Nerf to Astalor double battlecries

Change Astalor the Flamebringer’s ability so that the damage added from manathirst is separate from the battlecry. For a normal player, he still deals 14 damage, same as before, but with a Brann in effect, he’d only deal 21 damage instead of 28. There are cards other than Brann that double battlecries, but Brann-Astalor has been the most prevalent. It was a problem before, and now there’s a new Brann so it’s a problem again. It would still be a powerful combo, just less powerful.

Yes, I know this doesn’t solve ALL the problems with Brann, but one fix at a time. I doubt this will be implemented since it would require more work than just changing a number, but I think it’s the best solution for fixing this interaction.

You also need to nerf other cards, the aggro paladin is much too strong, the zoo warlock is much too strong, the dh combo is much too strong, the druid is much too strong.

Personal opinion, you have to delete the entire miniset.