New Battlegrounds reward track (and currency)

I’m surprised it hasn’t been posted yet so I’ll have the honor.

I think it’s complete BS that there’s a new currency specifically made for Battlegrounds called Runestone and we won’t be able to spend gold anymore, instead it will be real money or Runestone.

I’m very curious on what the hardcore BG players such as Selwynn thinks about this pass.


I will take a look, but from what I have read I’m unsure if BG will continue to reward HS reward track XP in addition to the new BG specific track.

I hate the BG track because it’s all stupid, stupid cosmetic crap that doesn’t affect game play. Side note: I can’t describe my true feelings for the new alternate damage in bgs on this board without earning a long ban. I do not like them.

But the biggest issue I have is Runestones. Everything is converting to a gem currency in this game, and that is likely the last straw for me. I have no need of it and it ruins the place. You can no longer use ingame gone to purchase BG stuff with the addition of runestones.

So, ya, this is going to do fine in their target marketL Asian mobile games. And brick in much of the rest of the world.

I’m not sure they care because it would seem Asia is where the expansion and the dollars are.

What’s this all about?

I think he means the finishers.


Its not specifically for BG , the currency will also be for standard. I recommend reading the full patch. There are a few surprises all the way down.
You can no longer buy multiple packs with gold,but you can still buy them one at a time with gold.


The new alternate battleground strike animations? I can’t give an honest take without using language and descriptions that violate forum rules. I don’t like them in the slightest.

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This day will go down in history as the day Hearthstone died. Runestones sound terrible.


Many Bg players will pay,i will probably buy the pass as well if they dont rig my games to much kek.

I dont know,i guess many players will also leave. Playing with 2 hero options isnt the greatest with the current balance of heroes. They never have given hero balance that much attention in BG and they seem to be fine with there beeing lots of weak heroes. I dont mind the weaker heroes either as they can be fun at times.
Now they say they will better balance heroes but their way of balancing is a bit rudimentary,simply give a hero more life totall and that is it. This actually makes the game feel more unbalanced in some ways.

you’re right, I didn’t pay attention.

This is disgusting, They are trying their best to kill hearthstone.

I guess BG is really p2w now since you can’t get the pass without spending money, lol.

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That’s what it seems.

They want us to buy stacks of gems for stuff so we always have a few sitting left over that induces additional purchases because it’s not going to be an exact currency.

It’s totally gross and we should respond by moving on from them.


That’s not true. You’ll still be able to double-click/double-tap on the “1 pack for 100g” button and select a larger amount.


Oh thats good then i guess,for those who play constructed.

thank god they also made the game painfully bad to play, maybe we should give our thanks to Team 5 fighting Blizzard from the inside. now it all makes sense.


This whole post made me LOL.

Thank you for a good belly laugh.

This whole year’s meta has been a fifth column assault on the powers at Activision Blizzard to undermine the game prior to the predatory monitization. What an AWESOME conspiracy theory and amazing idea.

I wish I could give you like 20 likes.

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Will the mini set become runestones only as well?

mid to long term i´d bet on it.

Based on the picture, I thought you are given 3 different quest options to work on you choose which one you think will best help you or that you think is easiest to complete.

TBH the quests are the only part of this update I actually like (minus balance changes and new heroes I havent seen yet)

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The update looks kinda fun,the quests. Looking forward to it!

Runestones? Switch to Runeterra more like.

And just after I quit. Its like I’m psychic.

standard purchases can still be made with gold and money thats why he said specifically for BG

because the BG battle pass will be the only one runestone only