Nerf Scavenging Hyena

Just because you keep losing to a tier 2 deck again and again doesn’t mean that it’s broken, buddy. I know it’s hard to accept. But the sooner you do the better.

Plus I’m sure you play something about just as “broken” if not even more yourself.

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A tier two deck that is one of the most popular in Hearthstone history while also having one of the strongest winrates in history.

Go away Hunter main.

No, but one of the decks that also makes cheap 1/1s (Even Paladin) actually boasts a positive winrate against Midrange Hunter.

Meanwhile, Odd Mage, Odd Warrior, Rush Warrior and Tempo Rogue all laugh at those Hyenas while still removing Hunter’s board.

There are ways to kill powerful minions. Removal is basically tech VS high-statted minions. I suggest looking into it, because it works.

I’m not “defending” the card from the perspective of someone who uses it - I only really ever touch Hunter for quests - I’m telling you as someone who regularly encounters the deck that
Hyena, while a powerful card in certain situations, is NOT an immediate game-ender.

Yes every Paladin ever draws perfectly into Hunter and will always have an answer it’s totally fair they instantly lose if they don’t.

Must happen consistently if the deck is boasting an overall positive winrate against Hunter in aggregate data. Sure seems to take less than “perfect” draw, because it doesn’t happen quite that often.

I think maybe you just need to calm down and realize it isn’t as ridiculously broken as you think it is.


Yes, you’re right. One of the strongest. Out of a dozen other decks on the same tier. And also the cheapest. Hence its popularity.

Well, considering what kind of a sad and hopeless case you’re, sure. I will. Why did I even bother. You’re just waste of time.

So, you just keep doing what you do best and cry more. :slight_smile:

Don’t bother with him. He lost. And that’s all that matters to him. Facts and data be damned!

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Why are you all bothering with this dude.

Hes clearly trolling. Hard. His posts ignore data, ignore what he replies to, are short and inflammatory AND he leaps into insult most of the time.

Dude isnt looking for logic, or debate. I dropped out the second I could acknowledge what it was.

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But you are ignoring what happens to Hunter’s win rate if Hyena survives for more then one turn. Weird how some data apperently counts for more then others huh?

Honest answer? Because I’m at work waiting for a tote of polymer to fill up and it’s close enough to done that it isn’t worth walking away and doing something else, so here I am on my phone lol


Alright then, well…might as well have some backup.

Hyena is fine. Stop playing trash.

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All data is counted together.

You’re cherry picking an outcome. We are following the average of all outcomes. One of us has an entire picture. The other sucks at analysis.


And yet acting like everyone will always have a Hex/Poly tier of removal for a 2 drop minion isn’t cherry picking at all

Neither will the hunter always have hyena plus springpaw.

Your answer requires 1 card. Their combo requires 2. Let’s see if you can handle the basic math behind which outcome is more likely.

(Cliff notes: fewer is better)

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Every class has a one card answer to it now? Jeez even more cherry picking and assumptions. It’s almost like everyone is trying too hard to defend an overpowered card…

I’ve already listed cards every class has to do so. As well as a silly neutral option.

There are several, and a rather stupid number of neutrals which do so in reality. Even more of we take the new expansion into account.

Literally, unquestionably, and without any pause…

(And had access to neutrals to boot)

Wat do i do when Hunters coin Hyena turn 1 and adapt +3 health on turn 2 with Razormaw if i’m playing non-zoo warlock?

Accept that nut draws happen.

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Are you asking how do address a 2/5 minion?

If it’s that common run corruption and eat 2 damage. You’re a warlock. You can stabilize fine.

Actually you’re right, not all classes have direct counters to it. In fact, Even Paladin (which doesn’t run Equality in any of it’s popular decks) provides fuel for it, and yet still has a positive winrate against it.

It’s almost like you’re trying too hard to make something that you lost to out to be overpowered when in most circumstances it isn’t…


That will work.


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