Why did you allow mages to cast 10 mana spells on ROUND 4? Are you all that blind, do you not TEST your cards?


They did test it, most of the devs were laughing at it

They knew exactly what they were doing


The game is not designed to competitive some/all the time. If you get highrolled just concede and move on.

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I donā€™t really think so.

I mean, letā€™s say some dude is out of shape, and when you press him on it he says ā€œI exercise!ā€ But the exercise heā€™s talking about is power walking through Walmart once a week to buy a case of soda. I mean, yes, technically thatā€™s more than zero exercise. But itā€™s not enough.

Thatā€™s how I imagine Hearthstone devs ā€œtesting.ā€ Did they play more than 0 games with the cards before releasing them? Yeah, probably. But I bet that their decks were built very poorly and that the number of games didnā€™t break into three digits ā€” and I mean for the entire expansion, not just BSM.

They donā€™t really test this stuff before it comes out. Only kinda sorta. And more for bugs than for balance.

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Heā€™s hereā€¦ I can sense itā€¦

John Cena?

Wait, why is this an issue? Iā€™ve been doing this for months.

Unlessā€¦ you, waitā€¦ you donā€™t main a druid, do you? Well thereā€™s your problem! Come join us, itā€™s fun times with infinity manas and weā€™re better mages than mages ever were.


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Iā€™m not sure we can be friends anymore.

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Yeah, thatā€™s clear just looking at the bugs cubicle had on launch.

If it ate a Zilliax it summoned vanilla 0/0s. If it died by being poofed by Reno style effects, it kept going after deathā€¦

Like, both of those should have been pretty commonly tested things.

Having bugs isnā€™t proof they donā€™t test. They may just do bad testing; or bad assessment of reports; itā€™s even very common to know there are bugs and still not miss a deadline.

I mean they obviously test; we shouldnā€™t even discuss it; the only real question is: do they do enough testing and enough assessment and enough bug closing?

Probably unrelated, totally, to the topic, except to this:

2 days ago I was playing on mobile a bit, and I remember playing a minion and it was invisible, like I didnā€™t even play it but tossed it in a graveyard somewhere

I couldnā€™t attack with it, no way to grab and do anything with it; but funnily enough, I could buf fit with 2 mana 3/3 deal 3 to yourself somehow

Still couldnā€™t do anything with it and I just lost

Hearthstone is going down the toilet and everyone knows it. Probably only has 1 year left before it closes its doors.

This mini-set is the most WORTHLESS ever (by many people) and they AGAIN allowed really dumb cards to be released and not nerfed (MAGE).

They are just MILKING the whales and laughing all the way to the bank right now.


:rofl: no

Game will keep going until Millennials are dead, completely regardless of game quality


Three off-topic, low-effort rage bait posts within minutes of each other across three separate threads:

At this point youā€™re just getting ignored.