Nerfs in Battleground

Look we keep getting random nerfs and spells added to hearthstone battlegrounds. Ya need to nerf Pirates. They hit too hard early game and gain power to knock out people in 5 turns. Ya keep nerfing undead and other boosted cards late game but its the early game for some that seem way to strong. Ripsnarl for one gives attacking pirates +3 to +6 reduce that to +2 and +4 or something. I wanna play demons or Naga but get ran over my pirates and both classes are hard to enough to build up versus cleave pirates and instant attacking ones. I feel like when i have 7 minions in play versus a 7 pirate minion board its not random. THEY always attack first. All around target pirates for once.

Ahoy customarrr,

I want to express my sincere appreciation for ye feedback on the Battlegrounds. While I am grateful for ye candorrr, we have decided that the current implementation of Pirates aligns with arrr design goals and asp-arrr-ations.

We want to assure you that we hold ye continued business in high regarrrd and enjoyed learning more about ye views reading this post. I believe that ye passion and dedication to Battlegrounds will lead to continued success and growth.

Safe sailin’,

Cap’n Ayala

(Disclaimer: this is a parody, I am not affiliated with Blizzard in any way)

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