NERF the Wild Priest

When the wild priest combo fits well, the opponent loses on the third turn, the designers pretend not to see! This should have been nerfed a long time ago! (My guess is that this new set will have a card that eliminates this kind of priest deck.)


God I hope so! erojgwioehrgphoseldrbygbisleuriulgsyelu4rtgoblyweriougioubserlg there’s your 20 characters

Only your fail there are many cards that can counter him

…bleeeeee…blooooo …bleee… thisnis pap

You idiod , sorry… xdxxdxddxxd

You very retardddddd plssssssssss, go passisans cancer deck player. Thx broken normal players

Blizz need him for counter strong deck

i specifically run polymorph cards in my mage deck for this reason. also good against warlock. but yes, it’s still an uphill battle

i run life sentence for early game neptulons and mass polly for those jailer combos

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the deck is weaker they dont have blood of ghuun
on another thread i thought a new priest card was revealed and it turned out the OP was crying about an event with less than a month left to end

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The funny thing is that this isn’t even Wild Priest. The shenanigans with Neptulon are prevalent in Standard, too.

I speak for what I have experienced and the bullshhit is real…

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LOL can’t believe people still play wild, let alone constructed or arena. First time since the game launched I’m not buying the stupid pack 50% off advertisement. Constructed and wild is worthless, tempted to just disenchant the thousands I’ve spent on this game and just craft whatever needed at the moment.

Blizzard killed this game. I find it absolutely hilarious they still push mercenaries. Just admit you screwed it up and shut down that part of the game and just spend the dev time on battlegrounds.

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Oh, I’m not calling you a liar. Just pointing out that this deck is just as broken in Standard as it is in Wild.

baby cry: “NERF the Wild Priest…”
Why? OP? Ok play and be a legendary! Easy!? Or not? Im sure for you not…:rofl:

Simple question: Did anyone from the game balance team read the posts on this forum?! I think not!! Waste of time writing here! That’s the truth!! There are only players here!!

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You are correct! It is smiply not hard to balance it either. I do not understand why they do not!


Because it’s not a problem in higher ranks. Big rogue was a problem. So they nerfed it.

Actually big priest has yons of counters, but I agree with you it can be annoying af if you play a deck that can’t deal with the big priest.

But again like I always say, there are tons of cards that needs a nerf for example yhe card druid has that draws 2 cards for the rest of the game, this not only destroys the fun, it destroy alot of decks. So yea all in all over 30 cards i can think of needs a nerf, sire for example, Guff, Neptune etc

Does this use the Legendary weapon? Or just a bunch of dragons