Nerf Seabreeze Chalice-Invitation Courier-Concierge

Nerf this Druid strat totally OP. 40 health to 0 with just 1 zero cost spell.

It’s actually multiple spells. It’d be pretty tough to get 38 spell damage to make your claim valid.

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At least the animation is quick and largely inoffensive. A gentle “splish splish splish” every other second or so.

Infinitely preferable to “Ka-BOOM… ka-BOOM… ka-BOOM…” followed by a second or two of arbitrarily picking one of their eight 1/1 charge weenies with “deathrattle: summon eleventy-nine more 1/1 charge weenies” to pop into whichever random minion of yours didn’t die. Then 55 years for another around of “Ka-BOOM” animations. Rinse and repeat 5 centuries, and if the rope (“rope” lol) hasn’t ended their turn, out comes the SECOND “Ka-BOOM”