Neutral Minions' Class Bias - Old Multiclass Concept

Hai there,
I want to say, that the newest Expac “March of the Lich King” has an interesting lore. LK vs Blood Elves is dope in my opinion. So, we have two fronts of classes: DK, Shaman, Rogue, Lock, Priest, Druid for Plague Onslaught and Mage, DH, Warrior, Pal, Hunter for BElfs Defenders. That is main aesthetics of this Expac, right?

Another aspect of game meaning of this bias i game… It means nothing when we are going to play with neutral minions, which aesthetic is biased too.

It’s not a discovery, it happened before in The Year of Dragon, when we got League of E.V.I.L. vs Dalaran/League of Explorers.
… and at Mean Streets of Gadgetzan in 2016 (more about it later).

But, for me, it has no sense, when Shaman on Wild playing Blood Elf Astalor, cause Shaman is AGAINST BElfs. There is more issues: Shaman’s case is one of the reason why Astalor was nerfed, cause he’s too strong in the Battlecry Shaman and many other decks.

You can say: “Danelar, but he’s Neutral Cards. It’s natural, that you can play them in every class.”
Yes, but who said, that there must be only class and neutral cards?

In the mentioned MSoG, there was that kind of cards - multiclass cards. Similar to Scholomance Academy, but instead of two classes combinations - there was three of them.

What if Blizzard just adapt this old mechanic for MotLK (and Year of the Dragon)? That would suit the aesthetics and that would solve some problems with broken decks.

But what do you think?

Best regards,