Dev’s you should be ashamed of this cash grab, most of us long time players are completely disgusted if you haven’t noticed…perhaps you can make the suits aware.

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My main concern is losing the two extra heroes, don’t care about the rest. Pay to get them? No way. The 2000g were a good trade, but to pay with real money to get runestones to get the pass to get the heroes, no no no.

I can see pictures in the shop with piles of runestones “1000 runestones for 14.99$”

I will wait for the new season to check it out, but something tells me that I will not stay for that long.

It’s so disappointing to see how a wonderful game has been deteriorated to a common mobile game.

I guess the next step would be to have ads and pay to remove them. Maybe even pay to get the buddies :money_mouth_face:

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