NERF ZILLIAX (15 characters)

Do you even play aggro? If you do then you would know that this is not accurate as they cant constantly get rid of all minions every turn.

why you start a new thread when there was already a thread?

“No one listen to that thread because the guy didn’t explain how Zilliax is overpowered right, so I am going to start a new forum and do the exact same thing, people will listen to me then.”

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The message needs to be pushed that Zilliax is OP. It’s clearly a problem if this many people are liking this thread even if there was already one, it just helps prove my point really.

Your OP has 1 like unless my cell is messing up so obviously I’d say more of your responses are against than for you from reading.


I hope the devs buff Zilliax, just to increase the amount of saltiness people complaining would experience:
“The only and last card to ever receive a true buff: 5 mana 3/3, Divine Shield, Untargetable (not even battlecries), Taunt, Rush, Charge, Lifesteal, Windfury, Magnetic”.

Concede to perfection.

Since you’re dead set on not listening to us, how about Blizzard’s response? It’s basically what we’ve been saying to you.

Playrate alone is not enough to make a card nerf-worthy.


Do you even play hearthstone? Sometimes you need to know when to trade and when to go face. You don’t need to kill every minion just the mechs. If you don’t want to kill the mechs then you need to deal with zilliax on turn 5.

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Zilliax is not OP though. Anyone who has a decent sense of hearthstone would know that Zilliax is a strong card, but no where close to being OP.

No one is liking your thread, no one liked the last guy’s thread. Are you reading the comments?


Pffft hah! The delusion is strong in this one. Bet you’re happy downvoting is not a thing on these forums.

Sorry to break this to you but you’re part of the minority. :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay, I’m just gonna craft it and join the rest of the 50% of players who play it. Screw it lets make giggling inventor 5 mana again since we’re not doing anything about the most played card (by a fair amount).

Absolutely not!

Firefly and Tar Creeper were in an absurd amount of decks, should we nerfed those too when they were in standard?

Firefly was in 25% and that was absurd because there were so many 1 drops to compete with. Zilliax is in 50% because there aren’t as many good 5 drops that compete with him.

Zilliax is strong. Pretty strong. But nowhere near busted. Have you tried silence, OP? Because I do not think you have tried silence.


Huh? You have zero idea what you’re talking about. WE WOULD BE COMPLAINING ABOUT THE MOST PLAYED CARD IF IT WAS A PROBLEM. You’re completely alone here, you’re literally just wrong.

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So if the majority said giggling inventor should be 5 mana again I’m guessing you’d be on their side too then?

Giggling Inventor wasn’t nerfed due to it’s playrate, but because of the ease with which Quest Rogue could abuse it. This was even referenced in their patch notes if I remember correctly. It also gave a ton of early sustain to decks like Mecha’thun Druid, whereas it being 7 mana pushed back their “wall against Aggro” timeline significantly for that card.

Get off the playrate freakout train. It’s a good card, yes, but it doesn’t do anything that’s actually oppressive to the meta.


Being the most played card doesn’t necessary means it overpowered. It just means it is a good solid card that Blizzard printed.

If you are going to make a new thread on an already existing new thread then it’s fair game for me to bring what I said there to here:

Strong good cards doesn’t necessary mean overpowered.
Even though Zilliax is played in a lot of decks, none of those decks are like “I drew Zilliax from my deck before my opponent??? INSANE, I am going to win for sure now.”

All of the decks that include Zilliax could exist fine without it. It is just a really good support card.

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I couldn’t see in any way how Firefly and Tar Creeper would be a problem but in Zilliax’s case you’re getting an almost garenteed 6 health restoration as well as 6 damage for just 5 mana. Not to mention that it can be magnatised only heightening these stats.

…No. It guaranteed 3 health and 3 damage. Unless you’re literally just not deal with it the turn after.

S I L E N C E.

It is not necessarily a sign that it needs nerfing. And don’t call me Shirley.

Generally, “half of all decks” sounds pretty bad. But as with most stats, looking at it in a vacuum means important context is missed.

  1. We are at the start of a rotation, so fewer cards are available for flex slots. This by itself means Zilliax (or multi-purpose cards in general) is likely to see more play.

  2. Warrior and Hunter are already heavily rewarded for playing Mechs.

  3. A large portion of decks in this metagame are midrange. For example, Conjurer Mage and Morpher Shaman are both (usually) slow-to-set-up midrange with a big swing turn (or two). Zilliax is really well-suited to those kinds of decks.

If Zilliax remains in Lackey Rogue for another expansion, then I might see the point. (I honestly don’t see it as a great inclusion; it dies to way too many things in the mirror, and doesn’t do much against Warrior as far as I can tell.)

But points 1-3 will definitely lead to it being a heavy presence in the current metagame. I think we have to at least give it 1 more expansion before we start to worry about it.

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It does if you play aggro

The only reason you don’t like zilliax is because he’s the only good healing card, assuming you’re playing an aggressive deck of course you’d win more games without zilliax existing. How about a 3/3 common battlecry heal 8 for 5 instead? (Antique healbot) I wish it were brought back to give you something to complain about.

Maybe if this meta was a little slower a card like applebaum would be good but he’s not sufficient at 5 mana.

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If I deal damage to it with a minion or my hero then it is 6 damage and 6 healing. I would need a spell in my hand to have it not do that