Nerf Totem Shaman when?

Cards like Totemic Might and Totemic Surge should be mana cost increased. Why they cost 0?. They are certainly Op buffers cards with no cost?. Hilarious.


Because for many many years they never saw play even at 0 cost. Which begs the question, are those cards the problem? Or is it the influx of low cost high health totems and mana cheating cards which are the problem?

If there is a problem at all…

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I say they cost negative mana and give some back to the player

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I feel shamans are at the bottom of the bucket concerning a totem deck. Now I am speaking only for standard, but they are easy to counter for any class that has wave clear. For example running tomb traitor wipes them out every time in turn 4 before they can even get everything running.

Yall should read the newest vs report. Link: google it.

Totem shaman falls off after diamond.

It’s got a great synergy I give it that. but one nerf to it and it will die instantly.

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Are you crying because of a shaman deck??

The only shaman deck that runs is toten shaman. Which class do you play?? There are many more broken things about the shaman toten!! Warrior has two broken decks!! Hunter has 4 outstanding decks and the game’s owners think it’s okay for the garbage hunter to be the only class in this game to ALWAYS have the best cards! Warlock only has one deck and that deck is VERY BROKEN!! Another class that is broken is the priest, the priest summons his titan 4 times in the match and he can still copy your titan! I played against a priest deck where the focus of the build was to generate several copies of Theotar, it summoned Theotar 5 times and the priest stole 5 cards from my hand! This is in Standard mode!!

I play mage and I’m just losing more than I’m winning, I only play this game for the dust that Blizzard hasn’t given away yet from the card banned from the game, killing the only druid deck, in standard mode.

Thank you Blizzard, I will never spend money here again!! I’m buying AAA games on Steam, much better!!

Im playing legend and 2/3 games are Totem Shamans. Im getting bored.

Even shamans are tough in wild, still thinking how to beat them.

Shamens are unbeatable in wild. There is no card you can put in your deck to defeat them.
If there is… tell me what card I need in my neck, since they can cover the board with totems non-stop with totem weapons and what not and then constantly buff them up for massive dagamage.