Nerf tentacle decks please

Nerf these degen decks asap pls k ty <3

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Just play rainbow DK and don’t play anything for 5 turns and make them burn cards. it’s worked for against my shaman deck.

Or change your game mechanics to be not so obvious they are controlled when the game wants you to lose… There are 7 spells in the game which are 8 mana cost… and by “accident” I am getting crushed by Death of Wheel everytime since they killed Shroomscavate created by Tentacles… yeah… right… the game is not rigged… no… it is just your luck! Idiots… Did the game really need this “I win” card again? Absouletly no… How should I know if my tactic is working or not when the game can force me to lose such ridiculous ways more and more times in one row? Where is justice? Uther says always “For Justice… Justice will decide this…” No… there is no justice in this game… when ever the game wants to lose… then you will… and this has nothing to do with skills.

Sunset Voley is another joke… funny there 3 spells with 10 mana cost in the game but never saw cast the 3rd one… :smiley: sick joke…

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Technically, there’s 4 xD There’s also the DK one and the Mage one, but they’re not in the pool for some reason

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There is a neutral legendary that is only useful for this deck and the druid, do you really think they will be nerfed??

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Cry paladin!! Warlock hugs!!

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IT ALWAYS GOES IN THEIR FAVOR WHEN THEY ARE BEHIND! somebody is behind the scenes and knows when one person is behind and whenever a random card is chose or random spell it’s always in their favor. I’m going to start documenting this because it’s in every single game. Random my asx

I’m almost convinced that’s why they put random cards like that in the game. So you have a chance. It’s random it’s not suppose to be that way

Legendary spells are generally prevented from being cast randomly.

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If that is all you can say after read my post… then it was a waiste of time… this has nothing to do with cry… just READ it… troll kid… This is about the nonsense control of the game in unfair way and that is makes ppl mad and tired of this game… Yes I am Paladin… I play Paladin since Beta phase of the game… left for many years, returned 3 years ago and got 7800 Paladin wins atm, mostly D5 ranks with my own decks? I played Paladin tank in Wow for 7 years… What is your problem? I didn’t choose Paladin because I believed it was the best… I chosed it because I liked always it’s concept… this is the only class I play because I chosed that to master… Problem?

I also collect paladin because the class has always been strong in Hearthstone, I don’t collect it because of the fascination that the class brings. The only class that is fascinating is the mage but in this DAMN TCG, MAGE IS BADLY IMPLEMENTED! … The paladin got a GIANT nerf that killed the class in standard mode, because the paladin won no impactful legendary in the current meta, congratulations BLIZZARD always BALANCED THE CLASSES WRONG! Today I spent the afternoon playing RenoPaladin focused on the heroic power of the 9-mana hero, as new minions appeared that enhance the EXODIA PALADIN deck, around 20 games killing GENERAL in the stupid combo in wild mode.
If mage is weak or poorly implemented in Hearthstone, it’s because mage must be rubbish in World of Warcraft. I WILL NEVER PLAY WORLD OF WARCRAFT!! (Blizzard keeps giving me World of Warcraft seasons: I’m never going to install this damn game, I’m about to give up on this poorly managed TCG!!)

Rigged game is rigged. 'nuff said.

i agree, that decks is most anoying thing in the game :gorilla: :gorilla: :monkey: :monkey: :monkey_face: :orangutan: :gorilla: :orangutan: :monkey: :monkey_face:
new brann is like 3 mana cost tome of tampering for warlock :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull:

Every single tentacle deck is so weak that I would feel completely embarrassed if I ever lost to one.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha



Your understanding of the word luck is strong here

The game isn’t sentient

So, you are without skill?

Don’t you have any other comments about the rest of my post? Because highlighting some of it’s content does not cover it’s true meaning. They should atleast change the MM to not give the same class as opponent more than 2 times in one row… How about that?

I think I hit it all fairly well imo


dont worry the post he quoted was meaningless

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With no due respect. It’s a yogg saron strategy! For every symphony of sins those tentacles cast they could just as easily cast Myra’s unstable element and make them self destruct on the spot. RNG is RNGalanced