Nerf dks in arena

Been playing arena a lot lately and it seems 9/10 opponents are DKs, and for obvious reasons. theyre so much stronger than any other class. I can’t really point to one specific card unfortunately. The strongest off the top of my head is Sticky Grimwalker, give an undead poisonous after you summon it. It is too good in arena. But removing that won’t fix them.

they removed that
if still not fixed then idk

I have been playing a lot of Arena as well. Facing a super high ratio of a particular class in Arena occur for two reasons:

1). It’s one the best performing classes in the format.

2). Super-drafters retire unplayed drafts while looking for a god-mode-draft to play.

Think about it. There are 11 classes in the game and a player can only choose between three random classes for a draft, so if you are facing one particular class more than 60 percent of the time that means that a lot of players are simply abandoning drafts which are not one of the best classes to play.

I played some matches yesterday with Sticky Grimwalker and ya it’s brokenly impactful.

With DK my wins often come from cards like Lord Morrigar and The Scourge, because even though these are Legendary cards, it’s not that hard to discover them as a DK.

DK has a lot of cheap single target removal, (some of which summon small bodies with rush or allow the discovery of another DK card), which gives the DK the reach it needs to solve problems in a timely fashion. DKs also have access to a lot life gain, and some life gain or armor gain is currently almost a necessity Arena. Sticky minions, because of reborn, are quite helpful too.

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I’ve gone 8 runs since this post and haven’t had DK offered once, but everyone else is still DK. Which just makes it that more obvious DK needs a serious nerf, because obviously all other classes are just losing. I’ve been keeping my eye out for other problem cards yes, to reply to Zee almost every single removal they have is double value, gives them bodies with rush or other value such as excavate. I haven’t seen Sticky Grimwalker in a these runs so I think it was successfully removed. The next biggest problem is “Runes of Darkness” discover a weapon, spend a corpse to give it +1/1. This doesn’t sound that amazing but combine it with DK weapons and its broken. I literally just lost to guy who got back to back 6/4 frostbournes. And thats the second out of 8 runs that happened. Theres also the 6/3 lifesteal weapon.

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