Nerf Contract Conjurer

6/6 for a card that could cost 0 and you cant kill if they have Counterspell or Objection up. If they have both plus Cabalists you are dead. Just nerf Secret Mage. What are you waiting for.

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I simply suggest only the following changes:

  1. Contract Conjurer | Old: [6 Mana] 6 Attack, 6 Health. / New: [5 Mana] 4 Attack, 6 Health.

  2. Kabal Crystal Runner | Old: [6 Mana] 6 Attack, 5 Health. / New: [5 Mana] 4 Attack, 6 Health.

Phen you can’ t demand that every card that counters your deck get nerfed.

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Go away already

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Any Big minion deck kills this mage’s secret deck. Reno Control also wins as a secret deck.

Yeah, I know you guys just love to point out how nothing anyone says here matters at all unless it’s an official Hearthstone maker, but people DO have ideas and people DO have feelings and FEELINGS MATTER! Stop being so crude and rude and mean to everyone. JESUS CHRIST!

Jessus , is this the biggest issue of HS ?

People do have feeling sure and it is nice to respect them
But how do you deal with people that express their feelings by spamming the forum with threads requiring the devs for nerfs on what seems like every single deck they lose against ?

This month only they created 21 posts for that
And they aren’t the nicest. Sure they’r enot the worst, proof is they didn’t get banned. But the replies you see here are just at the level of OP

“Just nerf X ! What are you waiting for ?” is just as rude as “you can’ t demand that every card that counters your deck get nerfed”

Before I say calm down, I’ll say check this guy’s history. All they do is spam the forum with nerf this, nerf that. Not to mention the way they go about it and what they say.

Now, calm down