Nerf Trigore the Lasher

Trigore the Lasher needs to be nerfed to the ground. I am watching a golden Trigore right now at turn 15 with over 1500 health/attack. Do you guys even playtest anything anymore? Whoever came up with the mechanics for this card should be fired without prejudice!

I am considering auto-quitting all games with beasts at this point.

They don’t need to balance anything when the most important aspect is early snowball luck.

just pass it to tier 5, the undead avenge 1 is tier 5, and scale way less


Hearthstone is just a rigged mess, you snowball you win else you lose…pretty much that.

Just conceed like 3-4 matches and play the 5th, you will see how your luck changes…I pretty much conceed turn 4 if i get nothing, because I will get nothing until the end of the game, and to be honest I have no time to waste playing something I know I won’t win and ranking in bg’s are pretty worthless, because after 6k it’s just a silly grind to nothing…Also ain’t gonna pay to play this p2w garbo , Blizzard ain’t seeing squad of my money.