Nerf Kabal Crystal Runner and Contract Conjurer

Why so much HP and attack on these cards than can be summoned at turn 3?. Nerf them already devs, they were OP since the start and still here.

i don’t really understand why they buffed kabal crystal runner to 6/5 from 5/5 when they buffed old cards. It was seeing tons of play at 5/5 and was a great card already.

Are you crying about this?? I’m only facing a highlander warrior with the permanent effect of doubling war cries, the opponent will always generate two copies of Astalor’s evolutions and each Astalor will deal 21 damage to your face, and the opponent still puts those minions back in hand ! You are crying for nothing!!

The mage cards are horrible in this new miniset, and Blizzard wants to sell Jaina’s hero skin, that trash character!

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The funny thing is that you act like the people who are behind the hero skin had any kind of communication whatsoever with the people behind the card design. Bro, the ones who made the new Jaina were only told the general expansion theme, they didn’t know about the six mana spell. All the hero skin artwork and voice lines were created months ago.

They still choose to sell it and make it? even if it’s different parts of the time they are managed and lead by the same people?

It’s not like they’re going to not sell it after they’ve already paid for the artist and they’ve already paid for the voice actress. That isn’t a choice, they’ve GOT TO sell it. Do you think hero skins just grow on trees?

Yes they kind of do considering how many they can pump out, and it’s less about them doing the skin and more about them not planning and making a deck type viable for mage.

Well, obviously they can either succeed or not succeed at making viable deck types, but playtesting is, for the most part, a myth. If you work for a game developer to playtest, your job is to find bugs, and your job is emphatically NOT to predict what the future meta is going to be. They are likely to fire you if you mention balance at all because they just want you focusing on bugs. Playtesting for balance purposes, that is, enough to actually know the future meta as opposed to armchair guessing at it, takes way too much time and there isn’t such a thing as a game developer that can afford that much money to pay people to play video games. That’s why they have beta tests and early access, to get people to do the job of balance testing for free. But Blizzard doesn’t do that for expansions.

Blizzard doesn’t balance test at all, and if I was in their shoes I wouldn’t balance test at all either. It’s not an actual occupation. I’d just design cards randomly and hope they’re okay, which is what Blizzard does, and then when they aren’t (not if, but when) I’d balance patch two weeks after literally every release, which is what Blizzard does.

I play this TCG for the effects of the cards and not for the art, if this game had bad graphics it wouldn’t affect me, but this TCG is creating cards with GARBAGE effects or only a few classes get cards with very good effects! My collection here is big, which stopped me from wanting to start all over again in another TCG, but this DAMN game is motivating me to abandon it definitively!
I had added a friend and I liked talking to him, he said he couldn’t stop playing this DAMN GAME and it was disturbing his daily life, do you know what he did?!

He disenchanted all the cards on his account!

He said that to me, I froze when he said that! (Just doing this to stop this DAMN game!!) On the 5th of this month I already reached legend, I think it’s a game just to do the missions in one day, once a week and get out!! I’m playing the games that Epic Games gave last year, last Christmas, New Year and this week. Epic Games spent a year giving away games for free, every 2 weeks! It’s much better to play the games that Epic Games gave than to be stressed about poorly managed TCG!

You are here in this very moment because you thoroughly enjoy being STRESSED OUT! I can tell by the way you make sure every other sentence has a word or two in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS and an obligatory EXCLAMATION POINT! If you honestly believe what you wrote, then I wouldn’t be reading your post and you wouldn’t be reading mine! But you are here ANYWAY, because you believe that it’s better to complain on a forum about a poorly managed TCG than it is to play the games that Epic Games gave.

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I suggest therapy

It’s at the point I don’t have to look who started the thread for me to know it’s you

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What games have they developed worth playing?

I think Epic Games is better than Blizzard, I’m one step away from uninstalling this DAMN unbalanced TCG!! This Blizzard gave me 4 World of Warcraft expansions, I accepted, but I never installed anything, I only played Hearthstone… and now I play very little, in short it’s a rubbish game, the team that makes the game doesn’t read the official forum and they don’t care about their users, about their own audience, say goodbye to Duels/Mercenaries/Classic Mode… I think that in general there are a lot of stupid fan boys who don’t see that the game is dying!!

Epic Gamer better than Blizzard! (I don’t care about any of you, I’m Brazilian, one of the few… it’s a rubbish and expensive game!! )

I feel like they may as well unnerf corridor creeper at this point, no?

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