New badlands cards revealed

Very important word used here:

A word used by people making guess work. We get it bro, you think plagues are bad, I think plagues are good, but don’t tell me what you think could have worked better for me.

I would throw HSReplay stats at you proving my point (and they do), but you have repeatedly said that you dismiss arguments based on stats, because you prefer personal experience. So I just stated my opinion in response to your comment. I don’t really see why you need to be confrontational about it anyway. You can play plagues all day and believe whatever you want for all I care tbh.

This is a forum tho; you give your opinion and other people respond to you with their own, bro. No big deal :man_shrugging:

The plagues themselves are fine, and the plague archetype itself is also fine. It’s honestly not that bad. Right now it’s being held back by a few meta factors. For one, renethal decks are anathema to plague DK because bigger deck size limits plague draws. The other problem is plague DK isn’t good at dealing with big cheese turns. But it does have strengths. Once helya is played the plagues are very good at disrupting extremely draw heavy decks that want to draw through every card they have as fast as possible to get to something specific. And it’s inevitable that given enough time more of those decks will arise. They always do. They’re some of the playerbases favorite archetypes to pilot.

You’ve made numerous posts and threads in the past stating your personal distate toward the plague archetype. You just don’t enjoy playing against it, and that’s perfectly fine. But you do have a personal bias against the archetype, and some of your points against it are a little unfair. Plague DK has potential to get better over time. This is the first expansion plagues were out. We have 4 more before it rotates in a year and a half, and renethal will be gone in april. By then it could very well become a relevant meta deck.

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yeah I can’t disagree with anything there. And indeed I do absolutely loath the deck. I have said that repeatedly and I really wish they just didn’t print this kind of disruption. My main problem with it is the frost plague tbh and how deeply annoying it is on an entirely RNG basis. As a combo player I am very inclined to hate it, I’ll admit that.

The main point there was separate from that tho. Chiapet said that plagues are good right now because UUU plagues carried them to legend and I responded that UUU plagues work most times despite the plagues and not thanks to them, so classic UUU actually has a few more WR% points and would climb faster.

I agree the plagues won’t underperform as much in the future and in a different meta, as much as I hate that fact. They may become actually pretty good against Highlander decks as people were commenting above. I just don’t think we’re there now.

Correct. It just has to do with how dismissive people are of anything that isn’t backed up by data. It’s great that you parrot data made by other people and all but…

I actually log in and play the game. It is different from data you get from other people. HSR may tell me one thing, but when I log in, play a deck, and get my own experience, it doesn’t always match what everyone else is seeing.

You don’t have an opinion if you only cite data. That’s a lack of an opinion.

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Good to be back when a new Expansion came out.

Quickdraw: Not a fan. Might change my mind with being presented with more cards utilizing it, but it’s “aight” for now.

Excavate: Good decision making the Treasures cheap so that you can get rid of them quickly and not clog up your hand. Honestly though, the cards generating the Treasures feel weak and I don’t know how they would keep up against an Aggro deck.

Can you even afford to play Kobold Miner without readying your death with it. And it’s not like the Treasures are THAT good to afford the tempo loss. (excluding the “4th Treasure” that you need to work your way up towards)

Kobold Miner: Looks good on Rogue. That’s it though.

Messenger Buzzard: Seems good I guess?

Dehydrate: Not a Nature Spell to get off of Lightning Reflexes. Good Discover card, don’t know if you main deck.

Reap What You Sow: Oof. 3 Mana, deal 3. Soo slow.

Trolley Problem: Depends on the Discard package. (if there is any)

Sheriff Barrelbrim: Unless there is a self-inflicting damage Class … 1/5 Your opponent can easily play around it + it looks Filler.

Theldurin the Lost: If they can make the hand buff deck a thing, this will be good. Doubt it though.
EDIT: Plus it requires Highlander


Living Prairie: Cards like this are never Meta relevant.

Blastmage Miner: Let it be know that this has the same Mana Cost as Norgannon xd. Would be better if it only targeted minions like Reno so that you can “secure” a clear.

Harrowing Ox: 0 Mana 7/7. Sure.

Elise, Badlands Savior: Talk about a weird Highlander effect. Seems good I guess.

Thunderbringer: 0!

Feels like they are toning it down after the TITANS expansion. This is FOL all over again. Not against it though!

See you in a month!

It’s a safe keyword i would say, not like discover strong, which is good.

Rogues agree xD

Like… it’s a power creept tidal surge, which we really don’t need as we have the nature one…

They now want to push elementals which I totally am for, but i know already they have forgotten card draw, why play elem shaman when you can do better with elem mage.

I am excited for highlander shaman tho. dehydrate will make the lack of the nature card good. but plagues will torment these decks. its very easy to shuffle plagues into the decks today.

Agree, I’d give it 5 if the scale goes reversed.
It’s soo horrible in today’s meta.

I love Trolley Problem. Favourite concept ever.

It would because the reminder text for Quickdraw is that it’s a bonus if the card “entered your hand this turn.”