Nerf Hunter Quest

A new example of something that I feel falls into this category is the new Priest deck that uses Switcheroo alongside Deathwing and Twin-fin Fin Twin to dump two 12/12s with Rush, often on turn 3 or 4. There are some consistency issues with the deck, like having to draw Switcheroo while not drawing any other minions, but it’s an extremely tilting experience for people, and is just really broken imo. Regis did it 4 straight games in a row (3 on turn 3 and 1 on turn 4), so it’s not incredibly inconsistent, either, especially with Dredge cards that can help you control your next draw (either helping you find Switcheroo, or ensuring that one of the minions isn’t your next draw). From what I hear, it might be even more broken in Wild, too. That’s the kind of thing that deserves a nerf even if it’s right around the 50% winrate at the moment, because the game being decided that early is just absolutely absurd. Just my subjective opinion, but one that I imagine a lot of people will share.

Still proving you actually haven’t read the thread.

From the author and spammer of “muh feels” strawman posting the entire thread.

And of course, the typical storming off in a righteous huff of indignant anger because the lies, etc have been consistently called out.

I love the passive aggressive “if you make another post, I’m soooo right!” attitude from someone who literally hasn’t taken the time to actually form an actual cogent response to the positions of the people of the thread, and dismisses and categorizes them all as “muh feels.”

They aren’t just keywords, they add new mechanics to the game; you’re just talking semantics as to which you’re willing to accept as such. It follows a long line of additions (lifesteal, reborn, etc) that changed the mechanics of the game.

I did use the adjective “major”, but I’m not going to argue the point further. We classify things differently, it seems. You do you, it’s a subjective threshold, I’m not bothered if you view it differently than I do. shrug

And like lifesteal, reborn, etc dredge adds an entirely new mechanic to the game. It adds entirely new deck strategies, play styles, combos, etc. That is major, but if you don’t see it that way, fine.

I probably could have phrased it better, but I’m blanking on ways that I could have actually done so. I’m out of my pain meds at the moment due to some insurance BS, so I’m definitely dealing with some serious brain fog and dont mind conceding that I might have been too ambiguous. New keywords happen during every expansion as a routine thing, so I was thinking about broad sweeping changes that we rarely see occur. Things out of the expected status quo for Hearthstone.

I get what you’re saying; it’s just both are major changes. HKs from Alterac were another major change, and each class got a different iteration of how that played out for them. Sure, it’s “keywords” but new keywords implements fundamental and significant (major) changes for the game.

Sorry about the pain med thing: soulless insurance/healthcare megacorps are the only thing worse than standard megacorps, topped only by politicians.

Hope they pull their heads out of their you know whats and get you refilled soon. Until then, hope you can take it easy.

Another pause in the game , will return when hunter is nerfed . It´s impossible and frustrating to play this way. Hunter 60% win rate against almost all decks , thats impossible.

That’s just not true. But if you want to make the claim to justify you taking a break from the game, then do what you need to do. I suspect it will be nerfed with tomorrow’s balance patch. I’d bet on 2 nerfs to Quest Hunter. It’s objectively unwarranted based on actual data. Instead, it’s based entirely on emotional reaction from players. So I disagree with the nerf, but I think it will happen.

Now if they change it to 2/3/2 as some people have suggested, I’d like to see them tweak the reward to “For the rest of the game, your HP costs 0.” That way you’d have the Tavish hero as a late game play. It helps offset the slowdown of the additional quest requirement and turns the HP into something that puts minions on the board, which also helps satisfy the big complaint that the deck isn’t interactive enough because it doesn’t play minions. Remember also that Drek-Thar is likely to get smacked down, which will likely push Quest Hunter to an even more spell heavy composition.

subjectively unwarranted based on your feelings. Which, as we all know:

Because of your emotional reaction from players pointing out issues with it. As well as calling for buffs based purely on emotional reasons.

data doesnt have feelings…

Calling auto “data” is rude.

