I am at 6k+ MMR Battlegrounds and im disgusted by the algoritms at use in this game.
The way im forced to a bad result each time i log into the game. (too keep me playing)
Just bump me into 8k MMR matches at the start to ruin my whole last session.
This is not a coincidence, and the game are heavily rigged to keep you playing.
The way i get funneled into others that beat me over and over. (Matchmaking rigging)
The way i always get killed in 2 rounds after i dip under 15 HP. (Shorter games rigging)
The pattern some cards seem to hit others over and over. (Match Rigging)
How my cards hit into the largest on my oponents board over and over even if its no taunt.
I mean im so tired of this blatant rigging. Sure its not personal but they use algorithm to keep people playing.
Im in no doubt about this.
If you cant see the patterns of the algorithm play out, you are just not smart enough. Sorry.
Its it for me. Im playing games for enjoyment but Blizzard have shown they cant be trusted, so ill stop buying games from them.
Thats only way i can respond to things like this.
And yes i do play BG for free right now, because i have suspected rigging for years now, ive just had it and im triggered, so im posting this. I have bought lots of Blizzard products earlier, but NEVER AGAIN.
Correct. And that algorithm is called “MatchMaking Rating”, or MMR
The goal is to match everyone with an opponent of equal skills. That’s how they keep you playing - you win some, you lose some, and it seems random, and you just get addicted to it
I see a frustrated guy with external locus of control noticing something which literally exists in the way he notices it, so I decided to explain it rationally before the tin-foil hats feed their frustrations first.
I once believed that there weren’t enough masochists to form an effective market targeting strategy, but the hordes of you people who won’t quit a game that you think cheats you out of wins makes me doubt my prior assessment.
What exactly do you think this guy is? Because he’s pretty much walking you through their typical talking points. Only thing missing is “the patent”
Those Devs don’t have the skill to micromanage HOW you will lose, they just adjust the MMR when you win so you lose with a higher probability next time.
It’s an extremely complex mathematical problem to do the micromanaged rigging you imagine and those people can’t even fix a basic bug in days.
This is just wrong.
They use Algorithms to keep most players satisfied and to keep them playing.
But what it does is makeing freak matches now and then that are easily spotted.
The whole concept of feeling that you arent really in control sometimes, really rubs me the wrong way.
I dont like getting “handled” like this.
But its there, im in no doubt after years of playing this game.
I already answered about the patterns, but you ignored me. Noone is telling you that you’re imagining patterns, you’re not. But what you’re doing is, you’re misattributing them. And in a way which is unhealthy for you.
I am just here for the comments. Finished a duos in 2nd place on turn 15 playing boars end game. Not one blood gem buff the whole game. What is the math on that one? And the foil in my hat is of the finest quality. It is folded into a perfect triangle to keep out even the most elite Xenu.
What is unhealty is hanging on forums defending a company that has shown over and over that game quality comes second, and money comes first.
And even funnier is that you think you look smart doing it.
Ask yourself if you could be wrong.
I mean, any company today not willing to rig a slot machine to produce more money is bad right?
Its an oxymoron.
Have good day.
And keep your faith.
I’m not defending a company, I’m defending logic/truth. I’ve even defended YOU from another poster like me in this very thread.
I don’t think you should be using your head AT ALL while you’re in such a psychological state. You’re definitely not thinking clearly.
It’s easy for me to keep my faith, because I don’t have to rely on it, because I can think critically. You, cannot, which is why you’re having troubles with both
Ok, ill leave it at that.
And if you think im posting this post because im tilted today you are wrong.
This post has been years in making and are logical just because of that.
But i guess its difficult for you too understand, when you cant really see whats wrong.
But thats on you.
Feel free to try to discredit me more, ill let you have the last word because you need it.
(sorry for the typos, English is not my native language)
No, I don’t need it, but I’ll use it because you need it
Google “internal and external locus of control”, and read a bit about those concepts. Unless, ofc, if you think those are all lies or manipulations, in which case, I give up