Mysterious Stranger Change (Worst nerf in history)

i said asia is infested in bot [point 1]
to the point i play mercenaries in america [point 2]

you will understand if you split the text.
you are picking a fight out of no where.

Point 1 and point 2 were not seperated. They were in the same sentence.

they stand corrected.
you are the one assuming the bot is in mercenaries despite i never indicate where it is.

edit : sorry if some of my text went overboard and provocative.
i am kind of annoyed when people keep assuming something.

I did indicate where you did.

You didnt separate/clearly identify the 2 points you were trying to make in the post I was referring to.

You have implied, to a native English speaker, that Mercs on the AP server is infested with bots.

You have cleared that up now, so I will walk away, but you were absolutely unclear initially.

sorry for the bad response,
kind of annoyed when people keep assuming something and they keep bringing up their assumption despite i already clearly stated my intention.

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No probs.

I didnt assume, you implied.

Gonna leave it there as its all cleared up now.

I too apologise.

Edit: And, like I said, I totally respect your ability to speak/type my native language. I couldnt yours, I am 99.999% sure of that. So dont take it too personally.

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After playing a couple of days post nerf, I think it didn’t change much, sure they decreased MS appearence in low level bounty, but they increased in level 30 bounties

I’m getting MS 4 out of 5 times farming winterspring, i have a core team to carry until the random spot, usually it’s 2 or 3 fights only (when I get a 4 fight path I retire)

You don’t need to finish the bounty, only reach the random spot

It became slower to farm tasks, but not much more, overall I’m fine, I think people are overreacting too much

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I told you it was an exploit.

Y’all just raged because it was source for easy advantage.

Such an obvious loophole and a mistake by the devs. Clearly not intended and bound to to patched.

I get the intent behind this. Spending large portions of your time in the mode replaying utterly trivial content that is neither challenging nor interesting is a terrible way to have people playing the mode. Not wanting people doing this is understandable. Where this change completely failed is that it doesn’t address why people are doing this in the first place and is why this change has been a complete failure.

People were farming air elemental because they needed tasks to progress their mercenaries and get their best equipment a lot of the time. They were only giving people 4 tasks per day picked randomly from among the mercs you had regardless of whether you played them at all or not. This was a grind that not even paying money could get you through because you needed to randomly roll into the task 7 different days to get it. Even for the super whales this was the case. For free players it’s so much worse because they also need tasks as the best way to get new mercs in addition to unlocking equipment.

If they want players to engage with the more interesting content in the mode then they should make that stuff more rewarding. Instead of tying equipment to tasks tie them to the bounties that reward coins for the merc so that your first clear of their normal bounty gives you the task 2 equipment and the first time clearing their heroic bounty gets you their task 7 equipment. Let’s compare a heroic bounty to a single task 1. I’ll use Jaina as an example

Requirement - Use her starting ability a certain number of times
Reward - 50 Jaina coins + 20 coins for someone at random

Heroic Garr (the bounty that gives Jaina coins):
3x 33% chance at getting 10-30 Jaina coins
1x 1/6 chance at getting 10-30 coins for one of your mercenaries in your party
1x chance at getting 10-30 coins for a random merc

On average the heroic bounty will give a bit more coins than the task 1 but is so much more random in what you get. 50 coins for the merc you want is extremely rare from a heroic bounty so why would anyone do that over this task. The comparison becomes even sillier the more tasks you complete. Do you want 70 coins for a merc of your choice + 50 coins for two other mercs (sometimes the same one twice) or do you want the rewards of a heroic bounty? Now add into that the high level heroic bounties are way harder and more time consuming than completing these tasks. Tasks have some randomness but you get so many that you’re bound to get enough lucky rolls to pick up a bunch of mercs if you do enough of them.

The rewards for the bounties are a joke at the moment and no reasonable person is ever going to rely on those rather than tasks. If bounty rewards each gave 50-70 coins instead of the 10-30 coins they give now and each heroic bounty had at least one guaranteed legendary reward while also decoupling equipment from tasks then you’d see people stop looking for the easiest content to farm for tasks because that’s no longer the best way to gain power.

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People feel obligated to complete the content and collection is as little time as humanly or robotically as possible, but then complain of lack of contect.

you get 28 tasks a week given to you.

I think I can speak for “average players”, who have bought the beginner bundles (not preorder), and about 20 packs with gold. You will have approximately 40 mercs.
40 X 15 tasks = 600. 600 / 28 per week = ~21 weeks.

I don’t think 21 weeks is unreasonable to casually max out a collection of mercs.

What’s unreasonable is people’s obsession with finishing that in a single week, without spending a dollar.

Personally I find it tough to get all “free” tasks, and at least 3 PvP wins a day, AND my Hearthstone quests done in the time I have (if I don’t sacrifice sleep).

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People want to compete in PvP. In a competitive mode, even at low ranks, people care about having the best chance at winning so if some people are doing this hardcore grinding other people are gonna feel pressure to do that too.

It’s also 18 tasks per merc so it’s 40*18/28 which works out to just under 26 weeks which is half a year. People are not going to want to wait that long to be competitive in PvP. On top of that you can get day after day of lower reward tasks and/or tasks for mercs you don’t plan on using making things feel like they’re taking way too long to progress. If you’re just interested in casual play then that’s fine but to compete in PvP you need every edge you can get and waiting 6 months to do so isn’t reasonable when there’s a way to get that a lot faster

I’ll bet Blizz is regretting they allowed Standard Ladder to be climbed to Legend with cheap F2P quest decks.

They are recouping their losses in Mercenaries, by making the free heroes F tier, and the top-end P2W.

People need to relax a bit I think. If you want a game where you can access top level play upon installing the game, go play RTS or FPS honestly. This is like the worst possible format to be entitled in.


As soon as there’s a possible competitive aspect to it people are going to want to be the best at it or emulate the best at it to give the best shot at doing well. You’re never going to convince people to just relax and accept not being competitive in a competitive game.

People feel like something was taken away from them because it unquestionably was. This was something that for a few days they had a video advertising it in the launcher. They knew people were doing it, they put a video in the launcher that explains it then took it away from people with a bad explanation and nothing to replace it. People were doing this because they needed to do it to compete and now they have to replace it with something that takes longer.

The whole point of farming and improving your mercs is to actually perform better in PvP.

If not, what would be the point to improve your teams ? To grind the boring PvE content faster ? And for what reason would you want to do that ?

Ultimately I think it’s reasonable for people trying to get rid of the grind ASAP so they can enjoy the game.

That’s what I’m doing rn, getting all the mercs to at least task 7 done.

I think progressing IS the only fun to the game.

No matter the meta, Hearthstone has the fun appeal in the flashy cards and voice lines, in addition to building a collection.

Mercs is just inanimate portraits knocking together, and the spells resolve very quickly and aren’t flashy and impressive (albeit efficient). You only get sound bytes on diamond back Legendaries…

There is some fun in being able to experiment with different comps for higher end PvE stuff that you can’t do without a lot of grinding either. I can’t just throw together an ice comp to go against heroic garr for example without a lot of grinding beforehand

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We got here our typical troll that want some reaction from the internet, commonly call attention wh*re. So here some attention for you my friend.

Now stop talking because obviously you know nothing about this mode.

i just want them to fix whatever is causing some people to d/c on pvp
yep i got the win but i want to play vs other players…but its seems something goes wrong when tryingn to start a game

i had several games end before they started

i mean before i even got to play a merc!

what’s your MMR ? perhaps they expected to play against a bot and instant conceded when they saw it was a real player.

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its low
was below 2000 at the time and im at 3000 now
and i didnt get to play a single game until i was at 3000