Nerf Open the waygate quest!

Why Take an extra Turn only costs 5?. Buff its mana cost.

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Either ban it or ban Rommath. They have banned far less toxic cards. Shudderwock needs to go too. Just like the Jailer.

Designed by devs who have zero concept about balance. They get so happy with themselves that they don’t care. “Look how smart and creative we are.” But they’re not either of those things.

Season after season they come up with stupid meta, don’t balance and this game is going to hell. Microsoft spent billions for this company. They need to step in.

Against a fast aggro deck this mage is useless :+1:

The A.I. won’t put you up against something if you have a 100% way to defeat it unless it determines that play has won to many games and needs to lose one.
Example. Get druid jade golems 100 times in a row. Put geist cards in your deck which breaks that build.
Now you will never get a jade golem druid again and you will have two useless cards in your deck.
Get roge with magic weapon 100 times in a row…so you put weapon stealer and destroyers in your deck. Guess what the AI will never put you up again a roge magick weapon deck again. Now you have useless cards in your deck.

What’s the center of the earth look like? I figured I’d ask since you’re digging such a deep, deep hole.

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They missed the boat among others. Bans make little sense at this point. Took years to adjust big priest as an example. It failed. Move towards other games.