It looks like the excavate cards can really pump miracle rogue up. Always happy about that, personally.
I am a bit bummed by the new free legendary tho. Probably the most useless, unplayable free legendary ever. Really bland and uninteresting to even try out. Disappointing. The new quickdraw keyword is alright. I’m not sure if making topdecks and discovers even more impactful is a right move, but at least it’s a keyword that adds interesting choices.
So if ya finley any card drawn could have quick draw i take it?
Bomb Warrior Bombs were Neutral cards and so turned off all Pure Paladin effects. Descent of Dragons and Rise of Shadows were in Year of the Dragon together.
Plagues will definitely ruin Highlander decks. It’s meta-dependent but Steamcleaner will have to be in all Highlander decks, even if it’s just ETC. No idea how they will cope after Nathria rotates out.
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I’ve been toying with a miracle frost DK build that will like that new spell.
Steamcleaner seems like one of those cards they might just slap tradeable on and throw in the core set. Since they just rotate cards straight into the core set nowadays… I guess.
I don’t think so because Finley is a swap, not a draw.
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That really won’t work. They can steamclean once but then more plagues go right back in and ruin the highlander.
So in order to play a highlander card you have to steamclean then immediately play the highlander card. Sounds terrible.
There are 4 plague sources (7 cards total) in if memory serves me. After Steam Cleaner DK player might need to wait for or be out of plague cards. Of course sometimes plagues will screw highlander deck but I don’t think that matters much because unless a miracle happens plague DK will still be bad next expansion.
Back in the day when there was only 1-2 minions that could shuffle cards into decks, it really screwed Highlander over. There will be no doubt Plague DK crushes Highlander decks.
The question is whether or not Highlander decks are even remotely good even if Plague DK isn’t there. If they would be great, then they’ll see play and Plague DK will be great.
If Plague DK gets another 2-3 decks that are popular that it can feed from, it will go up at minimum 1 tier. Might very well be a tier 2 deck.
great, expansion not even out and half the classes already countered xD
What if they make a new start of game: your deck cannot have duplicates.
Thats going in my big paladin deck
In truth, the quickdraw mechanic is active during the turn the card ‘enters your hand’, according to the text. So Finley-ed and discovered cards should have their quickdraw effects active when you get them.
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bro it fits so well in our bigcheese deck!
well they should nerf that
You have to live till turn 9 for that to happen, which is quite a luxury these days.
HL is coming back; to which degree, we’ll have to wait and see. Excavation is neat and Quickdraw, well, it could be fairly meh or something that causes a lot of negative posts with how broken it is. From what we’ve seen so far, it looks fairly mid, which is great. If they can go a few expansions of let’s say Meh - Mid level of power, I’m all for it as it could potentially bring us away from all this power crept nonsense.
Have to wait and see the reveals
idk why anyone would be hype for this when Titan expansion was terrible.
M8, plague dk is good right now. I opened Primus this month in end of season packs, made a UUU plague DK and just finished my legend climb yesterday.
Plague DK will be relevant in this expansion.
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Titan expansion was mostly fine. Titan mini set is terrible. Yogg meta sucks.
You would have probably climbed to legend even more easily with a standard UUU DK without Plagues anyway. The plagues package just isn’t very good. And it becomes increasingly unplayable the higher you are in the ladder. Plague DK stands little chance against pretty much any tier 1/2 deck in legend.
It will just not matter enough to stop people from playing Highlander.
And the Highlander VS plague matchup will depend far more on the DK Luck than anything.
The plagues are put randomly in the deck.
Unless your turn 4 is helya i don’t see such a big counter coming since you can just draw they out.
It’s viable to do that nowadays.