They don’t use algorithms they beam directly into your brain using WiFi. Tin Foil hat stops this.
If your win rate and my win rate are the same when we play against the same pool of players, then we’re the same skill.
If you get better and start winning more, your number goes up and mine doesn’t. Now you’re having the same winrate as someone else, against a different pool of players. You and that person are the same skill, and you’re both above me.
Chess has been doing this for decades, so don’t pretend it’s some arcane 2025 AI-fueled magic or somesuch.
It an anomaly meta. Prepare for all kinds of craziness. Like seeing a board full of Tier 6 minions on turn 6 or tier 7’s on turn 6-7. A player with full golden on turn 8-9. It’s a casual players meta so enjoy it if you are casual. If you aren’t come join us over on TFT.
(post deleted by author)
It’s free anyhow. No reason to pay into having more hero choices.