As above I never see a deck that feels like it’s a warlock deck. I’ve played warlock on and off since the beginning, and the only thing that came close was the abyssal curse mechanic. I don’t see why they don’t create more cards like that, for example a card the goes to their hand and reduces the attack or health of other monsters in the hand, or increases the cost of spells in their hand until it’s played.
Demons have never been a successful archetype, elementals have incredible synergy but I’ve never really seen warlock have that.
Yes we have had successful decks, for example the current location sea giant decks have a high win rate, but it doesn’t feel like I’m a sorcerer conjuring darkness and demons. Why is this class never treated or given what it needs to be darkness incarnate?
As i could remember the old days, there were many type of successful warlock decks. Such as discard lock, fatigue lock, mill lock, etc… and very popular quest lock.
There have been countless great demon warlock decks throughout the years. Bloodreaver guldan was the epitome of “Look, I am summoning a legion of demons” ( my all time favorite hs card). Also, stormwind quest warlock is undeniably in the top 5 of most obnoxious decks ever. It was executed perfectly flavorwise, by losing life to do damage.
Current demon pool is bad though. Hope it changes and give more room to kiljaeden and demonlock to shine.
P.S. I have to disagree with the curse part. It was a horrible experience, the only bad thing about sunken city. In a game like hs where you cant interact in opponents turns this one must not return in any form. Curses applying at the start of your turn without you being able to pay the cost beforehands and making you burn hands is toxic. A healthy way to apply this is colgari poison in mtg.
are you talking about wild or standard? because i rarely see sea giant locks in wild. its mostly unending portal warlocks, demon seed ones or sometimes a curse or discard one
It was long ago, if you can remember.
Demon / shadow warlock with Jarraxus and Mal’ganis. I used to face (and play too) them as i was main warrior that days.
As someone who mained Warlock for the longest time (was also my first Gold portrait and 1000-win class), I feel this way too hard. Questlock is a boring solitaire deck in my opinion and kind of earned the hate it got. I killed quite a bit with Discard Warlock and it was one of the first decks I went Legend with in Wild.
Have to agree - Demons kind of suck right now. But that seems to be the case for a LOT of the minion tribes that aren’t Pirates. (We won’t count the Velei/Saronite Chain Gang combo, because one combo does not make a tribal-dedicated deck.)
I do see quite a few Reno Warlocks higher on the ladder. These control decks feel more “sorcerer-like” than the others out there.