My Theory on Bliz Bots

Hi everyone.
I’ve played the game a long time and put in countless hours per day grinding away at the ladder, and I think I have the bots figured out.
I don’t think they aren’t bots per se, but are are pre-designed decks coded to always draw a card they can cast. I’m basing my theory around the DK bots I’ve enountered, and every single game they always seem to start with the same cards, EVERY GAME. At first I thought maybe they started with pre-generated hands, but the RNG discussions started me thinking…what if the Bliz-bots are tied into the same code that they use for the RNG somehow. If so, then the coporate hivemind would call them something besides ‘bots’, thus allowing Blizzard to deny the existence of their own autonomous accounts.

Just some food for thought.

I believe the bots are just collecting data on your decks/play pattern.
From my play through: i was playing elemental shaman, and i was winning around 50%, then i totally switched my deck to a big healing demon hunter, and i was kicking human butt, but all of a sudden i get a dk blizz bot, no biggie i take out the bot no problem x 4, then i played human mage and lost, now my next 5 matches were against mage blizz bot, and guess what i only won 1 of those five…

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I’ve played against the DK bots a decent amount. Some have certainly played the card Plagued Grain on turn 1, but most didn’t.

They also do random things - like boost your minions instead of their own. They are usually easy to beat as well. Boring