Nerf Deepminer Brann

Make this card neutral, so everyone can beat the warrior and be happy in the game!

Look at the combo of this Highlander Warrior deck:
(It puts up to 6+6+6 = 18 opponent cards out of the game, no warlock card does anything like it!)

And at the end of the game he generated several copies of Astalor, and summoned Astalor, the Flamebringer dealing 28 damage and it’s still buggy!! Stupid game!! It was supposed to do 21 damage, I would stay alive for one turn!! Congratulations to whoever created this unbalanced card just for the warrior!! (Microsoft is missing one more person to be fired!!)

There is no pro player playing mage today!! Stupid and stressful game!! Congratulations!! The most incredible thing is the game offering me Jaina’s 3D skin, if the class is rubbish in rank today, who is going to buy this rubbish?!


The game is already extremely stupid and the players are demanding even more stupidity, hearthstone players are really stupid.

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I can relate to that!

Also, that Warrior deck made me laugh last night when I got beaten by it for the 1st time. He literally emptied my board, hand and deck and left me with nothing.

I was stunned for like 10 seconds, couldn’t realize what hit me. Like, why at that point am I still even alive? I felt like the game is mocking me. You leave me with absolutely nothing but an option to end turn until I die or surrender?

I mean, just get it over with, make it so that when you’re left without any cards anywhere it’s insta-defeat.


at least you can use the piece of sheet to cry into. lol

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That’s never going to happen.

Look at you being all witty. Made me laugh :slight_smile:

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I just want to delete hearthstone because of this, why this card still in game :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

There are MANY MANY cards that need to be nerfed, but you can’t nerf them without destorying a class (look at Paly)…

These devs overtune cards make a class WAY OP, then over correct (nerf) and make them one of the worst afterwards.

Paly was way to over tuned, but they went TO FAR and now they are not that good… Now DH is over tuned and they will nerf it eventually and DESTORY it.

WHY? Because the devs have no actual clue what they are doing in terms of balance… They never have nor will they ever.