Hmmmm. Not sure what to think, but Highlander is definitely coming back.
I love highlander decks one of my all time faveroute mechanics.
I’m scared for rogues abusing escavates,
I’m scared for a potential new reno. “Set ur HP to 60” or sum bs.
6/7 portal, thankfully it’s a treasure.
Shaman is getting pushed elementals, but no card draw, won’t be played sadly.
Elise will do some dumb, I just know it.
blastmage miner doing an astalor the board every time it escavates, damn.
No balance patch today, more unbalanced in a month.
I am super optimistic.
I must have missed this, what is it?
Its a new Location(2), that gives 6/7 to a minion, you can get it from escavation i think.
I hate the new mechanic… More RNG nonsense. Im sure they’ll end up giving quick draw mana cheat to some class (rogue/druid) which will break the game yet again.
Im curious about elemental shaman though. The sad thing is as of now elemental mage has more support and is a far better deck than anything shaman can put together and any neutral elementals will probably improve elemental mage more than elemental shaman.
The elemental mage curve of aqua archivist into tainted remnant is pretty busted. But hardly anyone has experimented with elemental mage so it the complaints havent started rolling in on that one yet.
Both DK cards fit into UUF Plague DK. Just saying. Or they might be trying to resurrect Frost DK doing anything? That 7-mana taunt can pair with Frostwyrm’s Fury for a nasty turn, or Primus.
Here’s hoping that DH gets something cool. Maybe more support for the Draw-Aggro strategy, with Argus.
Elise… for real?
Cant wait to see what Schyla does with that card!
Buried in the announcement: Each of these classes has a class-specific 4-mana Legendary Excavate Treasure that they get when they Excavate for the fourth time.
This is DK’s. You can bring back Chained Guardian with 10/7 and Lifesteal, wow. Plague DK would love this. Triple Frost would get either Primus or Yogg, I guess? Which are also great (with Reborn, too) but the Lifesteal is wasted.
Sheriff Barrelbrim looks interesting for my Demon Seed deck.
There’s a couple good big neutrals you could play in DK to trigger this effect on. Could also play a mid range curve where you just bring back something in the 5-6 cost range as the top of your deck.
My big question is if we excavate after turn 4 do we still keep getting this minion over and over?
I doubt it, the article says “the fourth time,” not “every fourth time.” They might want to keep it limited to once per game since it’s Legendary. But hey, maybe we can loop up to Legendary each time…have to wait for more confirmation.
It might go without saying that Plague DK stock goes up quite a bit with this expansion.
Highlander decks are going to struggle hard in that area.
Didn’t we have another expansion previously where a certain deck basically made tons of new expansion cards unplayable because of a mechanic like that? And then they had to change it so people could play with the new cards?
Someone help me out here.
Either way, I feel like Highlander stuff is going to struggle because of that. They should change it where you don’t have any copies in hand or something else where one deck can’t completely ruin the entire expansion.
(in my best Eeyore impression)
Yay. Just what we needed.
Because big hunter using Neptulon really needed this card? Oh my this kind of disgusting how much burst potential is within this card.
Well’ i’m not sure which cards hunter possess that can kill it off the same turn, i’’ yogg it or pop it myself and just clear the “combo”
Curse of Agony, maybe?
I’m thinking more about after we see what they do with the whole Yogg, Jailer and Druid fiasco. If nothing from that deck changes than no it’s not good but if it gets hurt enough Big hunter was already a top deck.
True that.
Kinda looks hopeless, like they don’t want to change it…
For some reason I want to say it involved Pure Paladin.